Open general export licence (international non-proliferation regime decontrols: military items)
Licence allowing the export of specified military items that come under the Wassenaar Arrangement.
This OGEL allowed, subject to certain conditions, the export of specified military items. It was created to reflect Wassenaar updates agreed in 2012. The Wassenaar Arrangement was established with the goal of promoting transparency and increased responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use (having both a civilian and military application) goods and technologies.
This open general export licence (OGEL) has been permanently revoked. As all the decontrolled items in this OGEL have been incorporated into the UK Military List (Schedule 2 of the Export Control Order 2008), there is no further need for this licence.
Updates to this page
Published 1 March 2013Last updated 8 October 2015 + show all updates
Licence revoked as all of the decontrolled items are now covered by the UK Military List.
Licence amended to add Russia to the list of non-permitted destinations following the EU arms embargo.
Licence revised to reflect changes to the Military List.
Updated text in 'Conditions and requirements' to reflect new reporting process in connection with the transparency initiative.
First published.