Opposition policy costings: internal correspondence
Release of internal correspondence on the costing of opposition policies, relating to the 3 published costings (a jobs guarantee for young people, a jobs guarantee for those aged 25+, and achieving a current budget surplus by 2020/21).
- Any internal correspondence between officials and with special advisers, relating to the costing of opposition policies which have been published on GOV.UK, excluding the published notes themselves. This relates to the costing of: * the estimated cost to the Exchequer of creating a full-time job for six months paid at the minimum wage for all people aged 25 and over unemployed for over two years * the estimated cost to the Exchequer of creating a full-time job for six months paid at the minimum wage for all young people unemployed for over a year * achieving a current budget surplus by the end of the next Parliament (2020/21)
- The text of the original Freedom of Information request, the response to which was published on GOV.UK on 30 January 2014, and details of when the original request was received by the department.
- internal email correspondence about the creation and clearance of the published costings
- text of original Freedom of Information Act request and clarification of that request