Opra for EPR: Operational risk appraisal
How the Environment Agency regulates activities under the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR).
Applies to England
There are 3 tiers of environmental permit; they relate to how complicated the activity being permitted is.
The relevant section within the environmental permitting (EP) charges scheme will tell you if and how Opra applies.
Related information:
Updates to this page
Updated the 'Opra for EPR: Installations spreadsheet'.
Updates reflect the implementation of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2017
Environmental Permitting Regulations were updated in January 2017. 'Opra for EPR: How to complete an Opra for installations spreadsheet' has been updated to provide advice for operators who need guidance on what they do to calculate the correct application charge.
The Opra suite of documents have been updated for 2014.
First published.