
Oxford flood scheme: compulsory purchase order (CPO)

Updated 3 April 2019

This notice was withdrawn on

In 2019, Oxfordshire County Council identified that the A423 Kennington Railway bridge needs replacing.

The proposed design for the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme will need to be amended to allow for the redesign and replacement of the A423 bridge. Therefore, the Environment Agency have withdrawn the Compulsory Purchase Order application for the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme (OFAS).

The Environment Agency will submit new applications with the necessary amendments included. Replacement of the bridge provides an opportunity to design and build the bridge and the scheme together, reducing disruption and ensuring the best use of public money.

Read about the latest updates to the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme

A compulsory purchase order (CPO) is a legal process that allows land, property and rights of access to be obtained from a landowner when there is a compelling case that the land is needed in the public interest and can only be applied for where land or access is vital for a scheme to function.

It is standard practice when building a scheme of this scale to run a CPO alongside negotiating for ownership or access to land on a permanent or temporary basis. This provides assurance to communities and businesses at risk of flooding in Oxford that the scheme will go ahead, even if negotiations fail.

If you not been contacted by the project team about ownership or access to land, but think you should have, please email the project team:

More information on the CPO process and compensation can be found on the CPO system page.

If the planning application and CPO are approved, the team plan to submit the full business case for the scheme to government later this year.

The Statement of Case for the above scheme was submitted with the following core documents on 18 March 2019.

Core document list:

  1. The Order including its schedules and the Order maps
  2. The Statement of Reasons
  3. The Environmental Statement
  4. All objections
  5. Oxford Flood Risk Management Strategic Appraisal Report 2010
  6. Oxfordshire County Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2016
  7. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for Oxford 2010
  8. Thames Catchment Flood Management Plan 1 December 2009
  9. Oxfordshire County Council pre-planning response August 2017
  10. Oxford Flood Risk Assessment Initial Assessment October 2014
  11. Strategic Outline Case June 2015
  12. Outline Business Case June 2017
  13. Economic Review of Osney Mead Defences June 2017

Anyone affected by the CPO and who wishes to discuss the position regarding technical matters should contact the Environment Agency’s Strategic Engagement Manager – Helen Cukier by email to the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme Mailbox: