Oxfordshire housing deal
Outline of a housing deal for Oxfordshire.
Applies to England
On 22 November 2017 the government announced that Oxfordshire would receive up to £215 million of new funding to support their ambition to plan for and support the delivery of 100,000 homes by 2031, alongside a commitment to adopt an Oxfordshire-wide statutory joint plan by 2021.
This ambitious and comprehensive investment programme will help deliver sustainable development with a focus on quality of place and more affordable housing.
The outline agreement lays out the basic framework for the deal. It is further supported by the delivery plan and affordable housing grant parameters documents.
On 12 September 2018 the first of the planning flexibilities agreed as part of the deal was enacted by written ministerial statement. This has amended land supply policies for Oxfordshire whilst their joint statutory spatial plan is developed.
Updates to this page
On 12 September 2018 the first of the planning flexibilities agreed as part of the deal was enacted by written ministerial statement. This has amended land supply policies for Oxfordshire whilst their joint statutory spatial plan is developed. Added link to the statement.
First published.