
Packaging data file specification for extended producer responsibility

Updated 6 March 2025

This guidance explains how to compile and structure your data submission for extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

It covers the data you need to submit about packaging you’ve supplied or imported through the UK market.

It does not include information about how to submit nation data – this will be covered in separate guidance.

Packaging data you need to submit

You’ll need to include these 4 categories of data when you submit your EPR for packaging data:

  • packaging activity
  • packaging type
  • packaging class
  • packaging material and weight

For a detailed description of the different types of data you need to submit, read the guidance on how to collect your packaging data for extended producer responsibility.

How to submit your data

To submit your packaging data, you’ll need to create an account with the ‘report packaging data’ service.

If you are a large organisation, you can create an account and start reporting data from 16 August 2023.

If you are a small organisation, you should collect your data but do not have to report it yet.

Find out if you are a small or large organisation for EPR for packaging.

You’ll need to submit your data in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

You should include all the required packaging data in a single CSV file. You’ll be able to upload this file to the report packaging data service.

You should only submit completed data files. If you leave out any required information, the file won’t be validated and won’t be uploaded to your account. If you need to provide additional data, you should replace the previously uploaded file with a new version.

The data you submit should be as accurate as reasonably possible.

Deadlines for reporting packaging data

By 1 April 2025:

  • small organisations should report their data for all of 2024
  • large organisations should report their data for July to December 2024 

If you have not reported your data by the appropriate deadline, contact the environmental regulator.

Large organisations should report material already reported under the 2007 regulations for the whole of 2024. They will only report this once.

If you have not reported your data by the appropriate deadline, contact the environmental regulator.

Help creating a packaging data file

If you need help creating a packaging data CSV, you can use the ‘generate a packaging data file’ tool to:

  • generate a valid packaging data file.
  • check how your file should be structured before creating one yourself

You can also look at the packaging data example file to see how your packaging data should be structured.

Read more about using the CSV file format. This guidance about CSV files is aimed at government employees, but the sections from ‘Setting up your CSV file’ onwards contain useful general information.

How to structure your data submission

Table 1 shows the overall structure you should use for your data file.

Your CSV data file should include columns for each of the categories numbered 1 to 13 in Table 1.

Add a separate row of data for each packaging activity and each type of packaging you need to report.

Your data must start on the first row following the header row. Do not include blank rows.

For example:

  • if you supply 50kg of primary cardboard packaging under your own brand, you should report this on one row
  • if you also import 25kg of secondary cardboard packaging under your own brand, you should report this on a separate row

Look at the packaging data example file to see how your packaging data should be structured.

Table 1: Packaging data file structure

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
Description Value
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account. A 6-digit number with no spaces.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company. Alphanumeric entry. Maximum 32 characters.
3 (C) Organisation size
Obligated organisations are either small (S) or large (L). S or L.
4 (D) Time period for submission
The period covered by the data you’re submitting Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Classification of how you placed the packaging on the UK market. Use the relevant packaging activity code.
6 (F) Packaging type
For example, household or non-household. Use the relevant packaging type code.
7 (G) Packaging class
For example, primary, secondary, shipment or tertiary. Use the relevant packaging class code.
8 (H) Packaging material
The type of material used in the relevant packaging class. Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
Where applicable, the subtype of material used in the relevant packaging class.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).

Leave blank if it does not apply.
Give the name of the relevant packaging material subtype.
10 (J) From (country in UK)
The country in the UK that the packaging waste originates from.

Only for use with the packaging types CW (self-managed consumer waste) and OW (self-managed organisation waste).

Leave blank if it does not apply.
Use the relevant UK country code.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
The country in the UK that the packaging waste is sent to.

Only for use with the packaging types CW (self-managed consumer waste) and OW (self-managed organisation waste).

Leave blank if it does not apply.
Use the relevant UK country code.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
The quantity of each packaging material in kilograms. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
The quantity of individual packaging units.

Only for use when reporting on drinks containers.

If it does not apply, leave blank.
Use digits.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
The weight in kilograms of each packaging material that you wish to discount as material already reported under the 2007 regulations. If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

Data fields and codes

This section lists the different fields that you can report on for each category of data.

There is a code for most fields. Always use the relevant codes in your data submission. Do not use the field names.

Time period codes

The period covered by the data you’re submitting

Time period Code
January to June 2023 2023-P1
March to June 2023 2023-P2
July to December 2023 2023-P3
January to June 2024 2024-P1
April to June 2024 2024-P2
May to June 2024 2024-P3
July to December 2024 2024-P4
January to December 2024 2024-P0

2024-P0 should only be used by small organisations.

Packaging activity codes

You must categorise your data into the relevant packaging activities. This describes what your role was when you supplied the packaging through the UK market.

Table 2: Packaging activity codes

Code Name Description
SO Supplied under your brand Packaging for goods supplied under your own brand.
PF Packed or filled as unbranded Unbranded packaging you have placed goods into, for your own organisation or another organisation, as well as branded packaging you’ve placed goods into, for your own organisation or another organisation, if the brand owner is not a large producer.
IM Imported Some packaged goods you have imported and gone on to supply or discard in the UK, or of which you’re the ‘first UK owner’

Read more details on what types of packaging are included.
SE Supplied as empty Empty packaging you’ve made or imported and then supplied to an organisation that is not a large organisation.
HL Hired or loaned Reusable packaging that you hire or loan out.
OM Supplied through an online marketplace that you own Filled or unfilled packaging supplied to the UK market from outside the UK through an online marketplace you own.

Packaging type codes

You must break your data down into the relevant packaging types.

Read detailed descriptions of each packaging type in the guidance Packaging data: what to collect for extended producer responsibility.

Table 3: Packaging type codes

Code Name Description
HH Household packaging Most primary or shipment packaging is household packaging. This can include packaging supplied to a business.

Read a more detailed description of household packaging.

Do not include packaging that’s classed as single-use drinks containers. Report this under the packaging type HDC (household drinks containers) or NDC (non-household drinks containers).
NH Non-household packaging All secondary and tertiary packaging is non-household. Some primary or shipment packaging may be non-household, where you have evidence that this is the case.

Read a more detailed description of non-household packaging.

Do not include packaging that’s classed as single-use drinks containers. Report this under the packaging type HDC (household drinks containers) or NDC (non-household drinks containers).
CW Self-managed consumer waste Packaging waste recovered from consumers. This may include:

packaging waste recovered from consumers that you collect through a self-managed recycling scheme
reusable packaging waste you have recovered from consumers

Read a more detailed description of self-managed waste.
OW Self-managed organisation waste Packaging waste, which you have collected yourself on-site.

Read a more detailed description of self-managed waste.
PB Commonly ends up in public bins Packaging that commonly ends up in public bins.

Read a detailed description of packaging that commonly ends up in public bins.
RU Reusable packaging You only need to report reusable packaging, such as pallets, the first time it’s supplied.

You should also include reusable packaging in the household and non-household packaging that you report the first time it is used.
HDC Household drinks containers Packaging that fits the definition of household packaging but is also classed as single-use drinks containers.

Read about how to categorise drinks containers data.
NDC Non-household drinks containers Packaging that fits the definition of non-household packaging but is also classed as single-use drinks containers.

Read about how to categorise drinks containers data.
SP Small organisation packaging - all The combined total of all your packaging, excluding drinks containers.

For use by small organisations only.

For each packaging type you report on, you’ll need to break it down into other categories, including packaging class, material, weight and quantity.

The section ‘Packaging type reporting rules’ explains how to combine the different categories of data.

Packaging class codes

Packaging class provides more information about the type of packaging - for example, whether it is primary, secondary, shipment or tertiary.

Table 4: Packaging class codes

Code Name Description
P1 Primary packaging Packaging used to contain a single ‘sales unit’ to sell to customers.
P2 Secondary packaging Packaging used to group several sales units together.
P3 Shipment packaging Packaging used to ship single or multiple sales units to customers.
P4 Tertiary packaging Used to group secondary packaging units together while being transported or handled. Also known as transit packaging.
P5 Non-primary reusable packaging The combined total of secondary, shipment and tertiary reusable packaging.

Only for use with the packaging type RU (reusable packaging).
P6 Online marketplace total The combined total of all packaging supplied through an online marketplace that you own.

Only for use with the packaging activity OM.
O1 Self-managed consumer waste - all Total packaging reported under the packaging type CW (self-managed consumer waste).
O2 Organisation waste - origin Packaging waste you have collected yourself in each country of the UK.

Only for use with the packaging type OW (self-managed organisation waste).
B1 Public bin Packaging reported under the packaging type PB (commonly ends up in public bins).

Packaging material codes

Report the weight of the individual materials used in the packaging you have supplied. You must report each material type separately.

If you need to submit data for a material subtype, give the name of the material. There are no codes for material subtypes

Table 5: Packaging material codes

Code Name Notes
AL Aluminium  
FC Fibre composite A specific composite material, consisting of a layer of paper fibres laminated with plastic.
GL Glass  
PC Paper or card  
PL Plastic  
ST Steel  
WD Wood  
OT Other Any other material that is not listed here. You must also give the material subtype.

Other material subtypes

If you report the packaging material as OT (other), enter the name of the material you used in the packaging material subtype field.

For example, other materials could include:

  • bamboo
  • ceramic
  • copper
  • cork
  • hemp
  • rubber
  • silicone

UK country codes

The packaging EPR reporting codes for each UK country.

Table 6: UK country codes

Code Name
EN England  
NI Northern Ireland  
SC Scotland  
WS Wales  

Allowed packaging classes

This table shows which packaging classes can be reported under each packaging type.

Table 7: Allowed packaging classes

Packaging type Allowed packaging classes
Household packaging (HH) Primary packaging (P1)
Shipment packaging (P3)
Online marketplace total (P6)*
Non-household packaging (NH) Primary packaging (P1)
Secondary packaging (P2)
Shipment packaging (P3)
Tertiary packaging (P4)
Online marketplace total (P6)*
Self-managed consumer waste (CW) Self-managed consumer waste - all (O1)  
Self-managed organisation waste (OW) Organisation waste - origin (O2)  
Commonly ends up in public bins (PB) Public bin (B1)  
Reusable packaging (RU) Primary packaging (P1)
Non-primary reusable packaging (P5)
Household drinks containers (HDC) None  
Non-household drinks containers (NDC) None  
Small organisation packaging – all (SP) Primary packaging (P1)
Secondary packaging (P2)
Shipment packaging (P3)
Tertiary packaging (P4)
Online marketplace total (P6)*

* Online marketplace total (P6) should only be used when the packaging activity is ‘supplied through an online marketplace that you own’ (OM).

More detailed reporting requirements for each of the packaging types are given in the tables in the next section, ‘Packaging type reporting rules’.

Packaging type reporting rules

Data requirements vary depending on which packaging type you are reporting on. The following tables provide specific instructions on how to populate the required fields for each packaging type.

These tables follow the same structure as Table 1: Packaging data file structure.

Large organisations can use all applicable packaging types, except SP (small organisation packaging - all).

Small organisations should only use the following packaging types:

  • SP (small organisation packaging - all)
  • HDC (household drinks containers)

Household packaging rules

For large organisations only.

Provide this data for each packaging activity you report on. Report the total weight of each packaging material.

Table 8a: Household packaging rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to HH (household packaging).
7 (G) Packaging class
Use the relevant packaging class code.

Table 7 gives a list of the packaging classes that can be used for this packaging type.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

Non-household packaging rules

For large organisations only.

Provide this data for each packaging activity you report on. Report the total weight of each packaging material.

Table 8b: Non-household packaging rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to NH (non-household).
7 (G) Packaging class
Use the relevant packaging class code.

Table 7 gives a list of the packaging classes that can be used for this packaging type.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

Self-managed consumer waste rules

For large organisations only.

This packaging type does not need to be broken down by packaging activity.

Report the total weight of each packaging material on one line, and any transfers on separate lines.

To report self-managed consumer waste collection, place the value indicating nation of collection in column 10 (J) and leave column 11 (K) empty.

To report self-managed consumer waste transfer, place the value indicating nation of collection in column 10 (J) and the value indicating nation where the waste is being transferred to in column 11 (K).

Transfers are part of the total weight, not additions to it - if you produced 5000 tonnes in total and transferred 1000 tonnes of this to another country, you would not enter 4000 tonnes on one line and 1000 on another. You would enter 5000 and 1000 on the two lines.

The system will work out the difference between what was collected and what was transferred (to identify waste collected and not transferred).


If you want to indicate collection of waste without any transfer, then column 10 (J) must have a nation value and column 11 (K) must be empty. Column 8 (H) will tell you what material it is and column 12 (L) will indicate how much was it. All these must be on one row.

If you want to indicate collection of waste and some (or all) of it is transferred, then column 10 (J) must have a nation value and column 11 (K) must have a different nation to column 10 (J). Column 8 (H) will tell you what material it is, and column 12 (L) will indicate how much was it. All these must be on one row.

Table 8c: Self-managed consumer waste rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Leave blank.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to CW (self-managed consumer waste).
7 (G) Packaging class
O1 (self-managed consumer waste - all) is the only entry allowed.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Use the relevant UK country code.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
If the waste is transferred to another country, use the relevant UK country code.

If the waste is not transferred to another country, leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

Self-managed organisation waste rules

For large organisations only.

This packaging type does not need to be broken down by packaging activity.

Report the total weight of each packaging material on one line, and any transfers on separate lines.

To report self-managed consumer waste collection, place the value indicating nation of collection in column 10 (J) and leave column 11 (K) empty.

To report self-managed consumer waste transfer, place the value indicating nation of collection in column 10 (J) and the value indicating nation where the waste is being transferred to in column 11 (K).

Transfers are part of the total weight, not additions to it - if you produced 5000 tonnes in total and transferred 1000 tonnes of this to another country, you would not enter 4000 tonnes on one line and 1000 on another. You would enter 5000 and 1000 on the two lines.

The system will work out the difference between what was collected and what was transferred (to identify waste collected and not transferred).


If you want to indicate collection of waste without any transfer, then column 10 (J) must have a nation value and column 11 (K) must be empty. Column 8 (H) will tell you what material it is and column 12 (L) will indicate how much was it. All these must be on one row.

If you want to indicate collection of waste and some (or all) of it is transferred, then column 10 (J) must have a nation value and column 11 (K) must have a different nation to column 10 (J). Column 8 (H) will tell you what material it is, and column 12 (L) will indicate how much was it. All these must be on one row.

Table 8d: Self-managed organisation waste rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Leave blank.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to OW (self-managed organisation waste).
7 (G) Packaging class
O2 (organisation waste - origin) is the only entry allowed.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Use the relevant UK country code.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
If the waste is transferred to another country, use the relevant UK country code.

If the waste is not transferred to another country, leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

‘Commonly ends up in public bins’ rules

For large organisations only.

Provide this data for each packaging activity you report on.

Table 8e: ‘Commonly ends up in public bins’ rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.

OM (supplied through an online marketplace that you own) should not be used for this packaging type.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to PB (commonly ends up in public bins).
7 (G) Packaging class
B1 (public bin) is the only entry allowed.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
If this does not apply leave completely blank and do not enter a zero. Use digits only, in whole numbers.

Do not include the words ‘kilograms’ or ‘kgs’.

Reusable packaging rules

For large organisations only.

You only need to report reusable packaging the first time it’s supplied.

For reusable packaging, you should report data in line with the rest of your packaging data (which will be either from 1 January or 1 March). If you do not have all of the required data for reusable packaging from either of these dates, you should report from 1 July 2023.

As well as reporting it in this separate category, you should also make sure any reusable packaging is included in the household and non-household packaging that you report. When you do this, you can only report from 1 January and 1 March.

Table 8f: Reusable packaging rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.

The packaging type RU (reusable packaging) should not be used if the packaging activity is OM (supplied through an online marketplace that you own).
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to RU (reusable packaging).
7 (G) Packaging class
This packaging type must be broken down into the following packaging classes:

P1 (primary packaging)
P5 (non-primary reusable packaging).
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
Leave completely blank. Do not enter a zero.

Household drinks containers rules

For large and small organisations.

This packaging type does not need to be broken down by packaging class.

For large organisations

If you supply or import single-use drinks containers, report it under this packaging type if it also meets the definition of household packaging.

All drinks containers should be reported as HDC (household drinks containers) unless you have the necessary evidence that it is non-household packaging.

For small organisations

Report all drinks containers as HDC (household drinks containers).

Table 8g: Household drinks containers rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.

If the packaging activity is OM (supplied through an online marketplace that you own), you should not use the packaging type HDC (household drinks containers).

If you supply drinks containers through an online marketplace that you own, report these as HH (household) or NH (non-household).
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to HDC (household drinks containers).
7 (G) Packaging class
Leave blank.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.

Only certain material types can be reported for drinks containers. There is a list of the allowed packaging materials for drinks containers below table 8h.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
Leave blank.
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Enter the number of packaging units.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
Leave completely blank. Do not enter a zero.

Non-household drinks containers rules

For large organisations only.

This packaging type does not need to be broken down by packaging class.

If you supply or import single-use drinks containers, report it under this packaging type if it also meets the definition of non-household packaging.

All drinks containers should be reported as HDC (household drinks containers) unless you have the necessary evidence that it is non-household packaging.

Table 8h: Non-household drinks containers rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Default to L for large organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.

If the packaging activity is OM (supplied through an online marketplace that you own), you should not use the packaging type NDC (non-household drinks containers).

If you supply drinks containers through an online marketplace that you own, report these as HH (household) or NH (non-household).
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to NDC (non-household drinks containers).
7 (G) Packaging class
Leave blank.
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.

Only certain material types can be reported for drinks containers. There is a list of allowed packaging materials for drinks containers below this table.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
Leave blank.
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Enter the number of packaging units.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
Leave completely blank. Do not enter a zero.

Drinks containers: allowed packaging materials

The packaging materials that can be reported for drinks containers are:

  • aluminium
  • glass
  • plastic - only for use when the material used is polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
  • steel

‘Small organisation packaging - all’ rules

For small organisations only.

Provide this data for each packaging activity you report on.

Table 8i: ‘Small organisation packaging - all’ rules

(CSV column letter)
(CSV column header)
1 (A) Organisation ID
The identification number assigned to an organisation when they create an account.
2 (B) Subsidiary ID
An identification number assigned to a subsidiary by its parent company.

This field must be used by parent companies when reporting on behalf of subsidiaries. Otherwise, leave blank.
3 (C) Organisation size
Use S for small organisation.
4 (D) Time period for submission
Use the relevant time period code.
5 (E) Packaging activity
Use the relevant packaging activity code.
6 (F) Packaging type
Default to SP (small organisation packaging - all).
7 (G) Packaging class
Use the relevant packaging class code.

Table 7 gives a list of the packaging classes that can be used for this packaging type.

If the packaging activity is OM (supplied through an online marketplace that you own), the only packaging class that should be reported is P6 (online marketplace total)
8 (H) Packaging material
Use the relevant packaging material code.
9 (I) Packaging material subtype
If applicable, give the name of the packaging material subtype.

Only for use when the packaging material is OT (other).
10 (J) From (country in UK)
Leave blank.
11 (K) To (country in UK)
Leave blank.
12 (L) Packaging material weight
Enter the total weight of each packaging material in kilograms.
13 (M) Packaging material quantity (units)
Leave blank.
14 (N) Weight of transitional packaging
Leave completely blank. Do not enter a zero.

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If you have any questions, email the packaging team at