Parole Board Performance Data for 2020/2021
The Parole Board is publishing its Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21 in Autumn 2021. In the meantime, the Parole Board is pleased to publish its member biographies, performance data and register of interests.
The Parole Board is publishing its full Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21 in Autumn 2021.
Parole Board Performance Data for 2020/21
1. Completed paper hearings conducted by the Parole Board from 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by sentence type, review type and outcome

2. Requests for oral hearings conducted by the Parole Board from 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by sentence type, review type and outcome

3. Completed oral hearings conducted by the Parole Board from 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by sentence type, review type and outcome

4. Paper hearings conducted by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21, split between whether the hearing was deferred or completed

5. Completed paper hearings by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by outcome

6. Requests for oral hearings conducted by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by whether the request was granted or declined

7. Oral hearings conducted by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21, split between whether the hearing was deferred or completed

8. Completed oral hearings by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21, split by outcome

9. All hearings conducted by the Parole Board 2016/17 – 2020/21

10. All hearings conducted by the Parole Board from 2016/17 – 2020/21, by financial classification

Register of Management Committee Members’ interests
The below details any additional interests or personal relationships that Management Committee members may have with outside bodies or individuals which might, to their knowledge, conflict with the work of the Ministry of Justice and its Agency.
It also includes details of political activities, shareholdings and sponsorships as well as interests of close family members/people living in the same household.
name | interest held |
Caroline Corby | Chair of One Housing (1 August 2020 but a NED since January 2018), Board Member of the Public Chairs’ Forum (appointed November 2019), a Trustee of the JML Charitable Trust (appointed in May 2017) and Chair of the Professional Standards Authority (appointed 1 February 2021) |
Martin Jones | Board Member of the association of Chief Executives. Regional Vice-President of Association of Parole Authorities International. Acting Chair of the Association of Chief Executives (ACE). |
Ron McKeon | Tribunal Member of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, Director of Dexter Rowan Limited. |
Gary Sims | Discovery Schools Academies Trust Ltd, Venturezen Consulting Limited, Sims Property Limited, Venturezen Limited, Plexus UK (First Project) Limited, Omega Housing Limited, G And C Sims Limited, Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales, Shepherds Bush Housing Association |
Alan Clamp | Board member at the Chartered Insurance Institute, Governor at the Royal Latin School, Chief Executive of the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care |
Peter Rook | Associate Member Red Lion Chambers. Member of the Victim’s Commissioner’s Advisory Group Member of Advisory Council, The Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund |
Julie Dent | Chair of Colab, an Exeter based charity that provides services to homeless and vulnerable people including people in the criminal justice system in the community |
Maneer Afsar | Independent Member for GM Police Ethics Committee, Independent Member Judicial Appointments Commission, Independent member for West Midlands Police Crime Commissioner Misconduct Panel, Board of Trustees Inspire Community Trust. |
Cassie Williams | Head of regulatory at Bank House barristers’ chambers, Sheffield. Lead external examiner for advocacy at the Bar Standards Board |