
Review into the role of police and crime commissioners: letter from Kit Malthouse MP to PCCs (accessible)

Published 27 July 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Kit Malthouse MP
Minister of State for Crime and Policing
2 Marsham Street

All Police and Crime Commissioners

By email only

Wednesday 27 July 2021

Review into the role of Police and Crime Commissioners: Launching Part Two of the Review

I am writing to you today to set out our intention to launch Part Two of the Government’s review into the role of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). This Government is committed to delivering on the people’s priorities to cut crime. To help achieve this, last year this Government set out its ambition to strengthen and review the role of PCCs by launching a two-part Review into the role of Police and Crime Commissioners.

The first stage of the Review, which concluded last October, made recommendations to the Home Secretary on how to improve the accountability, scrutiny and transparency of the current PCC model. We also used the Review to map out our longer-term reform ambitions in relation to fire and rescue services and mayoral devolution in England. Recommendations from Part One of the Review are now being implemented, with support from you and other policing partners.

Part Two of the PCC Review will help us examine further ways to strengthen and expand your role as a PCC, with a focus on the tools and levers you need to enhance your efforts to cut crime.

In particular we will:

  • work alongside the Ministry of Justice and Probation Service to examine the role of PCCs in offender management aligned to existing operating models
  • consider the role of PCCs in the partnership landscape and assess whether their current set of tools and levers are sufficient to drive and co-ordinate local activity to reduce crime, combat drugs misuse and tackle anti-social behaviour. The Review will focus on Local Criminal Justice Boards, Community Safety Partnerships and Violence Reduction Units
  • as previously announced during Part One, we will also bring forward a stakeholder consultation on giving a general power of competence to PCCs, as afforded to Local Authorities

Alongside expanding the role of PCCs, we must also continue to build on the work carried out in Part One of the Review, ensuring there are effective local scrutiny mechanisms in place and that you continue to be accountable to the communities you serve.

We will therefore:

  • assess the Police and Crime Panel Model - specifically the potential benefits of independent members, identifying and securing the right skill sets and options to strengthen panel support
  • consider whether the existing mechanisms for investigating complaints and allegations against PCCs are sufficient and examine the role of the IOPC in assessing criminal wrongdoings by PCCs and the issue of vexatious complaints
  • work with the Cabinet Office and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government to consider the merits and demerits of introducing recall for PCCs for very serious breaches of behaviour, including what might be a suitable trigger mechanism
  • through Part Two of this Review and the upcoming Spending Review, the Home Office will examine how PCCs use data in holding Chief Constables to account for the efficient and effective delivery of policing services in their respective areas, including how data is fed into centrally-held databases and is utilised by the Home Office and relevant policing partners to reduce crime

As part of its work on the upcoming Victims’ Bill, the MOJ is considering the role of PCCs in enforcing victims’ right and commissioning support services. This PCC Review therefore will not examine these issues, but the Review team will work together closely with the Ministry of Justice to share any relevant information and ensure that the work is complementary and aligned. The full terms of reference for Part Two are attached to this letter, and a copy will be placed in the libraries of both Houses.

The Review applies to all PCCs, including Police and Fire Commissioners (PFCCs) and Mayors exercising PCC functions but does not extend to wider mayoral functions.

As with Part One, an Advisory Group will guide the work, comprising of senior external stakeholders with expertise in the policing and justice sector. Membership of the group will be adapted to reflect the scope of Part Two. Feedback from you and other experts in the sector will be crucial to inform any recommendations made through the Review. I would like to thank you in advance for the engagement and support I know you and your offices will provide through this next stage.

In the meantime, should you have any questions about the Review, please direct them through the APCC so that we can provide you with a coordinated response.

Kit Malthouse MP, Minister of State for Crime and Policing