Participation of young people: education, employment and training
Statutory guidance for local authorities on their duties relating to the participation of young people in education, employment or training.
Applies to England
This guidance is for local authority staff who are involved in or responsible for:
- the commissioning and delivery of education and training provision for young people aged 16 and 17
- promoting the participation of young people, and tracking and supporting their activity
Local authorities must follow this guidance when:
- carrying out duties related to raising the participation age
- promoting the participation of vulnerable young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- securing sufficient suitable education provision
Statutory guidance sets out what local authorities must do to comply with the law. You should follow this guidance unless you have a very good reason not to.
Updates to this page
Updated statutory guidance to amend out-of-date references and links.
Updated statutory guidance to reflect legislative changes and the relaxation of the requirement for local authorities to track 18-year-olds.
Added information about guidance review in 2015.
Updated information for 16- to 18-year-olds in the 'Participation of young people in education, employment or training' document.
First published.