
Scottish Government / DESNZ collaborative agreement on partnerhips between Great British Energy and Scottish public bodies

Published 17 October 2024


The Scottish Government and DESNZ have a shared objective in ensuring that Great British Energy (GBE) is set up to deliver effectively and maximise the benefits of its activities in Scotland.

Our joint objective is to secure investment in domestic priority supply chains and infrastructure to increase the pace of delivery of clean energy technologies, and maximise the economic benefits arising from this, including through creating jobs. GBE’s mission is to drive clean energy deployment, to create jobs, boost energy independence, and ensure UK taxpayers, billpayers and communities reap the benefits of clean, secure, home-grown energy, as set out in its Founding Statement. 

Developing partnerships with existing Scottish public bodies active within the clean energy sector – including Crown Estate Scotland, the Enterprise Agencies and the Scottish National Investment Bank – is a way in which GBE can deliver quickly and effectively, avoid duplication, and deliver maximum impact and value for money from Scottish projects. Scotland already has a strong pipeline of clean energy and supply chain opportunities, and is at the forefront of floating offshore wind development.

DESNZ and the Scottish Government will therefore explore opportunities for GBE to partner with these Scottish public bodies, as well as the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES). These partnerships will seek to deliver increased investment in the clean energy supply chain in Scotland and related areas of value, to support community and local energy, and to support parity between GBE’s activities in Scotland and those in the rest of the UK, recognising Scotland’s institutional landscape. The Scottish Government and DESNZ will continue to engage on areas of mutual interest as GBE’s activities and commercial models evolve to promote equivalent opportunities for Scottish public bodies, where organisations can work together to deliver joint objectives.

DESNZ and the Scottish Government will also explore how GBE’s activities support the delivery of priority supply chain and infrastructure development work already being undertaken in Scotland, and activity to support community and local energy in Scotland. Our work will help ensure that GBE’s supply chain work aligns with and enhances these activities, thereby supporting accelerated deployment of the existing Scottish offshore wind pipeline and other clean energy projects.

This agreement makes no changes to the devolved or reserved competences of either party, and this agreement will operate consistently with the devolution settlement.

Potential activities in scope

The following are potential investment activities which could be supported through a partnership between GBE and the Scottish public bodies:

  • the clean energy supply chain, including ports infrastructure, manufacturing and construction activities
  • land to support these activities
  • services that support supply chain development, such as digital
  • community and local energy projects


The clean energy supply chain includes ports and harbours, wider clean energy infrastructure, manufacturing, fabrication and construction activities.

GBE will be operationally independent, with the ability to make decisions on its own activities, within the legal framework set out in the GBE Bill, and respecting the Scottish Ministers’ devolved competences.

Where there is any formal collaboration between the Scottish Government and DESNZ on supply chain and infrastructure investment activity, this will be developed and agreed on a case-by-case basis bringing in other delivery partners as required.

Nothing in this agreement should be construed as conflicting with the Scottish Ministers’ devolved powers and functions which take precedence over this statement. This agreement does not create legal obligations between the parties.