Patent fact sheets
Use these fact sheets to assist you with your patent application
An application for a patent should include a full description of your invention (including any drawings), a set of claims defining your invention, a short abstract summarising the technical features of your invention and a filled in form 1.
Once you’ve applied, you must ask us to search your patent application to find out if your invention is new. Once the search process has finished there will be a first publication of your patent application.
Updates to this page
Patent factsheets: description updated.
Patent grant timeline amended.
Patent grant timeline updated.
Patents grant timeline has been updated and rebranded.
Patents grant timeline has been rebranded.
Patent grant timeline fact sheet updated.
Patent grant timeline fact sheet, Description fact sheet and Claims fact sheet updated.
Accelerated processing and filing abroad pdfs uploaded. New versions of publication, abstract, claims, description, search report uploaded.
Patents grant timeline added.
First published.