UK PatLib Network
The UK Patent Library Network provide users with local access to patent, trade mark, designs and copyright information.
The Patent Libraries (PatLibs), previously known as Patent Information Centres, have qualified and experienced staff who offer practical assistance on a variety of Intellectual Property Rights.
There are 25 libraries/information centres in the United Kingdom:
- Aberdeen
- Birmingham
- Brighton & Hove
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Cumbria
- Devon
- Glasgow
- Gloucestershire
- Hull
- Kent
- Leeds
- Liverpool
- London
- Manchester
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- Northampton
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Oxfordshire
- Portsmouth
- Sheffield
- Southampton
- Tees Valley
- Worcestershire
Updates to this page
Aberdeen Patent Library Centre phone number changed.
Oxfordshire Patent Library Centre added to the UK Patlib contact information.
Contact details and services available for Cumbria added.
Addresses, services available and contact details for; Worcestershire, Brighton & Hove, Kent, Tees Valley, Southampton, Gloucestershire, Bristol and Cambridgeshire IP centres added.
Telephone number for Portsmouth Patli changed to 02392 688058.
Brighton & Hove, Bristol, Cumbria, Devon, Gloucestershire, Kent, Southampton, Tees Valley and Worcestershire.
Details for Nottingham Patent Library Centre added.
Cambridge Patent Library, Business and IP Centre services section amended to a 'free 1 hour business and IP 1:1 (appointment only).
Updated contact information for Plymouth Patent Library.
Exeter details removed and Cambridge details added.
Details for Belfast Patent Library removed.
All the contact centre titles in the HTML have been renamed.
Details for Norwich business and IP centre added.
Manchester BIPC change of phone number.
UK PatLib contact information updated.
Aberdeen telephone number has changed.
First published.