Policy paper

PBIF and MEND evaluation framework report

The report outlines findings from the scoping and design phases of the evaluation. Identifies key evaluation questions, outcome indicators and evaluation method.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government



The report summarises the findings from the scoping and design phases of the Public Bodies Infrastructure Fund (PBIF) and the Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) evaluation, which have been delivered by Historic England on behalf of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). These are highlighted below:

  • Logic model: The report develops a high-level logic model that provides an explicit description and illustrations of how the outcomes and objectives of MEND and PBIF would be achieved;
  • Key evaluation questions (KEQs): The report establishes a set of KEQs directly addressing the various needs from the evaluation.
  • Outcome indicators: The report derived a provisional set of outcome indicators from the outputs of the scoping phase. These indicators represent data and evidence that can be feasibly gathered and recorded in order to answer the KEQs.
  • Analytical evaluation methods: The report explores which methods best answer the KEQs. It concludes that the evaluation is likely to be most effectively delivered using a mixed-method approach that combines elements of direct observation, quasi-experimental and a theory-based approach.

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Published 7 July 2022

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