PE19 5NX, Costain Group plc: environmental permit application
Published 13 September 2017
Applies to England
Details of the application
The Environment Agency has received a new bespoke application for an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 from Costain Group PLC.
Application number
Regulated facility type
Dewatering operation
Regulated facility location
Huntingdon Compressor Station
Bigrams Lane
St Neots
PE19 5NX
National grid reference discharge point
TL 11811 69049; TL 11827 69070; TL 11846 69106; TL 11863 69130
Receiving environment
Unlined grass plot draining to ditch system
Effluent type
Raw water
54 cubic metres per day
How to view the application
You can view the information on the Environment Agency register
Environment Agency
Public Register
Bromholme Lane
PE28 4NE
You can view the register from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Call the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 to arrange an appointment. You can ask for a copy of documents on the register. The Environment Agency may charge to cover copying costs.
How to comment on the application
If you have any comments on the application send these by 11 October 2017.
Or write to:
Environment Agency
Permitting and Support Centre
WQ Team
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF
The Environment Agency will normally put any responses it receives on the public register. This includes your name and contact details. Tell us if you don’t want your response to be public.