Pegasus West Development
Project Summary - This Environmental Statement was withdrawn by Spirit Energy North Sea Limited on the 13th December 2021.
Pegasus West Development - Spirit Energy North Sea Limited - 2021 - D/4269/2921
Key Dates
- Date Environmental Statement received by the department - 07/10/2021
- Public notice commencement date - 20/10/2021
- Public notice closing date - 22/11/2021
- Further information public notice commencement date - n/a
- Further information public notice closing date - n/a
- Environmental Statement Withdrawn - 13/12/2021
Environmental Statement & associated documents
- Summary of the Project – Received Date 07/10/2021
- Environmental Statement – Received Date 07/10/2021
- Public Notice – Received Date 22/10/2021
Further Information
- Secretary of State request for provision of further information –
- Developer response to Secretary of State request for provision of further information –
Further information public notice –
- Secretary of State notice under regulation 16(1) –
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent - Letter to the developer –
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent –