Pension Wise service evaluation 2017 to 2018: customer experiences and outcomes
This report presents findings from a quantitative evaluation of the Pension Wise service in the financial year 2017 to 2018.
This evaluation of the Pension Wise service looked at customer satisfaction, advocacy and the impact of the service in terms of:
- customers’ understanding of their pension options
- customers’ confidence in avoiding scams
- the positive steps customers are taking towards finalising their pension access arrangements
Findings from this research programme will be used to support future design and delivery of the Pension Wise service within the Single Financial Guidance Body.
Pension Wise commissioned Ipsos MORI to carry out the research.
Authors: Midge Clayton, Becky Lewis and Mary Buxton (Pension Wise) and Jayesh Shah, Daniel Pedley, Theebika Shanmugarasa and Dr Rebecca Klahr (Ipsos MORI).
Updates to this page
Updated the column headings of tables in the 'Knowledge of specific facts about pension freedoms' attachment to clarify what the data means.
Published ‘Knowledge of specific facts about pension freedoms’ for transparency purposes.
Added revised version of report. Changes have been made to: the executive summary – the percentage of customers satisfied with the Pension Wise guidance specialist’s knowledge rounds to 94%, and the percentage of customers satisfied with the waiting time on the day rounds to 92%, Section 4.2 and Figure 4.2 – amended to 3 months rather than one month, Section 5.1 – the percentage of appointment bookers citing pension providers as somewhere where they heard about Pension Wise is 53%, matching Figure 5.3, Section 7.1 – the first paragraph has changed emphasis to show the percentage of customers that have either withdrawn or made arrangements to withdraw money from at least one of their defined contribution pensions (50%), and the percentage of non-users taking an adjustable income is 30%, matching Figure 7.1, Section 7.4 – the proportion of 2016/17 customers saying that Pension Wise helped a great deal is 45% and Section 8.4 – among customers who have not taken any relevant actions, the proportion who are too busy is 41% and the proportion who want to talk to their pension provider first is 18%.
First published.