Performance Indicators
We use a number of indicators to measure our performance. These are split into input and impact indicators.
Input Indicators
Input indicators show what is being ‘bought’ with public money, i.e. the resources being invested into delivering the results that we and our partners are aiming to achieve.
- Number of premises covered per £million of broadband delivery programme expenditure
- Ratio of charitable giving (donations and sponsorship) to Grant-in-Aid for cultural institutions funded by DCMS
- Public Funding per Eligible Student at Schools Competing in School Games
- Progress towards delivery on time and to budget of Olympic and Paralympic Games
Impact Indicators
Impact indicators give information on the outcomes of our work. They reflect the quality and effectiveness of the programmes and priorities set out in our business plan and the impact they have on society. They provide a broad picture of performance, with a particular focus on whether fairness is being improved.
- Number of people directly employed in tourism in the UK
- Number of overseas visitors to the UK
- Total amount of Creative Employment in the UK
- Ofcom’s ‘European Broadband Scorecard’
- Total amount of charitable giving (donations and sponsorship) to cultural institutions funded by DCMS
- Total Visits to DCMS sponsored museums and galleries
- Proportion of children participating in competitive sport (per cent of 5-15 year old children doing some form of competitive sport in the last 12 months)
- Percentage of employees within medium and large organisations (over 150 employees) recognised as supporting “Think, Act, Report” on gender equality (Management information only)
A measurement annex for the DCMS performance indicators with further information can be found on the DCMS website.
Updates to this page
Published 5 August 2014Last updated 17 November 2014 + show all updates
Updated School Games, Broadband, and Think, Act, Report indicators
Updated to include latest competitive sport and tourism data
First published.