Performance points: comparing KS4 or 16 to 18 qualifications
An introduction to calculating the performance points for key stage 4 or 16 to 18 qualifications.
Applies to England
We use performance points to compare qualifications of different sizes and grading systems for schools and colleges in England.
Use this document to:
- calculate the points for a qualification
The document includes:
- intentions and limitations of the system
- qualification eligibility
- an overview of how points are calculated
- how to calculate a qualification’s size equivalence
- tables of 16 to 18 points for different types of qualifications
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Updates to this page
Updated 'Performance points: a practical guide to key stage 4 and 16 to 18 performance points'.
'Performance points: a practical guide to key stage 4 and 16 to 18 performance points' was updated.
We have updated the document 'Performance points: a practical guide to key stage 4 and 16 to 18 performance points'.
Updated with changes to qualification details and new decisions on inclusions.
Updated the guide in line with current performance tables rules.
Updated the guide in line with current performance tables rules.
Updated the guide in line with current performance tables rules.
Updated the guide in line with current performance tables rules.
First published.