Policy paper

Perry Barr and Witton flood risk management scheme

How the Environment Agency will reduce flood risk in Perry Barr and Witton.



This document explains the plans to reduce flood risk to approximately 1,400 properties at risk from the River Tame in Perry Barr and Witton, Birmingham, West Midlands.

Updates to this page

Published 14 January 2014
Last updated 1 February 2021 show all updates
  1. Latest news, scheme overview and timescales and community engagement information updated.

  2. Updated the timeline and latest news.

  3. Update on information in all sections.

  4. Updated to reflect Phase 2 of the Perry Barr and Witton Flood Risk Management Scheme.

  5. Link to autumn newsletter added and latest news section updated.

  6. Latest new section, construction update, scheme timescales and community engagement sections updated.

  7. Updated community engagement details and new document highlighting public drop in event

  8. Latest news and timescale sections updated.

  9. Date of the public drop in session on 16 September added, and traffic management in Brookdale Road.

  10. Construction on the Perry Barr & Witton Scheme has started. We've included a construction update.

  11. Update to the latest news and upcoming drop-in on 30 April in relation to phase 2 proposals

  12. Out of date documentation removed from page.

  13. Latest update, proposed solution and timescale information updated.

  14. Information about the proposed solution for the flood risk management scheme has been updated. New community drop-in event details also added.

  15. The Perry Barr and Witton flood risk management scheme Environmental Statement has now been published.

  16. The Perry Barr and Witton flood risk management scheme page has been updated.

  17. The Flickr album showing our ongoing work as a part of the Perry Barr and Witton flood risk management scheme has been published.

  18. Perry Barr and Witton Flood Risk Management Scheme consultation documents have been added.

  19. First published.

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