
Unpaid enhanced mobility: changes to PIP law from 30 November 2020

Updated 26 November 2024


In Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) considers your ability to move around.

Change to PIP law

The change in law relates to claimants over State Pension age and their entitlement to the enhanced mobility award.

This change in law follows a tribunal ruling on 22 May 2020 which identified an unintentional gap in regulation 27 of the Social Security (Personal Independence Payment) Regulations 2013.

DWP did not have the legal powers to restrict the mobility award for claimants who were in receipt of the standard rate of the mobility award and over State Pension age, on the grounds of new medical evidence. New medical evidence is a report from a health professional requested by DWP which recommended the enhanced rate of the mobility award.

DWP were only able to restrict the mobility award for claimants if a relevant change in circumstances was identified after they reached State Pension age.

Changes to PIP regulations took effect from 30 November 2020 to correct this unintentional gap.

What this means for you

If you think you may be affected, you can ask for your claim to be reviewed.

How to apply

Contact PIP and say you are enquiring about the ‘Regulation 27 administrative exercise review’.

You’ll need your National Insurance number. You can find this on letters about tax, pensions and benefits.


Telephone: 0800 121 6579
Textphone: 0800 121 4493
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 169 0310
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Find out about call charges

Or write to:

Mail Handling Site A
WV98 2EU

You should quote ‘Regulation 27 administrative exercise review’ and you must include:

  • your National Insurance number on each page your send us
  • your name and address
  • a contact telephone number

Help with PIP

You can contact a local support organisation or Citizens Advice to get help understanding PIP.