Research and analysis

Quarter 3 2023 report on the pesticide residues monitoring programme: findings by food in Northern Ireland and risk assessments

Updated 25 September 2024


For more information on the results, read the:

Fish (oily)

Samples tested

12 samples were tested for up to 39 pesticide residues.


3 samples were imported from outside the EU.


One sample came from the UK. 5 samples were imported from outside the EU,


2 samples came from the UK. One sample was imported from outside the EU.

Where no sea area information is available, the country of origin on the packaging does not necessarily indicate where the fish was caught or farmed. It could be where it was landed, processed or where it was packed for retail.

Pesticide residues detected from those sought

8 samples contained no residues from those sought. 4 samples contained residues above the reporting level. None of the samples contained residues above the maximum residue level (MRL). None of the samples were labelled as organic.

Risk assessments

The residues detected by the laboratory would not be expected to have an effect on health.

Combined risk assessments

None of the samples contained more than one residue, so we did not carry out a combined risk assessment. 

Additional comments by the Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF)


Two samples of salmon and one sample of mackerel contained residues of DDT. The use of DDT is banned or heavily restricted in many countries because these residues take a long time to breakdown in the environment and can accumulate in fatty tissue.

An interpretation of the analytical results shows that the DDT residue found was in the form of DDE which indicates historical use. In farmed fish, the residue may originate in fishmeal fed to farmed salmon rather than the local environment. More detailed information about DDT residues can be found in the Issues arising in this report section.


One sample of salmon contained residues of BAC. This substance is widely used as biocides (disinfectants) during food preparation and processing. This is the most likely source of the residue.


Samples tested

31 samples were tested for up to 40 pesticide residues.


10 samples came from the UK.


5 samples came from the UK.


7 samples came from the UK. 2 samples were imported from outside the EU.


5 samples came from the UK.


2 samples came from the UK.

The country of origin of samples may not be the same as the country where the liver was produced. It may be where the liver was processed, where it was packed for consumer purchase or the address of the brand owner.

Pesticide residues detected from those sought

29 samples contained no residues from those sought. 2 samples contained residues above the reporting level. None of the samples contained residues above the MRL. None of the samples were labelled as organic.

Risk assessments

The residues detected by the laboratory would not be expected to have an effect on health.

Combined risk assessments

None of the samples contained more than one residue, so we did not carry out a combined risk assessment. 

Additional comments by the PRiF


One sample of lamb’s liver and one sample of pork liver contained a residue of BAC. This substance is widely used as a biocide (disinfectant) during food preparation and processing. This is the most likely source of the residue.


Samples tested

21 samples were tested for up to 39 pesticide residues.

Cows milk

19 samples came from the UK.

Goats milk

2 samples came from the UK.

Pesticide residues detected from those sought

21 samples contained no residues from those sought. None of the samples contained residues above the MRL. 11 samples were labelled as organic. None contained residues from those sought.

Risk assessments

The laboratory did not detect any residues, so we did not carry out a risk assessment.

Additional comments by the PRiF


Poultry Meat

Samples tested

12 samples were tested for up to 43 pesticide residues.


7 samples came from the UK. One sample came from the EU.


One sample came from the UK. 3 samples came from the EU.

The country of origin of samples may not be the same as the country where the poultry was produced. It may be where the poultry was processed, where it was packed for consumer purchase or the address of the brand owner.

Pesticide residues detected from those sought

12 samples contained no residues from those sought. None of the samples contained residues above the MRL. None of the samples were labelled as organic.

Risk assessments

The laboratory did not detect any residues, so we did not carry out a risk assessment.

Additional comments by the PRiF


Risk assessment - dietary intake assessments

The Short-term dietary risk assessment – single substance assessments where exceedance of the Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) has been identified during screening section includes risk assessments that cover NI residues.