PFI Asset Condition Playbook
The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) is the government’s centre of expertise for infrastructure and private finance projects. This Asset Condition Playbook sets out a guidance framework for assessing asset condition in relation to contract expiry.
There are 540 legacy Private Finance Initiative (PFI) infrastructure projects in England with remaining forecast future payments of £123bn and original asset values of £42bn (est. £105bn in current terms).The bulk of contract expiries are expected to occur in the next 15 years peaking at 61 in 2036. The upcoming bow wave of expiring PFI contracts represents a major challenge for public and private sector stakeholders over coming years. There are a number of significant issues in the remaining PFI portfolio, including; large-scale construction defects, poor maintenance and service performance, and major contractual disputes.
As part of contract expiry, many of these assets will return to public ownership & it is important that assets revert to the public sector in good and appropriate condition for ongoing service.
The guidance has been designed to be used as a practical guide for both the public and private sector to work collaboratively to undertake survey of assets and ensure there is a common understanding of asset condition and the adequacy of maintenance and compliance. The guidance sets out a process for managing the actions identified prior to expiry.
The guidance aims to address the significant risk that private sector partners under-invest in PFI asset, particularly in the final years of contracts, resulting in substantial unbudgeted expenditure for the public sector. By establishing a joint-understanding of asset condition, the guidance aims to reduce the risk of dispute & the resulting costs and resource burden that would follow.
The Playbook forms part of a suite of documents developed in response to the independent White Fraiser report on the status of behaviours, relationships and disputes across the PFI sector