
Pharmaceutical needs assessments: information pack

This publication supports local authority health and wellbeing boards to develop and update pharmaceutical needs assessments (PNAs).

Applies to England


Appendix 1: suggested timeline


Each health and wellbeing board (HWB) must assess needs for pharmaceutical services in its area, and publish a statement of its first assessment and of any revised version.

The information pack:

  • gives the legislative background

  • outlines what the term ‘pharmaceutical services’ includes in relation to PNAs

  • outlines the minimum information that must be in PNAs

  • expands on what the legislation says about the publication and updating of PNAs

  • explains the consultation requirements

  • outlines matters to consider when making assessments

It also includes examples of the ways in which primary care trusts developed their first PNAs, providing HWBs with an indication of how they may wish to approach their work.

Updates to this page

Published 9 May 2013
Last updated 29 October 2021
  1. Corrected the following paragraph on page 63 in the section on supplementary statements: ‘the changes are relevant to the granting of an application or applications for inclusion in the pharmaceutical needs assessment for the area of the health and wellbeing board’s area’. This has been corrected to say: ‘the changes are relevant to the granting of an application or applications for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list for the area of the health and wellbeing board’s area’.

  2. The information pack has been updated to provide more practical support to health and wellbeing boards with the different stages of the pharmaceutical needs assessment. It sets out when health and wellbeing boards need to update their pharmaceutical needs assessment, how they should complete the engagement section of the assessment and how to identify gaps in provision and articulate pharmaceutical needs.

  3. First published.

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