
PHE statement on user engagement for official statistics

Published 19 July 2016

1. Consultations

Periodically, we will seek user views on specific issues, particular statistical products or areas for development. When we undertake these consultations, we will ensure that a wide range of users are given the opportunity to comment by:

  • notifying all known user groups (such as the RSS Health Statistics User Group)
  • by allowing a minimum of 4 weeks for users to respond

See responses to our previous consultations:

2. Specific feedback

PHE official statistics releases include a contact email address which can be used to provide feedback on specific products at any time.

3. General feedback

Use our feedback form to provide views and suggestions on the range of statistics we provide and their presentation.

4. Stakeholder meetings

For some products, for example Hospital Acquired Infections (HCAI), there are product-specific stakeholder meetings held on a regular basis. If you are interested in attending, email either the product lead via the email address provided on the relevant statistics release or

5. Our response

We will review all comments and suggestions as they arrive, although any substantial changes to our outputs or presentation will need to be prioritised as part of our broader planning process. Once a year, we will publish a report summarising the comments received and our response to them.