Physical activity for children and young people: 5 to 18 years (text of the infographic)
Published 19 September 2019
The infographic summarises the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines, 2019.
Physical activity:
- builds confidence and social skills
- develops co-ordination
- improves concentration and learning
- strengthens muscles and bones
- improves health and fitness
- maintains healthy weight
- improves sleep
- makes you feel good
Be physically active
Spread activity throughout the day.
All activities should make you breathe faster and feel warmer.
Aim for an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week.
Activities to develop movement sills, and muscle and bone strength across the week include:
- playing
- running and walking
- swimming
- skateboarding
- riding a bike
- active travel
- sports, like football or tennis
- physical education (PE)
- skipping
- climbing
- workout
- dancing
Take steps to reduce inactivity.
Get strong. Move more.
Find ways to help all children and young people accumulate an average of at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day across the week.