Phenylketonuria (PKU): information for parents
Information for parents of babies with possible phenylketonuria (PKU) following a baby’s screening test result.
Applies to England
Information and advice for parents of babies with suspected PKU following newborn blood spot screening.
Healthcare professionals should use it to support them in their conversations with parents.
This information is available in A4 PDF format (in English) to print out and provide for people who cannot access digital information. For more information, see the ‘order printed leaflets’ section of our guidance on how to access and order leaflets.
Contact the screening helpdesk with any queries about this publication, making sure you include its full title.
Updates to this page
Combined separate 'overview' and 'further information' leaflets into one publication. Changed 'overview' to 'summary' and 'further information' to 'detailed information'.
Updated in line with clinical guidance.
Converted attachment from PDF to HTML.
One of a suite of updated inherited metabolic diseases leaflets.
First published.