Planning and marine licence advice: Environment Agency standard terms and conditions
Standard terms and conditions that apply to our charged planning and marine licence advice service.
Applies to England
You can get advice from the Environment Agency on your planning application or marine licence application.
These terms and conditions set out the agreement with which we will provide charged advice. It covers:
- timescales we will work to
- how we charge you for advice
- information you must provide to us
- when we will share confidential information
- how to terminate or suspend an agreement
Read the guide for developers: get environmental advice on your planning proposals for details on when the Environment Agency provides planning advice.
Updates to this page
Published 24 December 2013Last updated 3 April 2018 + show all updates
Updated document Standard terms and conditions - charging for planning and marine licence advice. The hourly charge rate for planning advice has changed. We've introduced charges for marine licence advice.
First published.