Planning for sustainable waste management: a companion guide to planning policy statement 10
This guide provides advice, ideas, examples of current practice and signposts to further information in support of the implementation of Planning…
This guide provides advice, ideas, examples of current practice and signposts to further information in support of the implementation of Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management (PPS10).
This is a priced publication available from Communities and Local Government Publications, Cambertown House, Goldthorpe Industrial Estate, Rotherham S63 9BL. Tel: 0300 123 1124, fax: 0300 123 1125, email: Please quote the ISBN when ordering. Alternatively, payment can be made by credit or debit card by calling customer services on 0300 123 1124, open Monday to Friday 08 - 18. Delivery will be 5-7 days from receipt of payment.