Plant products for export: application for certification
Form to apply for the examination and certification of plant products for export.
If you do not represent a business or your business is not able to apply online, use the HH91 form to send samples of your plants to Fera Science Ltd. (Fera) for inspection before you export them. This is to make sure they meet the plant health requirements of importing countries.
The Animal and Plant Health Agency can only issue a phytosanitary certificate following a satisfactory inspection of your samples.
Businesses can apply for plant export certificates and inspections online.
For further information, read the guide to plant health controls and exports.
Updates to this page
Published 1 December 2014Last updated 13 March 2023 + show all updates
Added an updated version of HH91 form to make it clearer that you need to include the weight of each commodity.
Uploaded new version of the HH 91 form.
Added the export certification services explanatory leaflet
Updated HH91 form
First published.