
Police and public health: collaboration

These documents highlight case studies of initiatives between police and health colleagues and identify barriers and enablers to collaboration.


Policing and health collaboration in England and Wales: landscape review

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Police and public health, innovation in practice: an overview of collaboration across England

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These papers support the national consensus statement, ‘Policing, Health and Social Care: working together to protect and prevent harm to vulnerable people’.

They have been developed to stimulate discussion and sharing of good practice and to contribute to the evidence base that will help to shape future work programmes.

They are intended for use by police forces, police and crime commissioners, local authorities and NHS and as an information source for the wider public health system.

Updates to this page

Published 28 October 2016
Last updated 7 February 2018
  1. Page updated with new summary and detail to accomodate new published report 'Policing and health collaboration in England and Wales Landscape Review'

  2. First published.

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