Police Boat Code
Code of practice for the construction, machinery, equipment, survey and manning of police boats.
The Workboat Code Edition 3 – Annex 3 The Safety of Police Boats replaces the Police Boat Code, Amendment 3 (PBC3).
For further information, please read MSN 1916 (M) Workboat Code Edition 3 – Annex 3 The Safety of Police Boats.
Police Boat Code parts:
Police boat (PBC3) common code
Code of practice for the construction, machinery, equipment, survey and manning common to all police vessels.
Police boat (PBC3) code A
A code of practice for the construction, machinery and equipment of sea-going police launches operating up to 60 miles from a safe haven.
Police boat (PBC3) code B
A code of practice for the construction, machinery and equipment of sea-going police rigid inflatable boats operating up to 60 miles from a safe haven.
Police boat (PBC3) code C
A code of practice for the construction, machinery and equipment of police launches operating on inland waters and up to 3 miles to sea from a safe haven.
Police boat (PBC3) code D
A code of practice for the construction, machinery and equipment of police rigid inflatable boats and other small vessels operating on inland waters up to 3 miles from a safe haven.
Police boat (PBC3) annexes
PBC3 Annexes has been updated with the 2018 version. For the 2014 version please contact MarineTechnology@mcga.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Reference added to 'Workboat Code Edition 3 - Annex 3 The Safety of Police Boats' which replaces the 'Police Boat Code, Amendment 3 (PBC3)' as described in 'MSN 1916 (M) Workboat Code Edition 3 – Annex 3 The Safety of Police Boats'.
Updated the annexes to 2018 edition
First published.