Transparency data

Special grant applications: 2018 to 2024 (accessible version)

Updated 10 January 2025

Special grant applications: 2023-2024

Force Operation Initial Bid* Grant Spend**
Greater Manchester Op Resolve 2,368,725 1,776,544
Metropolitan Police Op Resolve 84,392 81,183
Metropolitan Police Op Olympos 820,000 572,221
Metropolitan Police Op Grange 110,130 125,657
Metropolitan Police Op Northleigh 9,338,669 4,704,107
Cleveland Op Pandect 3,984,118 2,627,358
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood 14,502,118 10,258,489
Bedfordshire Op Boson 4,336,389 3,035,472
Bedfordshire Op Costello 4,118,700 3,294,960
Hampshire Op Magenta 9,303,000 4,404,380
Cheshire Op Hummingbird 3,440,260 2,408,182
West Mercia Op Lincoln 3,456,912 1,868,984
West Yorkshire Various Non-Recent CSE investigations 3,142,290 2,356,718
West Midlands Conservative Party Conference 2,100,000 2,317,493
Merseyside Labour Party Conference 400,000 435,661
Metropolitan Police Protest Costs 20,000,000 16,230,000

*Gross additional cost forecast at the start of the period by forces.  An award would be based on this amount but PCCs are normally expected under Special Grant rules to make a percentage contribution, agreed in advance of each financial year, or at the time of agreement for new awards

**Actual funding provided. This takes into account the percentage contribution from the PCC and reflects actual outturn

Special grant applications: 2022-2023

Force Operation Initial bid* Grant spend**
Norfolk Op Hydrant 2,087,970 1,829,614
Greater Manchester Op Resolve 2,000,000 1,774,416
Metropolitan Police Op Grange 302,470 302,470
Metropolitan Police Op Northleigh 6,488,974 5,700,000
Cleveland Op Pandect 3,806,768 2,485,164
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood 12,500,000 8,931,352
South Yorkshire Rotherham Civil Claims 1,800,000 0
Bedfordshire Op Boson 4,245,000 3,396,000
Bedfordshire Op Costello 3,993,800 3,394,730
Hampshire Op Magenta 9,902,100 7,793,271
Cheshire Op Hummingbird 4,091,290 2,454,774
Cheshire Op Hummingbird (backdated 21-22 costs) 300,000 300,000
West Mercia Op Lincoln 4,209,522 1,938,792
West Yorkshire Various Historic CSE investigations 3,200,000 2,315,281
Essex Op Hazel 5,103,000 4,003,000
Leicestershire Op Energy 1,500,000 1,289,219
Merseyside Op Kingsway (21-22 balance) 31,545 31,545
Lincolnshire Op Wintergreen (backdated costs) 2,400,000 1,920,000
Suffolk G7 (21-22 backdated costs) 5,239 5,239
Suffolk COP26 (backdated costs) 69,390 69,390
Norfolk COP26 (backdated costs) 58,175 58,175
West Midlands Conservative Party Conference 2,300,000 2,133,594
Merseyside Labour Party Conference 391,966 330,468
South Yorkshire Hillsborough Civil Claims 1,524,970 1,524,970
West Midlands Hillsborough Civil Claims 2,000,000 551,746

*Gross additional cost forecast at the start of the period by forces. An award would be based on this amount but PCCs are normally expected under Special Grant rules to make a percentage contribution, agreed in advance of each financial year, or at the time of agreement for new awards.

**Actual funding provided. This takes into account the percentage contribution from the PCC and reflects actual outturn.

Special grant applications: 2021-2022

Force Operation Initial bid Grant spend
Norfolk Operation Hydrant 2,100,000 2,100,000
Greater Manchester Operation Resolve 1,500,000 1,060,102
Metropolitan Police Operation Grange 349,328 324,003
Metropolitan Police Operation Grange Forensics 840,000 40,000
Metropolitan Police Operation Northleigh 3,522,298 2,686,465
Cleveland Operation Pandect 4,450,000 3,225,930
South Yorkshire Operation Stovewood 12,487,863 10,564,020
South Yorkshire Rotherham Civil Claims 2,406,316 2,284,392
South Wales Police Welsh Apprenticeships 1,000,000 1,000,000
Bedfordshire Operation Costello 4,235,100 3,600,000
Bedfordshire Operation Boson 4,245,000 3,608,250
Hampshire Operation Magenta 11,100,000 6,500,000
West Yorkshire Various Historic CSE investigations 3,300,000 2,598,640
Greater Manchester Conservative Party Conference 2,250,000 2,038,724
Sussex Labour Party Conference 500,000 377,051
Lancashire Conservative Party Spring Conference 900,000 876,260
Cheshire Operation Hummingbird 1,844,830 1,600,000
Kent Operation Sandpiper 5,000,000 4,007,005
West Mercia Operation Lincoln 4,200,000 1,500,000
South Yorkshire Hillsborough Civil Claims   14,700,000*

*paid using unspent 20-21 accrual

Special grant applications: 2020-2021

Force Operation Initial bid Grant spend
Norfolk Op Hydrant 2,076,000 1,933,548
Greater Manchester Op Resolve 1,200,000 1,483,954
Greater Manchester National Accreditation Team 401,604 401,604
Metropolitan Police Op Grange 354,828 326,884
Metropolitan Police Op Northleigh 2,900,000 2,206,839
Metropolitan Police MHVM Top-up 205,000 205,000
National Barrier Asset Procurement (CAPITAL) 841,000 841,000
MOPAC NBA Renewal (CAPITAL) 250,000 250,000
Cleveland Op Pandect 4,523,497 3,325,891
South Yorkshire Hillsborough Civil Claims 26,000,000 11,300,000
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood 12,487,863 9,358,500
South Yorkshire Rotherham Civil Claims 1,630,000 1,385,500
South Wales Police Welsh Apprenticeships 1,000,000 1,000,000
Bedfordshire Op Costello 2,475,000 2,103,750
Bedfordshire Op Boson 3,434,000 2,900,000
Hampshire Op Magenta 19/20 Backdated Costs 185,000 157,000
Hampshire Op Magenta 20/21 7,469,000 5,151,885
Essex Op Melrose 19/20 Backdated Costs 1,700,000 1,700,000
Essex Op Melrose 20/21 1,000,000 638,500
West Yorkshire Various Historic CSE investigations 2,600,000 2,238,973
Northamptonshire Various investigations 312,000 265,000
Kent EU Exit 25,000,000 19,000,000
West Midlands Conservative Party Conference 70,000 35,312
Dyfed Powys Operation Asper 3,700,000 1,250,000
Cheshire Op Hummingbird 1,120,364 952,500
Kent Covid Border Closure 1,500,000 1,500,000
Kent Operation Sandpiper 4,000,000 3,000,000
Kent Napier Barracks 1,000,000 175,000
West Midlands Hillsborough Civil Claims 1,418,606 1,205,815
Lincolnshire Various investigations 5,310,000 4,275,854

Special grant applications: 2019-2020

Force Operation Initial bid Grant spend
South Yorkshire Hillsborough Civil Claims 836,000 711,875
South Yorkshire Rotherham CSE Claims 2,200,000 1,929,499
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood 11,400,000 7,205,593
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood - Rotherham Council Costs 6,500,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
GMP Operation Resolve 3,000,000 2,858,302
MOPAC Op Grange 320,000 291,970
North Wales Op Pallial 625,749 271,804
Norfolk Op Hydrant 2,000,000 1,840,038
Cleveland Op Pandect 4,000,000 3,183,959
MOPAC Op Northleigh 3,100,000 2,046,218
Lancashire Op Manilla 1,500,000 1,270,750
Bedfordshire Op Boson 18/19 backdated costs & 19/20 3,500,000 2,778,183
Bedfordshire CSE within Op Boson 400,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
Bedfordshire Neighbourhood Policing Taskforce 1,940,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
Hampshire Operation Magenta 2,600,000 2,200,000
Hampshire Operation Viscount (D-Day) 3,600,000 2,562,230
Essex Op Melrose 1,000,000 1,000,000
Essex Op Igloo 170,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
West Yorks Historic CSE 2,300,000 1,919,905
GMP Party Conference Vetting 575,000 292,469
GMP Conservative Party Conference 2,000,000 1,750,990
Sussex Labour Party Conference 576,000 576,000
Transfer to OSCT Conservative Party Conference Costs 306,245 306,245
Transfer to OSCT Labour Party Conference Costs 158,498 158,498
MOPAC NATO Programme 9,000,000 2,849,225
Herts NATO Programme 1,421,742  
South Wales Police Welsh Apprenticeships 1,000,000 1,000,000
MOPAC MHVM 1,400,000 950,000
Thames Valley Police Arches 204,060  
Nottinghamshire PFI 6,500,000 6,500,000
MOPAC Critical Event (Extinction Rebellion) 25,000,000 15,000,000
MOPAC POTUS 1,300,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
Devon & Cornwall EU EXIT Maritime Training 35,000 32,162
Lincolnshire Various investigations 1,040,000 993,000
Sussex Gatwick Drones Disruption 758,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
Devon & Cornwall Summer Tourism 17,900,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
CoLP Extinction Rebellion 240,000 240,000
Northamptonshire Various investigations 1,800,000 400,000
West Mids Commonwealth Games 2,400,000 2,390,860
MOPAC Africa Investment Summit 1,173,020 1,173,020
Various Badger Culls 3,700,000 3,700,000

Special grant applications: 2018-2019

Force Operation Initial bid Grant spend
MPS Op Grange £300,000 £315,350
North Wales Op Pallial £1,200,000 £607,118
Norfolk Op Hydrant £1,900,000 £1,812,550
Norfolk Op Hydrant (tax owed on secondees) £20,000 £20,000
Cleveland Op Pandect £3,900,000 £2,955,926
South Yorkshire Op Stovewood £15,216,000 £7,823,400*
South Yorkshire Rotherham CSE Claims £3,363,000 £2,860,250
MPS Op Northleigh £13,509,125 £5,193,500**
Wiltshire Op Fairline and Op Fortis £11,730,000 £11,730,000
MPS Commonwealth Summit £9,000,000 £4,646,254***
Greater Manchester NAT - Party Conferences £575,000 £575,000
West Midlands Party Conference costs £2,407,789 £2,407,789
Merseyside Party Conference costs £442,567 £442,567
OSCT Conservative Party Conference costs N/A £442,964
OSCT Labour Party Conference costs N/A £93,128
Lancashire Op Manilla £5,298,000 £4,425,050
North Yorkshire Op Kingfisher £722,000 £613,700
Thames Valley Royal Wedding (Prince Harry) £2,364,690 £2,364,690
MPS Royal Wedding (Prince Harry) £237,328 £237,328
Bedfordshire Multi-bid £4,464,000 £4,464,000
Greater Manchester Manchester Arena attack £232,000 £255,789
MPS POTUS £1,309,349 £1,309,349
Essex POTUS £1,168,231 £1,168,231
Thames Valley POTUS £5,476,014 £5,476,014
Wales Welsh Apprenticeship £600,000 £600,000
MPS (1) EU Exit planning and operations £2,700,000 £2,700,000
MPS (2) Western Balkans Summit £389,000 £389,000
Thames Valley Police (1) Didcot Power Station Collapse (Operation Maple) 5,100,000 £2,800,000
Thames Valley Police (2) Wedding of Princess Eugenie (Operation Luminence) £1,100,000 £612,000
Hampshire Gosport War Memorial investigation £585,000 £497,000
Northumbria (1) SOC trial (Operation Poppy) £864,000 £730,000
Northumbria (3) Safeguarding Operations (Operations Shelter and Sanctuary £209,000 £180,000
Lincolnshire (1, 2 and 3) Operations Wintergreen, Redstone and Galileo £1,985,000 £1,800,000
West Yorkshire Various historic CSE investigations £1,400,000 £1,200,000
Northumbria Operation Echelon Public assurance policing post Manchester Arena. £357,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria
Lincolnshire Officer and PCSO recruitment. £2,800,000 Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria

*The original award provided to South Yorkshire Police for Operation Stovewood was £10,184,700. The amount spent by the force was £7,823,400

**The original award to the Metropolitan Police for Operation Northleigh was £11,482,756. The actual amount of additional costs incurred by the force was £5,193,500.

***The initial bid from the Metropolitan Police for the Commonwealth Summit of £9,000,000 was based on estimated costs. Actual additional costs incurred were £4,646,254.