Special grant applications: 2018 to 2024 (accessible version)
Updated 10 January 2025
Special grant applications: 2023-2024
Force | Operation | Initial Bid* | Grant Spend** |
Greater Manchester | Op Resolve | 2,368,725 | 1,776,544 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Resolve | 84,392 | 81,183 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Olympos | 820,000 | 572,221 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Grange | 110,130 | 125,657 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Northleigh | 9,338,669 | 4,704,107 |
Cleveland | Op Pandect | 3,984,118 | 2,627,358 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood | 14,502,118 | 10,258,489 |
Bedfordshire | Op Boson | 4,336,389 | 3,035,472 |
Bedfordshire | Op Costello | 4,118,700 | 3,294,960 |
Hampshire | Op Magenta | 9,303,000 | 4,404,380 |
Cheshire | Op Hummingbird | 3,440,260 | 2,408,182 |
West Mercia | Op Lincoln | 3,456,912 | 1,868,984 |
West Yorkshire | Various Non-Recent CSE investigations | 3,142,290 | 2,356,718 |
West Midlands | Conservative Party Conference | 2,100,000 | 2,317,493 |
Merseyside | Labour Party Conference | 400,000 | 435,661 |
Metropolitan Police | Protest Costs | 20,000,000 | 16,230,000 |
*Gross additional cost forecast at the start of the period by forces. An award would be based on this amount but PCCs are normally expected under Special Grant rules to make a percentage contribution, agreed in advance of each financial year, or at the time of agreement for new awards
**Actual funding provided. This takes into account the percentage contribution from the PCC and reflects actual outturn
Special grant applications: 2022-2023
Force | Operation | Initial bid* | Grant spend** |
Norfolk | Op Hydrant | 2,087,970 | 1,829,614 |
Greater Manchester | Op Resolve | 2,000,000 | 1,774,416 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Grange | 302,470 | 302,470 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Northleigh | 6,488,974 | 5,700,000 |
Cleveland | Op Pandect | 3,806,768 | 2,485,164 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood | 12,500,000 | 8,931,352 |
South Yorkshire | Rotherham Civil Claims | 1,800,000 | 0 |
Bedfordshire | Op Boson | 4,245,000 | 3,396,000 |
Bedfordshire | Op Costello | 3,993,800 | 3,394,730 |
Hampshire | Op Magenta | 9,902,100 | 7,793,271 |
Cheshire | Op Hummingbird | 4,091,290 | 2,454,774 |
Cheshire | Op Hummingbird (backdated 21-22 costs) | 300,000 | 300,000 |
West Mercia | Op Lincoln | 4,209,522 | 1,938,792 |
West Yorkshire | Various Historic CSE investigations | 3,200,000 | 2,315,281 |
Essex | Op Hazel | 5,103,000 | 4,003,000 |
Leicestershire | Op Energy | 1,500,000 | 1,289,219 |
Merseyside | Op Kingsway (21-22 balance) | 31,545 | 31,545 |
Lincolnshire | Op Wintergreen (backdated costs) | 2,400,000 | 1,920,000 |
Suffolk | G7 (21-22 backdated costs) | 5,239 | 5,239 |
Suffolk | COP26 (backdated costs) | 69,390 | 69,390 |
Norfolk | COP26 (backdated costs) | 58,175 | 58,175 |
West Midlands | Conservative Party Conference | 2,300,000 | 2,133,594 |
Merseyside | Labour Party Conference | 391,966 | 330,468 |
South Yorkshire | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 1,524,970 | 1,524,970 |
West Midlands | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 2,000,000 | 551,746 |
*Gross additional cost forecast at the start of the period by forces. An award would be based on this amount but PCCs are normally expected under Special Grant rules to make a percentage contribution, agreed in advance of each financial year, or at the time of agreement for new awards.
**Actual funding provided. This takes into account the percentage contribution from the PCC and reflects actual outturn.
Special grant applications: 2021-2022
Force | Operation | Initial bid | Grant spend |
Norfolk | Operation Hydrant | 2,100,000 | 2,100,000 |
Greater Manchester | Operation Resolve | 1,500,000 | 1,060,102 |
Metropolitan Police | Operation Grange | 349,328 | 324,003 |
Metropolitan Police | Operation Grange Forensics | 840,000 | 40,000 |
Metropolitan Police | Operation Northleigh | 3,522,298 | 2,686,465 |
Cleveland | Operation Pandect | 4,450,000 | 3,225,930 |
South Yorkshire | Operation Stovewood | 12,487,863 | 10,564,020 |
South Yorkshire | Rotherham Civil Claims | 2,406,316 | 2,284,392 |
South Wales Police | Welsh Apprenticeships | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
Bedfordshire | Operation Costello | 4,235,100 | 3,600,000 |
Bedfordshire | Operation Boson | 4,245,000 | 3,608,250 |
Hampshire | Operation Magenta | 11,100,000 | 6,500,000 |
West Yorkshire | Various Historic CSE investigations | 3,300,000 | 2,598,640 |
Greater Manchester | Conservative Party Conference | 2,250,000 | 2,038,724 |
Sussex | Labour Party Conference | 500,000 | 377,051 |
Lancashire | Conservative Party Spring Conference | 900,000 | 876,260 |
Cheshire | Operation Hummingbird | 1,844,830 | 1,600,000 |
Kent | Operation Sandpiper | 5,000,000 | 4,007,005 |
West Mercia | Operation Lincoln | 4,200,000 | 1,500,000 |
South Yorkshire | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 14,700,000* |
*paid using unspent 20-21 accrual
Special grant applications: 2020-2021
Force | Operation | Initial bid | Grant spend |
Norfolk | Op Hydrant | 2,076,000 | 1,933,548 |
Greater Manchester | Op Resolve | 1,200,000 | 1,483,954 |
Greater Manchester | National Accreditation Team | 401,604 | 401,604 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Grange | 354,828 | 326,884 |
Metropolitan Police | Op Northleigh | 2,900,000 | 2,206,839 |
Metropolitan Police | MHVM Top-up | 205,000 | 205,000 |
National Barrier Asset | Procurement (CAPITAL) | 841,000 | 841,000 |
MOPAC | NBA Renewal (CAPITAL) | 250,000 | 250,000 |
Cleveland | Op Pandect | 4,523,497 | 3,325,891 |
South Yorkshire | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 26,000,000 | 11,300,000 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood | 12,487,863 | 9,358,500 |
South Yorkshire | Rotherham Civil Claims | 1,630,000 | 1,385,500 |
South Wales Police | Welsh Apprenticeships | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
Bedfordshire | Op Costello | 2,475,000 | 2,103,750 |
Bedfordshire | Op Boson | 3,434,000 | 2,900,000 |
Hampshire | Op Magenta 19/20 Backdated Costs | 185,000 | 157,000 |
Hampshire | Op Magenta 20/21 | 7,469,000 | 5,151,885 |
Essex | Op Melrose 19/20 Backdated Costs | 1,700,000 | 1,700,000 |
Essex | Op Melrose 20/21 | 1,000,000 | 638,500 |
West Yorkshire | Various Historic CSE investigations | 2,600,000 | 2,238,973 |
Northamptonshire | Various investigations | 312,000 | 265,000 |
Kent | EU Exit | 25,000,000 | 19,000,000 |
West Midlands | Conservative Party Conference | 70,000 | 35,312 |
Dyfed Powys | Operation Asper | 3,700,000 | 1,250,000 |
Cheshire | Op Hummingbird | 1,120,364 | 952,500 |
Kent | Covid Border Closure | 1,500,000 | 1,500,000 |
Kent | Operation Sandpiper | 4,000,000 | 3,000,000 |
Kent | Napier Barracks | 1,000,000 | 175,000 |
West Midlands | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 1,418,606 | 1,205,815 |
Lincolnshire | Various investigations | 5,310,000 | 4,275,854 |
Special grant applications: 2019-2020
Force | Operation | Initial bid | Grant spend |
South Yorkshire | Hillsborough Civil Claims | 836,000 | 711,875 |
South Yorkshire | Rotherham CSE Claims | 2,200,000 | 1,929,499 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood | 11,400,000 | 7,205,593 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood - Rotherham Council Costs | 6,500,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
GMP | Operation Resolve | 3,000,000 | 2,858,302 |
MOPAC | Op Grange | 320,000 | 291,970 |
North Wales | Op Pallial | 625,749 | 271,804 |
Norfolk | Op Hydrant | 2,000,000 | 1,840,038 |
Cleveland | Op Pandect | 4,000,000 | 3,183,959 |
MOPAC | Op Northleigh | 3,100,000 | 2,046,218 |
Lancashire | Op Manilla | 1,500,000 | 1,270,750 |
Bedfordshire | Op Boson 18/19 backdated costs & 19/20 | 3,500,000 | 2,778,183 |
Bedfordshire | CSE within Op Boson | 400,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
Bedfordshire | Neighbourhood Policing Taskforce | 1,940,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
Hampshire | Operation Magenta | 2,600,000 | 2,200,000 |
Hampshire | Operation Viscount (D-Day) | 3,600,000 | 2,562,230 |
Essex | Op Melrose | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
Essex | Op Igloo | 170,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
West Yorks | Historic CSE | 2,300,000 | 1,919,905 |
GMP | Party Conference Vetting | 575,000 | 292,469 |
GMP | Conservative Party Conference | 2,000,000 | 1,750,990 |
Sussex | Labour Party Conference | 576,000 | 576,000 |
Transfer to OSCT | Conservative Party Conference Costs | 306,245 | 306,245 |
Transfer to OSCT | Labour Party Conference Costs | 158,498 | 158,498 |
MOPAC | NATO Programme | 9,000,000 | 2,849,225 |
Herts | NATO Programme | 1,421,742 | |
South Wales Police | Welsh Apprenticeships | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
MOPAC | MHVM | 1,400,000 | 950,000 |
Thames Valley Police | Arches | 204,060 | |
Nottinghamshire | PFI | 6,500,000 | 6,500,000 |
MOPAC | Critical Event (Extinction Rebellion) | 25,000,000 | 15,000,000 |
MOPAC | POTUS | 1,300,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
Devon & Cornwall | EU EXIT Maritime Training | 35,000 | 32,162 |
Lincolnshire | Various investigations | 1,040,000 | 993,000 |
Sussex | Gatwick Drones Disruption | 758,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
Devon & Cornwall | Summer Tourism | 17,900,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
CoLP | Extinction Rebellion | 240,000 | 240,000 |
Northamptonshire | Various investigations | 1,800,000 | 400,000 |
West Mids | Commonwealth Games | 2,400,000 | 2,390,860 |
MOPAC | Africa Investment Summit | 1,173,020 | 1,173,020 |
Various | Badger Culls | 3,700,000 | 3,700,000 |
Special grant applications: 2018-2019
Force | Operation | Initial bid | Grant spend |
MPS | Op Grange | £300,000 | £315,350 |
North Wales | Op Pallial | £1,200,000 | £607,118 |
Norfolk | Op Hydrant | £1,900,000 | £1,812,550 |
Norfolk | Op Hydrant (tax owed on secondees) | £20,000 | £20,000 |
Cleveland | Op Pandect | £3,900,000 | £2,955,926 |
South Yorkshire | Op Stovewood | £15,216,000 | £7,823,400* |
South Yorkshire | Rotherham CSE Claims | £3,363,000 | £2,860,250 |
MPS | Op Northleigh | £13,509,125 | £5,193,500** |
Wiltshire | Op Fairline and Op Fortis | £11,730,000 | £11,730,000 |
MPS | Commonwealth Summit | £9,000,000 | £4,646,254*** |
Greater Manchester | NAT - Party Conferences | £575,000 | £575,000 |
West Midlands | Party Conference costs | £2,407,789 | £2,407,789 |
Merseyside | Party Conference costs | £442,567 | £442,567 |
OSCT | Conservative Party Conference costs | N/A | £442,964 |
OSCT | Labour Party Conference costs | N/A | £93,128 |
Lancashire | Op Manilla | £5,298,000 | £4,425,050 |
North Yorkshire | Op Kingfisher | £722,000 | £613,700 |
Thames Valley | Royal Wedding (Prince Harry) | £2,364,690 | £2,364,690 |
MPS | Royal Wedding (Prince Harry) | £237,328 | £237,328 |
Bedfordshire | Multi-bid | £4,464,000 | £4,464,000 |
Greater Manchester | Manchester Arena attack | £232,000 | £255,789 |
MPS | POTUS | £1,309,349 | £1,309,349 |
Essex | POTUS | £1,168,231 | £1,168,231 |
Thames Valley | POTUS | £5,476,014 | £5,476,014 |
Wales | Welsh Apprenticeship | £600,000 | £600,000 |
MPS (1) | EU Exit planning and operations | £2,700,000 | £2,700,000 |
MPS (2) | Western Balkans Summit | £389,000 | £389,000 |
Thames Valley Police (1) | Didcot Power Station Collapse (Operation Maple) | 5,100,000 | £2,800,000 |
Thames Valley Police (2) | Wedding of Princess Eugenie (Operation Luminence) | £1,100,000 | £612,000 |
Hampshire | Gosport War Memorial investigation | £585,000 | £497,000 |
Northumbria (1) | SOC trial (Operation Poppy) | £864,000 | £730,000 |
Northumbria (3) | Safeguarding Operations (Operations Shelter and Sanctuary | £209,000 | £180,000 |
Lincolnshire (1, 2 and 3) | Operations Wintergreen, Redstone and Galileo | £1,985,000 | £1,800,000 |
West Yorkshire | Various historic CSE investigations | £1,400,000 | £1,200,000 |
Northumbria | Operation Echelon Public assurance policing post Manchester Arena. | £357,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
Lincolnshire | Officer and PCSO recruitment. | £2,800,000 | Refused as did not meet Special Grant criteria |
*The original award provided to South Yorkshire Police for Operation Stovewood was £10,184,700. The amount spent by the force was £7,823,400
**The original award to the Metropolitan Police for Operation Northleigh was £11,482,756. The actual amount of additional costs incurred by the force was £5,193,500.
***The initial bid from the Metropolitan Police for the Commonwealth Summit of £9,000,000 was based on estimated costs. Actual additional costs incurred were £4,646,254.