Policy paper

Portable Antiquities and Treasure Annual Report 2007

Treasure Annual Report to Parliament on the operation of the Treasure Act 1996

This was published under the 2007 to 2010 Brown Labour government


This year the Treasure Annual Report to Parliament on the operation of the Treasure Act 1996 has been published with the Portable Antiquities Annual Report providing a single reference for the most important archaeological finds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Like its predecessor, the report lists all the finds that were reported as archaeological objects and potential Treasure to the British Museum, the National Museums & Galleries of Wales, and the Environment and Heritage Service, Northern Ireland.

This joint Report contains details of 747 treasures reported and 66,311 archaeological finds which were recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme. 303 new Treasure finds have been, or are being, acquired by museums, 301 have been disclaimed , 125 were deemed not to be Treasure and 18 cases are still to be determined. 

The report is available from the Portable Antiquities Scheme website

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Published 3 November 2009

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