Transparency data

Post Office Horizon financial redress data as of 31 January 2025

Updated 7 March 2025

As of 31 January 2025, approximately £663 million has been paid to over 4,300 claimants across 4 schemes:

  • Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS): £315 million total value of all payments including interim payments
  • Group Litigation Order (GLO) Scheme: £128 million total value of all payments including interim payments
  • Overturned Convictions (OC): £65 million total value of all payments including interim payments
  • Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS): £156 million total value of all payments including interim payments

Spend is rounded to the nearest £1 million.

1. Financial redress paid

The chart in this section shows the cumulative total of redress paid by month and broken down by scheme. As of 31 January 2025, £663 million has been paid in financial redress. This is up from £594 million last month.

Diagram 1: a stacked bar chart showing the cumulative total of financial redress paid each month. The bars are broken down into the 4 redress schemes: HSS, GLO, OC and HCRS.

View the web accessible version of diagram 1.

2. Claim data by scheme

Scheme Claims received Offers made Offers accepted Claims paid
Overturned Convictions (OC): full and final 82
Group Litigation Order Scheme (GLO): full and final 408
Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS): eligible claims before deadline 2417
Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS): eligible late claims 4665
Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS): initial interim payments 383
Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS): full and final 232

Information correct as of 31 January 2025.

Changes from last month’s publication (3 January 2025 data) in square brackets.
[-] indicates no change since last month.

2.1 Notes for table

In the ‘Claim data by scheme’ table:

  • data regarding the HSS and OC are sourced from Post Office Ltd, which retains full responsibility for the data published on its website
  • the HCRS redress payments data reflect the current position at a point in time - it should be noted that these totals can change slightly as time goes on as payments are retrospectively confirmed as received by claimants

3. Overturned Convictions (OC)

Initial interim payments are available to eligible postmasters upon getting their conviction overturned on the grounds that it was reliant on Horizon evidence.

As of 31 October 2024, all 111 eligible claimants have either reached full and final settlement or received a minimum of £200,000 through interim payments.

A full and final claim is defined as:

  • both non-pecuniary and pecuniary claims have been received and sufficiently particularised to substantiate redress payments of £450,000 or more
  • or the claimant has requested the £600,000 fixed sum offer

Post Office Ltd has been progressing non-pecuniary settlements first to get money to postmasters as quickly as possible, which means a number of partial settlements have been reached in addition to the full and final settlements published here. Post Office Ltd continues to work on finalising these outstanding claims.

Any individual with a conviction overturned by the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024 or the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Act 2024 will be eligible to seek financial redress through the HCRS.

3.1 Full and final claimant stages

As of 31 January 2025, there are 111 claimants eligible for financial redress through the OC scheme. From these 111, Post Office Ltd has received 82 full and final claims.

Diagram 2: a pie chart showing the breakdown of full and final claims received against those yet to be received for claimants eligible to receive financial redress under OC.

View the web accessible version of diagram 2.

Of these 82 claims, 66 have been paid and a further 7 have received offers. The remaining 9 are awaiting offers from Post Office Ltd. The Post Office is making progress on progressing these outstanding claims.

Diagram 3: a stacked bar showing the current application stages of claims received under the OC scheme.

View the web accessible version of diagram 3.

4. Group Litigation Order (GLO) scheme

Out of the 555 who were members of the GLO, 63 postmasters had convictions and are therefore eligible to apply for redress once their conviction has been overturned. If their conviction has been overturned by the courts, they are eligible under the OC scheme. If their conviction has been overturned by the legislation, they are eligible for the HCRS.

As of 31 January 2025, the department had received 408 completed claims from eligible GLO postmasters. Full and final redress has been agreed with 257 claimants, of whom 153 accepted the £75,000 fixed offer. A further 229 individuals have received partial or interim redress payments, including people who have not yet submitted full claims.

4.1 Full and final claimant stages

There are 492 claimants eligible for financial redress through the GLO scheme. As of 31 January 2025, 408 full and final claims have been received. For full and final claims received, the number reported refers to all claims assessed as complete.

Further claims may have been received recently but not yet assessed to determine whether they are complete. A claim initially assessed as complete may subsequently be found to require further information and therefore be removed from counts of complete claims received while awaiting this information.

Diagram 4: a pie chart showing the breakdown of full and final claims received against those yet to be received for claimants eligible to receive financial redress under the GLO scheme.

View the web accessible version of diagram 4.

Of these 408 claims, 252 have been paid and a further 5 have accepted offers and are awaiting payment. Another 126 postmasters have received offers from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and the remaining 24 are awaiting offers.

Diagram 5: a stacked bar showing the current application stages of claims received under the GLO scheme.

View the web accessible version of diagram 5.

4.2  Scheme delivery target

DBT is committed to a target of making a first offer to 90% of claimants who have submitted a full claim within 40 working days. A full claim is defined as a claim which DBT considers, with advice from its legal advisors, does not need any further evidence in order to assess every element of the claim.

Should the department consider further evidence is needed in order to make a full assessment, the 40 working day target will not start until such time that the required evidence is received from the claimant or any other source.

Over the lifetime of the scheme to 31 January 2025, 89% of claimants received their first offer within 40 working days of submitting a full claim.

DBT’s target is providing a substantive response within 40 working days to 90% of claimants who submit a complete challenge from 1 December 2024. A challenge will be considered ‘complete’ if the department does not require any more information from the claimant or their advisors in order to provide a substantive response. A substantive response is defined as the claimant receiving a revised offer or a decision to uphold the original offer.

As at 31 January 2025, 100% of claimants (3 out of 3) who submitted complete challenges after 1 December 2024 received their substantive response within 40 working days of doing so. Claims are being assessed in the date order in which they were submitted, so no challenge submitted before 1 December 2024 will be left behind.

4.3 £75,000 fixed payment impact 

Due to changes made in January 2024, all eligible GLO claimants are now offered the option to settle their claims on a full and final basis for a total fixed sum of £75,000 inclusive of interest, instead of making a claim for their individual losses.

This means that the claim would not be assessed by the department against the process set out in the guidance and principles.

Any payments received from the department to date or from the GLO settlement will be deducted from the £75,000 before payment is made.

As of 31 January 2025, 243 offers have been accepted, of which 153 are offers of the £75,000 fixed payment. Of those who have accepted the £75,000 fixed payment, four-fifths are new claims and a fifth had previously accepted offers.

5.  Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS)

Post Office Ltd received 2,417 eligible claims by March 2021.

The closure date for applications was 27 November 2020, but Post Office Ltd continued to accept applications for the original deadline group up to March 2021.

In October 2022, the government announced that additional funding would be provided so that eligible late claimants could receive financial redress, and the scheme reopened for applications.

Post Office Ltd has received 4,665 eligible late claims to date.

Interim payments on the HSS are available before and after claimants receive an offer of redress.

The £315 million paid out on the HSS includes £33.3 million in interim payments to original claimants and £7.9 million in interim payments to late applications.

On 13 March 2024, the government announced that all eligible HSS claimants would be entitled to a fixed sum award of £75,000 to settle their claim.

Post Office Ltd continues to make top-up payments to claimants who had previously accepted a full and final offer below the value of £75,000, to bring their total redress to £75,000.

Post Office Ltd has also started to make payments of the full £75,000 fixed sum award to HSS applicants who have not previously received redress but have now accepted this offer. The number and amount of offers and payments made for the full fixed sum are now included in the HSS figures below and in the HSS eligible late claims figures on the ‘Claim data by scheme’ table.

As of 31 January 2025, approximately £171 million has been paid in award top-ups and £75,000 awards.

5.1  Eligible claimant stages

As of 31 January 2025, 7,082 claims for financial redress have been received through the HSS. This includes applications received before the original deadline, and applications received since the scheme reopened in October 2022.

Of the total 7,082 claims received, 3,350 have been paid and a further 50 have accepted offers and are awaiting payment. Another 819 claimants are currently in receipt of offers that they have not yet accepted and the remaining 2,863 claimants are awaiting offers from Post Office Ltd.

Diagram 6: a stacked bar showing the current application stages of claims received under the HSS.

View the web accessible version of diagram 6.

6.  Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS)

The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024 and the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Act 2024 quashed Horizon-related convictions on a blanket basis in June 2024, according to a set of criteria in the acts, covering each UK nation.

On 30 July 2024, the UK government announced the launch of the Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS), delivered by DBT, to provide financial redress to postmasters across the UK who had their convictions quashed by the acts.

Applicants have begun registering for the HCRS and the department is working with the relevant justice authorities to confirm individual applicants’ eligibility for the scheme.

Eligible applicants have a choice of 2 routes to redress. They can either accept a fixed and final sum of £600,000, or they can choose to submit their application to a detailed assessment process.

All eligible applicants are entitled to an initial interim payment of £200,000.

The department is now publishing data on settlements, broken down by initial interim payments and full and final settlements.

6.1  Full and final claimant stages

As of 31 January 2025, 232 full and final claims for financial redress have been received through the HCRS. Of these 232 claims, 208 have received payments and the remaining 24 have accepted offers for redress and are awaiting payment from DBT.

Diagram 7: a stacked bar showing the current application stages of claims received under the HCRS.

View the web accessible version of diagram 7.

7. Post Office data

These data are part of DBT’s Post Office Horizon financial redress data collection.

DBT publishes independent reports, written by Dentons, on the GLO scheme.

The Ministry of Justice publishes Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024: Quashed convictions management information.

Post Office Ltd also publishes:

8.  Web accessible tables

8.1  Financial redress paid

Month HSS
(£ million)
(£ million)
(£ million)
(£ million)
(£ million)
Feb-24 107 34 38 Not applicable 179
Mar-24 111 39 41 Not applicable 190
Apr-24 113 42 42 Not applicable 196
May-24 122 54 46 Not applicable 222
Jun-24 124 64 49 Not applicable 236
Jul-24 126 80 54 Not applicable 261
Aug-24 144 87 56 1 289
Sep-24 196 97 59 11 363
Oct-24 230 106 60 42 438
Nov-24 245 115 61 79 499
Dec-24 277 122 65 129 594
Jan-25 315 128 65 156 663

*The HCRS was announced in July 2024. The first payments to claimants were made in August 2024.

8.2  Overturned Convictions (OC): full and final claims

Application status Number of applications Percentage (%)
Full claims received 82 74
Full claims to be received 29 26
Total 111 100
Application stage Number of applicants Percentage (%)
Claims being assessed 9 11
Offers made and being considered 7 9
Offers accepted and awaiting payment 0 0
Claims paid 66 80
Total 82 100

8.3  Group Litigation Order (GLO) Scheme: full and final claims

Application status Number of applications Percentage (%)
Full claims received 408 83
Full claims to be received 84 17
Total 492 100
Application stage Number of applicants Percentage (%)
Claims being assessed 25 6
Offers made and being considered 126 31
Offers accepted and awaiting payment 5 1
Claims paid 252 62
Total 408 100

8.4 Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS)

Application stage Number of applicants Percentage (%)
Claims being assessed 2863 40
Offers made and being considered 819 12
Offers accepted and awaiting payment 50 1
Claims paid 3350 47
Total 7082 100

8.5 Horizon Conviction Redress Scheme (HCRS): full and final claims

Application stage Number of applicants Percentage (%)
Claims being assessed 0 0
Offers made and being considered 0 0
Offers accepted and awaiting payment 24 10
Claims paid 208 90
Total 232 100