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Imagine a world with humanoid robots: poster

Published 7 March 2025

The above image is a poster featuring the title ‘Humanoids’, an AI-generated futuristic image of a world where humanoid robots are walking and living amongst humans, an AI-generated image of two students speaking with a humanoid robot in a lab setting, a drawing of a humanoid, and several icons that represent the text underneath them: icons of smell, 4 cars, a charging cable, a robotic hand, and a brain. The text that follows on this page features in the poster.

How could robots built to look and act like you and me help you? What tasks could they perform instead of humans? What would be the positives, negatives and interesting points about sharing our planet with humanoid robots? What can you do that a humanoid robot can’t?

Did you know?


“I have an electronic nose which can recognise some different smells.” Potential to replace sniffer dogs who go into dangerous situations to detect gas leaks, explosives, and harmful substances.

4x the price of a car

Humanoid robots are expensive! But all are different. What can you find out about Agility or Unitree robots?

Battery life

“I can keep working all day without rest and not make mistakes. I need a battery or energy source to power me.”


Some humanoids have 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand, others have just 2!


“I am programmed to understand and react to certain human emotions.” Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming robotic abilities but there are still limits.

How could you help?

The robotics sector needs the brightest minds to create the humanoid robots of the future. Can you help find pioneering solutions and produce clever, affordable humanoid robots? There are many science and engineering challenges still to be solved. We also need big thinkers to help us make sure that any robotic future is safe and fair to everyone.