Powers of entry review: DCLG
A list of DCLG’s powers of entry and the department’s commitments to either scrap, consolidate or add further safeguards to them.
On 1 May 2012 the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 gained royal assent, placing a duty on all Secretaries of State to identify and review the powers of entry they are responsible for and to report back to Parliament.
The Department for Communities and Local Government has 63 powers of entry covering housing, planning and local government.
Having identified individual powers of entry, this report sets out where the department has identified the potential to take further action to scrap, amend to include further safeguards, or consolidate existing powers to reduce the total number of powers.
This statutory powers of entry review demonstrates the government’s commitment to respect private and family life at all times, ensuring that the privacy of citizens’ homes and businesses are protected from unnecessary intrusion.