
Preesall Saltfield underground gas storage

Details of the Preesall Saltfield underground gas storage


Preesall Variation Request Cover Letter and Appendix 1 February 7 2020

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MMO DML Variation Acknowledgement Letter - March 27 2020

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Notice of Variation

Preesall variation MMO response

Preesall DML Variation


On 17 July 2015, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) (now: Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)) granted a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Preesall Saltfield Underground Gas Storage. The pre-application, examination and DCO documents can be found on the planning inspectorate website.

The DCO authorises Halite Energy Group Limited to construct and operate an Underground Gas Storage Facility at Preesall, Lancashire. The purpose of the Development is to inject gas into, store gas in, and extract gas from underground salt caverns. The total storage capacity applied for was a total storage capacity of up to 900 Million cubic metres (Mcm) and a working capacity of up to 600 Mcm at standard temperature and pressure. The underground caverns are proposed to be constructed on the east side of the Wyre Estuary. Elements of the surface infrastructure are proposed on both the east and west sides of the Estuary.

On 7 February 2020 the MMO received a request from Halite Energy Group Limited to vary the DML to extend the date on which activities must commence by from 5 years from the DCO coming into force to 8 years from the date the DCO came into force.

MMO’s decision was to vary the deemed marine licence, effective from 17 June 2020

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Published 28 March 2020
Last updated 19 June 2020 show all updates
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