Prince, Conrad - Cyber Security Ambassador, Department for International Trade (DIT) – ACOBA recommendation
Advice to Conrad Prince, former Cyber Security Ambassador at the Department for International Trade (DIT) on business appointments after leaving Crown service.
Conrad Prince left his position as Cyber Security Ambassador at the Department for International Trade (DIT) in January 2018 ## Senior Research Fellow, RUSI
Conrad Prince sought the Committee’s advice on taking up an appointment as a senior research fellow at RUSI.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in April 2018 and the appointment was taken up in June 2018.
Independent consultancy and commissions
Conrad Prince sought the Committee’s advice on establishing an independent consultancy and accepting commissions for advisory work with Boston Consulting Group, Pool Re and Albany.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the consultancy and commissions was sent in April 2018. The commissions with Boston Consulting Group and Pool Re were taken up in May 2018 and the Commission with Albany was taken up in June 2018.
Mr Prince subsequently took up commissions with: Imperial College London in December 2018; BAE Systems Applied Intelligence in March 2019 VFS Global Group in April 2019; Beazley Group in June 2019; and Adeptis Group in June 2019.
Wychwood Partners
Conrad Prince sought the Committee’s advice on becoming partner in Wychwood Partners.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed was sent in April 2018.
Updates to this page
Commissions with Beazley Group and Adeptis Group updated.
Commission wit VFS Global added
Commission with Imperial College London added.
Appointment with Wychwood Partners added.
Commission with Albany Investment Limited added
Appointment with RUSI added.
First published.