Transparency data

Privacy information: education providers’ workforce, including teachers

Details of the personal data the Department for Education (DfE) processes for education providers and teachers.

Applies to England



Information about the personal data that DfE processes about the education providers’ workforce including:

  • teachers and staff working in schools, academies or colleges
  • training providers
  • employers of apprentices

The DfE personal information charter has details on the standards you can expect when we collect, hold or use your personal information.

Updates to this page

Published 23 October 2023
Last updated 20 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added a new section with information on 'Using your data in our publications relating to further education intervention and support activities'. Also updated the formatting to make the document easier to read.

  2. Updated the sections on 'Using your data when you make a complaint about education providers, children’s social care or DfE' and 'Using your data when you make a referral of serious teacher misconduct to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA)'.

  3. We have updated the section ‘Using your data when you use the Apply for Qualified Teacher Status in England service’. We have clarified information on the data DfE collect and use about your referees to support the TRA obtaining work references.

  4. We have added a new section on how we use your data when you access Register trainee teachers. We have replaced the section on how we use your data to administer the risk protection arrangement. We have also made updates to other sections. These include changes to the lists we maintain and data we collect in ‘Using your data for education sector governance’. They also include adding detail on why we use sensitive or special category data.

  5. Added new section ‘Using your data when you use the Apply for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in England service’ to ‘Using your data to support teaching as a career’. Added new section ‘How to whistleblow’ to ‘How to contact us and how to make a complaint’. Updated the data collected for the funding learning section.

  6. Added new sections on teacher misconduct referrals and when you make a complaint about education providers, children’s social care or DfE. Updated the data collected section of the pupil assessments section and the data shared section of the investigate teacher misconduct.

  7. Updated 'Purpose and lawful basis for processing' in section 7.3 to clarify that schools have a statutory obligation to take part in trials if selected.

  8. Updated with details about retention of Deeds, using data for case studies and DfE Sign-In. Updated 'Using your data to make an enquiry or complaint' section with information on data collected.

  9. First published.

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