Probation Court Services Policy Framework
A policy framework for Probation Service court staff which summarises, consolidates and, where required, clarifies existing policy instructions and practice guidance relating to Probation Service court related functions.
Applies to England and Wales
This policy framework will enable Probation Service staff exercising court related functions to:
- see the end-to-end process of court related functions within criminal proceedings
- understand the organisation of Probation court services, associated roles and responsibilities, and how the Probation Service can effectively liaise with criminal justice partners
- quickly identify and better understand the key principles, and mandatory actions, that underpin the foundation of court service delivery
- locate in a logical easily accessible manner relevant operational guidance, where required, with appropriate links to further resources
- better understand sentencing options, to increase Probation Service staff and stakeholder confidence, and have access to support, training, awareness, and development materials for Probation Service staff performing court related functions