Research and analysis

Probation services officer progression pilot: a process evaluation

Findings and recommendations from a process evaluation of a new probation services officer progression pathway trialled in England.



The probation services officer (PSO) progression pilot tested an accelerated work-based training pathway for existing PSOs, with and without previous Level 5 qualifications (foundation degree or equivalent), with offender manager experience. Those who completed the pathway gained the Professional Qualification in Probation. The pilot ran in 4 probation areas from January 2021 to March 2022.

This report presents findings from the process evaluation of the pilot. The evaluation aimed to:

  • understand learner and probation stakeholder experiences of the pilot programme
  • explore the perceived impact of the pilot on the skills, capabilities and knowledge of learners
  • identify potential ways to improve the programme and capture lessons learnt for future implementation

A mixed methods evaluation approach was taken including questionnaires, online surveys and semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

Overall, learners and stakeholders reported that the pilot offered a much-needed career progression opportunity for experienced and capable PSOs. Key recommendations included extending the timescale of the programme and increase flexibility of deadline extensions to improve learner wellbeing.

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Published 12 January 2023

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