Research and analysis

Process evaluations of the Acquisitive Crime Electronic Monitoring Project’s 12 month+ cohort and 3 to 12 month cohort

The 2 reports provide the findings of the process evaluations undertaken for the 12 month+ and 3 to 12 month cohorts of the Acquisitive Crime Project.

Applies to England and Wales



The Acquisitive Crime (AC) Project began as a pilot in a number of police force areas of England and Wales during April 2021.

The AC Project involves the compulsory use of location monitoring GPS technology in relation to certain prison leavers for up to 12 months.

The subjects must be adults who were released from prison on licence to reside in eligible areas and who were serving a standard determinate custodial sentence for certain acquisitive offences, where these were the most serious offences disposed.

There are 2 distinct cohorts of AC Project compulsory enrolees: prison leavers on licence who were serving at least a 12 month custodial sentence (12m+ cohort) for an eligible acquisitive offence; and, subsequently, prison leavers on licence who were serving at least a 90 day custodial sentence (3-12m cohort) for an eligible acquisitive offence.

The reports contain qualitative conclusions regarding stakeholders’ perceptions of what has worked well and less well in the AC Project. There are also quantitative summaries of the available management information in the period up to June 2022 for the 12m+ cohort and up to December 2023 for the 3 to 12m cohort.

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Published 27 February 2025

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