
Approved learned societies and professional organisations (List 3)

Updated 25 February 2025

Use the list to see if your organisation has been approved by HMRC. If it has, check if you can get tax relief and how to claim.

The entries on this list are in a format to make it easier to use, for example:

  • ‘Society of Academic and Research Surgery’ is shown as ‘Academic and Research Surgery Society of’

  • ‘British Academy of Management’ is shown as ‘Management British Academy of’

You can quickly check if your organisation is on this list if you:

  1. Select the ‘Ctrl’ and ‘F’ keys on your keyboard.

  2. Type in the most relevant part of the name in the search box that appears ― for example, for ‘Society of Actuaries’ you would type ‘actuaries’.

  3. The number of listings that include the word ‘actuaries’ will be displayed.

  4. Use the arrows buttons to find your entry.

You may be able to reclaim tax on:

  • professional membership fees, if you must pay the fees to be able to do your job
  • annual subscriptions you pay to approved professional bodies or learned societies if being a member of that body or society is relevant to your job
  • annual subscriptions for journals or other publications that have a letter ‘J’ in brackets after the organisation’s name


100 Women in Finance Association, with effect from 6 April 2018


AABC Register Ltd (Architects accredited in building conservation), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Academic and Research Surgery Society of

Academic Gaming and Simulation in Education and Training Society for

Academic Primary Care Society for

Academy of Management (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Access Association (AA), with effect from 6 April 2020

Access Consultants National Register of

Accident and Emergency Medicine British Association for

Accountancy Association of Lecturers in

Accountants and Auditors British Association of

Accountants Association of International

Accountants Natal Society of

Accountants South African Institute of Professional (SAIPA)

Accountants Transvaal Society of

Accounting Association American

Accounting Association British (Standing Committee for British Accounting Association)

Accounting Association European

Accounting Conference of Professors of

Accounting Technicians Association of

Accounting Technicians in Ireland Institute of

Acoustical Society British

Acoustical Society of America

Acoustics Institute of

Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Seminar on the (SALALM)

Actuarial Profession The (name for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries)

Actuarial Society Bournemouth

Actuarial Society Manchester

Actuarial Society Staple Inn

Actuaries American Academy of

Actuaries Canadian Institute of

Actuaries in Ireland Society of

Actuaries in Scotland Faculty of (merged on 1 August 2010 to form the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries)

Actuaries Institute and Faculty of (new title of the Institute of Actuaries from 1 August 2010)

Actuaries International Association of ― additional subscription may be paid for membership of specialist section for Actuarial Studies in Non-Life Assurance (Astin)

Actuaries of Australia Institute of

Actuaries Society of

Actuaries Students’ Society Faculty of

Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

Acupuncture Council British

Acupuncture Society British Medical

Acute Medicine UK Society for

Addiction (to Alcohol and other Drugs) Society for the Study of

Addington Society

Administrative Law Bar Association

Administrative Management Institute of

Adoption and Fostering British Agencies for

Adoption and Fostering Alliance Scotland, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Adult Education Association for

Adult Education National Institute of

Advance HE

Advancement of Science American Association for the

Advancement of Science British Association for the

Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Society for the, with effect from 6 April 2019

Advertising Association

Advertising Association (UK Chapter) International

Advertising Managers Association Incorporated

Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education British Association of

Advisers for Computers in Education National Association of

Advisers for the Under-Fives for England and Wales Association of

Advisory Officers Birmingham Association of

Advisory Officers for Special Education National Association of

Advocates Faculty of

Aeronautical Society Royal

Aeronautics and Astronautics American Institute of

Aeronautics and Space Institute Canadian

Aerosol Society

Aerospace Medical Association

Aesthetic Medicine British College of (BCAM), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Aesthetics British Society of

African Institute International

African Law Association International

African Society Royal

African Studies Association of the United Kingdom

Agency Chief Executives Association (ACE)

AGILE Physiotherapy with Older People

Agrément Board (concerned with technical assessment of building products)

Agricultural Arbiters’ Association Scottish

Agricultural Botany National Institute of

Agricultural College Former Students Club West of Scotland

Agricultural Consultants British Institute of

Agricultural Development Association

Agricultural Economics Society

Agricultural Economists International Association

Agricultural Education Association

Agricultural Education Staffs of Local Authorities Association of

Agricultural Engineering British Society for Research in

Agricultural Engineers American Society of

Agricultural Engineers Institution of

Agricultural History Society British

Agricultural Journalists Guild of

Agricultural Labour Science British Society for

Agricultural Law Association, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Agricultural Management Institute of

Agricultural Science Northern Ireland Institute of

Agricultural Secretaries Institute of

Agricultural Society East of England

Agricultural Society Lincolnshire

Agricultural Society of England Royal

Agricultural Society of Scotland Royal Highland

Agricultural Society Royal Counties

Agricultural Society Royal Welsh

Agricultural Society Shropshire and West Midlands

Agricultural Society University College of Wales

Agricultural Society University of Newcastle

Agricultural Society Wharfedale

Agricultural Society Yorkshire

Agricultural Valuers Association Berks and Oxon

Agricultural Valuers Association Cheshire

Agricultural Valuers Association Herefordshire and Worcestershire

Agricultural Valuers Association Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Agricultural Valuers Association Lancashire

Agricultural Valuers Association Midland Counties

Agricultural Valuers Association North Yorkshire and South Durham

Agricultural Valuers Association of Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset

Agricultural Valuers Association of Lincolnshire

Agricultural Valuers Association Sussex and Adjoining Counties

Agricultural Valuers Association Western Counties

Agricultural Valuers Association Wisbech District

Agricultural Valuers Central Association of

Agricultural Valuers Club for Kent and Adjoining Counties

Agricultural Valuers Norfolk Association of

Agricultural Valuers Northumbria and Cumbria Branch of the

Agricultural Valuers Yorkshire Association of

Agriculture Association of

Agrochemicals Standards Inspection Scheme British (BASIS) Professional Register

Agronomy American Society of

Air Pilots The Honourable Company of

Air Traffic Control Officers Guild of (GATCO)

Airline Navigators Council International

Airline Pilots Association British (Restricted to 2/3 of annual subscription)

Airline Pilots Association Irish

Airworthiness International Federation of, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Alchemy and Early Chemistry Society for the Study of

Alcoholism Medical Council on (J ― British Journal on Alcohol and Alcoholism)

Allergists British Association of

Allergology and Clinical Immunology European Academy of

Allergy and Clinical Immunology British Society for

Allergy Society British

Amalgamated School Nurses’ Association

Ambulance Service Institute

American Academy of Neurology (with effect from 6 April 2023)

American Bacteriologists Society of (J ― Applied Microbiology)

American College of Veterinary Pathology (ACVP), with effect from 6 April 2020

American Studies British Association for

American Philosophical Association, with effect from 6 April 2019

Amputee Medical Rehabilitation Society

Anaesthesia Research Society International (IARS), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Anaesthesiology European Academy of (J — European Journal of Anaesthesiology)

Anaesthetic Laboratory Technicians Society of

Anaesthetic Research Society

Anaesthetists Edinburgh and East of Scotland Society of

Anaesthetists Glasgow and West of Scotland Society of

Anaesthetists Liverpool Society of

Anaesthetists Midland Society of

Anaesthetists North East of Scotland Society of

Anaesthetists Northern Ireland Society of

Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Anaesthetists of Ireland College of (CAI), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Anaesthetists of Wales Society of

Anaesthetists Royal College of

Anaesthetists Scottish Society of

Anaesthetists South Western Region Society of

Analysts and Programmers Institution of

Analytical Cytology International Society for

Analytical Psychology Society of

Anaphylaxis Campaign The, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Anatomical Pathology Technology Association of (AAPT), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Anatomical Sciences Institute of

Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Andrology Society British

Anesthesiologists American Society of

Anglo-Saxonists International Society of

Animal Behaviour Association for the Study of

Animal Breeding Society for the Study of

Animal Cell Technology European Society for

Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA)

Animal Nursing Auxiliaries Association British

Animal Science British Society of

Animal Technicians Association

Animal Technicians Institute of

Anthropological and Folklore Society Scottish

Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Royal

Antimicrobal Chemotherapy British Society for

Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (ABA), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Antiquarian Horological Society

Antiquaries of London Society of

Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne Society of

Antiquaries of Scotland Society of

Apothecaries of London Worshipful Society of

Applied Biologists Association of

Applied Linguistics British Association for

Applied Microbiology International, with effect from 6 April 2023

Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy British Association for (BANT), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Applied Philosophy Society for

Applied Studies in Education Oxford Society for

Appraisal Institute (AI), with effect from 6 April 2019

Appraisers American Society of

Approved Schools Staff Association Scottish

Approved Schools Staff National Association of

Arable Research Institute Association

Arbitrators Chartered Institute of

Arboricultural Association

Arboriculture (Europe) Ltd International Society of

Archaeological Association British

Archaeological Association Cambrian

Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Royal

Archaeological Society Chester

Archaeological Society Derbyshire

Archaeological Society Hunter

Archaeological Society Kent

Archaeological Society Sussex

Archaeological Society Ulster

Archaeological Society Yorkshire

Archaeologists Chartered Institute for (CIfA) (formerly Institute of Field Archaeologists)

Archaeology in Iraq British School of

Archaeology Scotland (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Architects Alberta Association of

Architects in Scotland Royal Incorporation of

Architects Institute of Registered

Architects Registration Board (allow the fee payable for retention of the taxpayer’s name in the Register of Architects)

Architects Royal Australian Institute of

Architects Royal Institute of British (subscriptions are paid to RIBA Professional Services Ltd (RPS))

Architects Royal Society of Ulster

Architects Society City and Borough

Architects’ Society County

Architects The American Institute of (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Architects UK American Institute of (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Architectural Association

Architectural Association Birmingham and Five Counties

Architectural Association Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Architectural Historians Great Britain Society of

Architectural Illustrators Society of

Architectural Technologists Chartered Institute of

Architecture and Surveying Institute

Archives and Records Association (new name for the Society of Archivists from 25 May 2010)

Archives International Council on

Aristotelian Society (J ― Proceedings)

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

Army Historical Research Society for

Aromatherapists International Society of Professional

Art Club Glasgow

Art Libraries Society

Art Teachers Association Scottish

Art Therapists British Association of

Art Workers Guild

Arthurian Society International ― British Branch, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Society for the Study of

Artists and Designers in Wales Association of

Artists Royal Birmingham Society of

Arts Royal Society of

Arts Development UK Limited, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Ashridge College Association

Asian Society Royal Central

Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Royal

Asphalt Technology Institute of

Assessors and Verifiers Institute of

Asset Management Institute of, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Assistant Directors Guild UK, with effect from 6 April 2022

Assistants Teaching in Preparatory Schools Society of

Association for Art History

Association of British Professional Conference Organisers (ABPCO), with effect from 6 April 2014

Association of British Science Writers, with effect from 6 April 2023

Association of Governance Risk and Compliance (AGRC)(with effect from 6 April 2023)

Association Management Institute of

Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Association of Scientists Developers and Faculties (ASDF), with effect from 6 April 2019

Assurance Medical Society

Astronomical Association British

Astronomical Society American (AAS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Astronomical Society Canadian (CASCA),with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

Astronomical Society Royal

Astronomy Education Association for

Athens British School at

Atherosclerosis Society British

Atomic Energy Police Federation

Atomic Gardening Society

Audio Engineering Society

Audiological Physicians British Association of

Audiological Technicians Society of

Audiology British Academy of

Audiology British Society of

Auditors Faculty of

Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), with effect from 6 April 2021

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, with effect from 6 April 2021

Australian Computer Society

Australian Rangeland Society

Authorised Public Accountants Association of

Autism Research International Society for, with effect from 6 April 2023

Automotive Electrical Technicians Society of

Automotive Engineer Assessors Institute of

Automotive Engineers Society of

Average Adjusters Association of

Aviation Psychology Western-European Association for

Avon Group The, with effect from April 2018


Bachelier Finance Society with effect from 6 April 2020

Back Pain Research Society for

Bakery Teachers Association of

Baking British Society of

Bankers Association Arab

Bankers in Ireland Institute of

Bankers in Scotland Institute of

Bankers Taxation Circle

Banking and Finance Women in

Banking Teachers Association of

Banks Personnel Management Group London

Baptist Ministers Fellowship

Bar Association for Local Government and Industry

Bar Association International

Bar Council ― Senate of the Inns of Court and the Bar

Barristers Clerks Institute of

BASE UK, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Basics of Scotland Ltd, with effect from April 2018

BASO — The Association for Cancer Surgery (British Association of Surgical Oncology ― title for the British Association of Cancer Surgery from July 2010)

Bath and West and Southern Counties Society

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Bee Research Association (J)

Beer Writers British Guild of

Behaviour Analysis UK Society for with effect from 6 April 2020

Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies British Association for

Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy British Association of

Behavioural Clinicians Association of

Biblical and Theological Research Tyndale Fellowship for (J)

Bibliographical Society

Bibliographical Society Cambridge

Bibliographical Society Edinburgh

Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia

Bibliographical Society Oxford

Bibliography of Natural History Society for the

Biochemical Society (J)

Biodeterioration Society

Biological Education Scottish Association for

Biological Engineering Society

Biology Curators Group

Biology Royal Society of (J)

Biomechanics in Sports, International Society of (ISBS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Biomedical Andrologists Association of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Biomedical Engineering Society Ulster

Biomedical Science Institute of

Biometric Society (British Region)

Biometrika Trust

Biophysical Society British

Blair Bell Research Society

Blind Chartered Physiotherapists Association of

Bliss Classification Association

Blood Transfusion Society Ltd The British

Body Engineers Institution of

Bone and Mineral Research American Society for (J ― Journal of Bone and Mineral Research)

Bone and Tooth Society

Book Association Oxford

Botanical Society of America

Botanical Society of Edinburgh

Botanical Society of the British Isles

Bowen Therapy Professional Association BTPA, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Brain Computer Interface Society, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Brain Injury Case Managers British Association of

Breast Surgery Association of, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Brewers Guild Incorporated

Brewing Institute of

Bricklayers Guild of

Bridge and Structural Engineering International Association for ― British Group (J)

Bridge Union English

British Association for International and Comparative Education (with effect from 6 April 2024)

British Association of Sport Rehabilitators and Trainers (BASRaT), with effect from 6 April 2019

British Bakers Institute of

British Cardiovascular Society

British Focusing Association (with effect from 6 April 2024)

British Forum for Ethnomusicology, with effect from 6 April 2022

British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association

British Institute of Energy Economics (with effect from 6 April 2024)

British Neuro-Oncology Society (BNOS), with effect from 6 April 2020

British Neuropsychiatric Association, with effect from 6 April 2022

British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society, with effect from 6 April 2023

British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (with effect from 6 April 2024)

British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, with effect from 6 April 2021

British Society of Abortion Care Providers (BSACP), with effect from 6 April 2019

British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, with effect from 06 April 2022

British Society for Neuroendocrinology, with effect from 6 April 2022

British Stand Up Paddle Association, with effect from 6 April 2022

British Sub-Aqua Club, with effect from 6 April 2022

British Veterinary Dental Association (BVDA), with effect from 6 April 2019

Brownfield Risk Assessment Society of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Bryological Society American

Bryological Society British

B.S.E. (Estate Management) Club

Buddhist Studies UK Association for

Builders Merchants Institute of

Building Chartered Institute of

Building Control Institute of

Building Engineers Chartered Association of (title from 1 January 2014 following the granting of a Royal Charter)

Building Environmental Performance Analysis Club

Building Estimators Institute of

Building Faculty of

Building Services Engineers Chartered Institution of

Building Site Management Institute of

Building Trades and Handicraft Teachers’ Guild of Northern Ireland

Burglary Insurance Surveyors Association of

Burn Association British, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Business Advisers Institute of

Business Agents Institution of

Business Analysis International Inst of UK Chapter, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Business Analysis International Institute of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Business Architecture Guild, with effect from April 2018

Business Archives Council

Business Continuity Institute

Business Executives Association of

Business Historians Association of (ABH), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Business Recovery Professionals Association of

Business School Association Manchester

Business School Association Scottish

Business Schools Association London

Butser Ancient Farm Project Trust


Cable Television Engineers Society of

Caledonian Society

Canadian Studies British Association for

Cancer Physicians Association of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Cancer Research American Association for

Cancer Research British Association for

Canoe Association Scottish

Canoe Union Coaching Scheme British

Canterbury and York Society

Cardiac Rehabilitation British Association for

Cardiological Science and Technology Society for

Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Society of

Cardiovascular Imaging British Society of/Cardiovascular Computed Tomography British Society of (BSCI BSCCT), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Cardiovascular Intervention Society British, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Cardiovascular Research British Society for

Cardiovascular Surgery European Society for

Care Catering National Association of

Career Development Institute, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Career Management Professionals International Association of

Careers and Guidance Teachers National Association of

Careers Guidance Institute of

Cargo Surveyors British Association of

Caries Research European Organisation for

Carpenters Institute of

Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers Institute of British

Cartographers Society of

Cartographic Society British

Case Management Society UK

Caspari Foundation

Cast Iron Research Association British

Cast Metals Engineers Institute of

Cataract and Refractive Surgeons United Kingdom and Ireland Society of

Catering Teachers’ Association

Catholic Doctors Guild (St Luke SS. Cosmas and Damian Guild of)

Catholic Head Teachers Association of Scotland

Catholic Secondary Teachers Association of

Cattle Veterinary Association British

Cell Biology American Society for

Cell Biology British Society for

Cemetery and Crematorium Management Institute of

Ceramics Institute of

Ceramic Society American

Ceramic Society British

Cereal Chemists American Association of

Certified Accountants Arab Society of

Certified Accountants Chartered Association of (ACCA) (now called the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

Certificated Auditors International Register of (IRCA), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Certified Bookkeepers Association of

Certified Bookkeepers Institute of

Certified Executive Accountants Canadian Association of

Certified General Accountants of Ontario

Certified Public Accountants American Institute of

Certified Public Accountants Association (CPAA), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Certified Public Accountants In Ireland Institute of

Change Management Institute Incorporated, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Chaplains to Children in Residential Care Association of

Charity Finance Directors Group

Charity Fundraising Managers Institute of

Charity Independent Examiners Association of

Charity Law Association, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

CharityComms, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Chartered Accountants Cape Society of

Chartered Accountants Hundred Group of

Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Institute of (ICAEW) (J ― Accountancy ― additional annual subscriptions to individual faculties also qualify for relief)

Chartered Accountants in Ireland Institute of

Chartered Accountants of British Columbia Institute of

Chartered Accountants of New Zealand Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Ontario Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Institute of (ICAP), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Chartered Accountants of Quebec Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Scotland Institute of (J)

Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe Institute of

Chartered Accountants Orange Free State Society of

Chartered Accountants South African Institute of

Chartered Accountants Ulster Society of (J)

Chartered Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute

Chartered Banker Institute

Chartered Building Societies Institute

Chartered Business Valuators Canadian Institute of (CICBV), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Chartered Certified Accountants Association of (ACCA)

Chartered Environmentalist (Cenv) (see Society for the Environment)

Chartered Financial Analyst Society of the UK (CFA Society of the UK)

Chartered Foresters Institute of

Chartered Information Security Institute of, with effect from 6 April 2011

Chartered Institute of Credit Management

Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT)

Chartered Insurance Institute (J ― additional annual subscriptions payable for membership of one or more faculties are also admissible for relief and may include an admissible annual subscription paid by a member of the Insurance Institute of London)

Chartered Land Agents’ Society

Chartered Management Institute

Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy Association of

Chartered Physiotherapists in Management Association of

Chartered Physiotherapists in Mental Healthcare

Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology Association of (ACPIN), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics Association of (ACPOHE), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care Association of (ACPRC), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine Association of

Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health Association of

Chartered Quality Institute

Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Institute of

Chartered Surveyors Royal Institution of

Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) The

Chemical Engineers Institution of

Chemical Hazards Communication Society

Chemical Industry Society of

Chemical Institute Royal Australian

Chemical Society American (J)

Chemical Society Swiss

Chemical Structure Association

Chemistry Royal Society of (J)

Chemists Swedish Society of (Swedish title ― Svenska Kemistsamfundet)

Chemoreception Research Organisation European

Chest and Heart Association

Chest Diseases Cardiff Post-Graduate Federation in

Chest Physicians American College of

Chest Society West Country

Chief Administrators of Health Authorities Association of

Chief Building Control Officers Scottish Association of

Chief Constables’ (Scotland) Association

Chief Education Social Workers National Association of

Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Society of

Chief Executives of London Boroughs Association of

Chief Fire Officers’ Association

Chief Inspectors and Advisers Society of

Chief Leisure Officers Association

Chief Male Nurses (Mental Health Service) National Association of

Chief Personnel Officers in Local Government Society of

Chief Police Officers (Scotland) Association of

Chief Police Officers of England and Wales Association of

Chief Police Officers Staff Association (CPOSA), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Chief Probation Officers Conference of

Chief Quantity Surveyors in Local Government Society of

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Association for

Child Psychotherapists Association of

Childhood Disability European Academy of

Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Children’s Officers Association of

Children’s Officers Association Scottish

Chimique de Belgique Societe

Chimique de France Societe

Chinese Studies British Association for

Chiropodists and Podiatrists Society of

Chiropodists Institute of

Chiropody Teachers in the UK Association of

Chiropractic Association British

Chiropractic Association McTimoney (MCA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Chiropractic Association Scottish

Chiropractic Association United

Chiropractic Council General (allow the fee payable in respect of the retention of a name in the register)

Chiropractors Royal College of

Chirurgie Societe International de (International Society of Surgery)

Christian Counsellors UK Association of

Christian Education at Home and Overseas Institute of

Christian Education Movement

Christian Teachers Association of

Christian Teachers of Wales Association of

Chromatography Discussion Group

Church History Society The Scottish

Cinema Editors American, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Circuit Technologists Association of

Citizen Teaching (ACT) Association for, with effect from April 2016

City and Regional Planners International Society of

City of London Society

Civil Aviation Authority (for aircraft maintenance engineers flight crews air traffic controllers ― the cost of renewal of licence and associated medical and technical examination fees are allowable ― any local flat-rate expenses arrangement for air crews usually include this expense)

Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA)

Civil Engineering Surveyors Institution of

Civil Engineering Technicians Society of

Civil Engineers American Society of

Civil Engineers Institution of (ICE) (J ― Proceedings)

Civil Engineers Institution of (Traffic Engineering Study Group)

Civil Engineers South African Institution of

Civil Funerals Institute of

Civil Mediation Council (CMC), with effect from 6 April 2019

Civil Protection and Emergency Management Institute of (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Classical Association London Branch

Classical Teachers Joint Association of

Classical Teachers London Association of

Clay Minerals Society

Clay Technology Institute of

Clean Air National Society for

Cleaning Science British Institute of

Clerks of County District Councils Society of

Clerks of the Peace of Counties and of Clerks of County Councils Society Of

Clerks of Valuation Panels Society of

Clerks of Works of Great Britain (Incorporated) Institute of

Clerks-at-the-Table in Commonwealth Parliaments Society of

Climatologists Association of British

Clinical Anatomists British Association of

Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine The Association for

Clinical Cytologists North Western Association of

Clinical Cytology British Society for

Clinical Data Management Association for

Clinical Diabetologists Association of British (ABCD), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision International Society for

Clinical Embryologists The Association of ACE, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Clinical Genetics Society The

Clinical Investigation European Society for

Clinical Microbiologists Association of

Clinical Molecular Genetics Society

Clinical Neurophysiologists Association of British

Clinical Oncology American Society of (J ― Journal of Clinical Oncology)

Clinical Pastoral Education Association for

Clinical Pathologists Association of

Clinical Pharmacy Association UK

Clinical Psychologists Association of, with effect from 6 April 2021

Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) The Registration Council for, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Clinical Professors in Medicine Association of

Clinical Psychiatrists Society of

Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry Association of (ACRPI)

Clinical Research Institute of

Clinical Tutors National Association of

Clothing and Footwear Institute

Clwb TeithioLlawfeddygon Cymru (English name — Welsh Surgical Travelling Club)

Coaching Federation International — UK Chapter, with effect from 6 April 2022

Coaching International Ltd Association for, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Coaching Psychology International Society of, with effect from 6 April 2023

Coal Industry Society

Cochlear Implant Group British

Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association for

Cognitive Development Society, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Cognitive Science Society

Coke Oven Managers’ Association

Collaborative Working, Institute for (ICW), with effect from 6 April 2017

College of Mental Health Pharmacy, with effect from 6 April 2021

College Management Association of

College Registrars and Administrators Association of

Colliery Managers National Association of

Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Colour Group (Great Britain)

Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology British Society for

Combinatronics and Its Applications Institute of (to do with mathematics)

Combined Heat and Power Association

Combustion Institute (British Section)

Commerce British Society of

Commerce Finance and Industry Bar Association for

Commerce Institute of

Commercial and Industrial Education British Association for

Commercial and Technical Representatives Institute of

Commercial Management Institute of

Communication Advertising and Marketing Society (CAM)

Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) National Register of, with effect from April 2018

Communication Research and Education Association European

Communications Guild

Communications Management Association

Community Child Health British Association for

Community Dentistry British Association for the Study of

Community Health Councils Society of Secretaries of Welsh

Community Home Schools Association of

Community Medicine (Child Health) Association of Specialists in

Community Medicine Environmental Health Group

Community Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Faculty of

Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association

Community Safety Institute of (ICS)

Community Workers in the UK Association of

Company Accountants Institute of

Comparative Education Society in Europe (British Section) (J)

Comparative Endocrinology European Society for

Comparative Literature Association British

Compliance Institute

Comprehensive Schools Centre for the Study of

Compulsory Purchase Association

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, with effect from 6 April 2022

Computer Association of the Blind British

Computer Consultants Association of Professional

Computer Control and Audit Group Scottish

Computer Graphics European Association for (short-title ― Eurographics)

Computer Lab Ring Cambridge

Computer Sciences Institution of

Computer Telephone Integration users and suppliers Association of

Computers and Law Society for

Computing Machinery Association for

Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Concrete Institute American

Concrete Society (J)

Concrete Technology Institute of

Conference Executives Association of

Conflict Management Institute of

Connective Tissue Society British

Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur la Comite Nationale des

Conservation Institute of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works International Institute for

Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works UK Institute for

Conservation of Historic Buildings Association for Studies in the

Construction Heads British Association of

Construction Management Institute of

Construction Surveyors Institute

Consultant Orthodontists Group Scottish

Consultant Orthodontists’ Group

Consultants Association London

Consultants in Agriculture and Horticulture British Association of

Consultants in Restorative Dentistry Group

Consulting Actuaries Association of

Consulting Actuaries International Association of

Consulting Engineers Association of

Consulting Institute of (name from 1 February 2011 formerly the Institute of Business Consulting)

Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors Society of

Consumer Advisers Institute of

Consumer Affairs Professionals in Europe Society of

Consumer Sciences Institute of

Contact Lens Association British

Contemporary European Studies University Association for

Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists Association of

Continence Advice Association for

Continence Society International

Continuing Professional Development Institute of

Continuous Improvement in Public Services, Institute for (ICiPS), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Contraception and Reproductive Health European Society of

Contraception and Sexual Health London Society for (title from March 2011 formerly the London Society for Family Planning Practitioners)

Contraception and Sexual Health West Midland Association for

Contraception and Sexual Medicine Bath and Wilts Doctor’s Group for

Contract and Commercial Management International Association for

Contractors Mechanical Plant Engineers

Contracts and Commercial Management Association

Controlled Release Society (CRS), with effect from 6 April 2019

Conveyancing and Executry Services Board Scottish

Cookery and Food Association (relief is not due for any part of a subscription paid over to the National Union of Co-operative Officials)

Co-operative Managers Association National

Co-operative Secretaries Association

CoreNet Global UK Ltd (Corporate Real Estate Network)

Core Technologies for Life Sciences (CTLS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Corn and Agricultural Merchants Institute of

Coroners Society of England and Wales

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Institute of, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Corporate Treasurers Association of

Corrosion Institute of

COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland)

Cosmetic Scientists Society of

Cost Accountants Australasian Institute of

Cost and Executive Accountants Institute of

Cost Engineers American Association of

Cost Engineers Association of

Costs Lawyer Standards Board (allow relief under s343 ITEPA 2003 for the fee payable to the CLSB on applying for a Costs Lawyer practising certificate)

Costs Lawyers Association of (title from 1 January 2011 formerly the Association of Law Costs Draftsmen)

Cotton Association Liverpool

Council Secretaries and Solicitors Association of

Counselling and Psychotherapy British Association for

Counselling Society The National, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Primary Care Association of

Counsellors in Education National Association of

Countryside Management Association

Countryside Rangers Association Scottish

County Archivists Association of

County Chief Executives Association of

County Clerks in Scotland Society of

County Court and District Registrars Association of

County Land Agents’ Association

County Medical Officers of Health Association of

County Planning Officers’ Society

County Surveyors’ Society

County Treasurers Society of

County Welfare Officers’ Society

Courtly Literature Society International (British Branch)

CPA (Certified Practicing Accountants) Australia

Craft Education College of

Craniofacial Society of Great Britain

Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery European Association for

Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association

Criminology British Society of

Critical Care Medicine Society of

Critical Care Nurses British Association of

Crop Consultants Association of Independent

Crop Research Scottish Society for

Crop Science Society of America

Crystallographic Association British

Culinaire de France Academie

Curriculum Association for the Study of

Customer Service Institute of

Customs Practitioners Group

CV Writers British Association of (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru (English name ― Welsh Translators and Interpreters Association of), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Cymdeithas Pediatrig Cymru (English name ― Welsh Paediatric Society)

Cyngor Addysgu Cyffredinol Cymru (English name ― General Teaching Council for Wales ― allow the fee payable in respect of the retention of a name in the register)


Dairy Farmers’ Association British

Dairy Technology Society of

Dam Society British (formerly International Commission on Large Dams (British Section))

Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Association for (ADMP), with effect from 6 April 2021

Dance Royal Academy of

Dance Teachers Association International

Data Management Association UK Ltd (DAMAUK), with effect from 6 April 2018

Day Surgery British Association of

De Nederlande Orde van Belastingadviseurs (English translation Dutch Association of Tax Advisers)

Decontamination Sciences Institute of (IDSc)

Decoration Faculty of

Defence Industry Security Association

Defence Studies Royal United Services Institute for (concerned with naval and military science and literature)

Delinquency Institute for the Study and Treatment of

Democratic Service Officers Association of

Dental Anaesthetists Association of

Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology British Society of

Dental Association British

Dental Council General (allow the fee for the entry or retention of a name in the dentist’s register or in a roll or record kept for a class of auxiliary dental workers ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Dental Defence Union

Dental Health Foundation British

Dental Hygiene and Therapy, British Society of

Dental Nurses British Association of

Dental Practice Managers Association British

Dental Practitioners Association General

Dental Protection Ltd (a sub section of Medical Protection Society)

Dental Receptionists Association British

Dental Research International Association for (British Division)

Dental Society Anglo Continental

Dental Society Herefordshire

Dental Society of London American

Dental Surgeons North Staffordshire Society of

Dental Surgery British Society for General

Dental Technologists Association

Dental Therapists British Association of

Dentistry British Society for Behavioural Sciences in

Dentistry for Children International Association of

Dentistry Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in (SAAD), with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology International Association of (J)

Dermatological Society Scottish

Dermatological Society St John’s Hospital

Dermatologists British Association of

Dermatologists Irish Association of

Design and Art Direction British

Design and Industries Association

Design and Technology Association

Design Craft and Technology Educational Institution of

Design History Society (from year tax relief is not due in respect of the journal subscription)

Designers Chartered Society of

Designers/Interpreters in Museums Group of

Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie (concerned with chemistry and technology)

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Mineralolwissenschaft und Kohlechemie (concerned with the science of petroleum and carbon chemistry)

Development Biology British Society for

Development Pathology Society

Development Professionals in Education Institute of

Development Studies Association

Diabetes European Association for the Study of

Diabetes UK (Medical Personnel only)

Diagnostic Engineers Institution of

Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association European

Diecasting Society

Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers Institution of

Dietetic Association British (also refer to ― Professions Supplementary to Medicine Council for)

Direct Mail Advertising Association British

Direct Marketing Association British

Direct Marketing Membership Ltd Institute of

Directors Institute of

Directors of Education in Scotland Association of

Directors of Planning Scottish Society of

Directors of Public Health Association of

Directors of Social Services Association of

Directors of Social Work Association of

Directors of Welfare Services Association of

Disability and Oral Health British Society for

Disabled Professionals Association of

Discrimination Law Association, with effect from 6 April 2022

Dispensing Opticians Association of British

District Auditors Society

District Council Technical Association

District Council Treasurers Association of

District Judges Association of

District Nurses Association of

District Nursing Queens Institute of

District Planning Officers Society

Domestic Heating Engineers Institute of

Domestic Management Association of

Domiciliary Care Officers British Association of

Double Century Club

Drama League British

Dramatherapists British Association of

Dreams International Association for the Study of, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Driving Instructors

Drug Research Society for

Drug Utilization Research Group United Kingdom

Dugdale Society

Dyers and Cleaners Guild of

Dyers and Colourists Society of

Dynamic Psychotherapy North West Institute of

Dyslexia Association, British, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Dyslexia Guild


Early Childhood Education British Association for

Early English

Earth Science Teachers Association

Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team

East India Association (India, Pakistan and Burma (Myanmar))

Eating Disorders Association

Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association (with effect from 6 April 2022)

Ecclesiastical History Society

Ecclesiastical Law Society

Echocardiography British Society of

Ecological Society British

Ecologists, Association of Local Government, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Ecology and Environmental Management Chartered Institute of

Econometric Society

Economic Association American

Economic Association European

Economic Development Institute of

Economic Geologists Society of

Economic History Society

Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists Society of (J)

Economic Society Royal

Economic Society Scottish

Economics and Business Enterprise Association

Editing and Proofreading Chartered Institute of

Editors Association of British

Editors Guild of

Education Advisors Association of, with effect from 6 April 2023

Education and Children’s Trusts Association of Professionals in (ASPECT)

Education for Commerce National Association for

Education for Planning Association

Education in Art and Design National Society for

Education in Museums Group for

Education Law Association

Education Meal Advisers National Association of

Education Officers Society of

Education Standing Conference on Studies in

Education Workforce Council (allow the fee payable in respect of the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Education and Training, Society for

Educational and Training Technology Association for

Educational Assessors Chartered Institute of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Educational Assessors Institute of

Educational Gerontology Association for

Educational Guidance for Adults National Association for

Educational Institute of Design Craft and Technology

Educational Institute of Scotland (J) ― tax relief to be restricted to two-thirds of the annual subscription

Educational Management and Administration Society British

Educational Psychologists Association of

Educational Research Association American (J)

Educational Research Association British

Educational Research Association Scottish

Educational Television Association

Educational Therapy and Therapeutic Teaching Forum for the Advancement of

Egypt Exploration Society

Eighteenth Century Studies British Society for

Elbow and Shoulder Society British

Electoral Administrators Association of

Electrical and Electronics Engineers Institute of (additional admissible subscriptions may be paid for membership of professional groups and for publications)

Electrical Engineers American Institute of

Electriciens Societe Francaise des

Electricity Administration Institute of

Electroencephalographic Society

Electrolysis British Institute and Association of

Electronic and Radio Engineers Institution of

Electronics Institution of

Electro-Physiological Technologists’ Association

Electrophysiology and Kinesiology International Society of with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Electrotechnical Institution Swiss

Embalmers British Institute of

Embroiderers’ Guild (J ― contribution to expansion fund not admissible)

Emergency Medical Technicians British Association of

Emergency Medicine Royal College of

Emergency Medicine Research Society (J ― Archives of Emergency Medicine)

Emergency Nursing Faculty of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Emergency Planning Society

Empire Forestry Association

Employability Professionals Institute of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Employment Consultants Institute of

Employment Lawyers Association

Employment Related Services Association (ERSA), with effect from 6 April 2019

Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons British Association of (BAETS), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Endocrine Society

Endocrinology Caledonian Society for

Endocrinology Society for

Endodontic Society British

Engineer Surveyors Bureau of

Engineering and Technology Institution of

Engineering Associations European Federation of National (known as FEANI Subscriptions paid every 5 years ― relief allowable each year on one fifth of the payment)

Engineering Construction Industry Skills Database (initial registration fee not admissible ― allow annual retention fee only)

Engineering Council

Engineering Designers Institution of

Engineering Geologists Association of

Engineering Institute of Canada

Engineering Institutions Foreign Language Group

Engineering Metrology Association

Engineering Royal Academy of

Engineering Society Colchester

Engineering Society Liverpool

Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta Association of Professional, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland Institution of

Engineers and Shipbuilders North East Coast Institution of

Engineers Australia

Engineers Belfast Association of

Engineers Institution of British (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of

Mining Engineers)

Engineers Institution of Incorporated

Engineers Junior Institution of

Engineers Leeds Association of

Engineers Manchester Association of

Engineers Midland Counties Institution of

Engineers North of England

Engineers of Ireland Institution of

Engineers of the Province of Ontario Association of Professional

Engineers Society of

Engineers Society of Professional

Engineers South Wales Institute of (annual subscription may include admissible capitation fee payable to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Engineers-in-Charge Institution of

English Association (concerned with knowledge and appreciation of English language and literature)

English Place-Name Society

Enterostomal Therapists United Kingdom Organisation World Council of

Entomological Society of London Royal


Environment Conscious Building Association for

Environment Society for the (allow relief for the annual subscription for the award of the ‘Chartered Environmentalist’, ‘Registered Environmental Practitioner’ and ‘Registered Environmental Technician’ designation available through membership of one of the licensed Constituent Bodies)

Environmental Archaeology Association for

Environmental Education National Association for

Environmental Engineers Society of

Environmental Health Chartered Institute of

Environmental Health Institute of Scotland Royal

Environmental Law Association United Kingdom

Environmental Management and Assessment Institute of

Environmental Management Institute of (merged to form Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment)

Environmental Mutagen Society European

Environmental Sciences Institution of

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Society for, with effect from 6 April 2020

Epidemiological Association International

Equality and Diversity Practitioners Institute of, with effect from 6 April 2013

Equine Practitioners American Association of

Equine Veterinary Association British

Ergonomics and Human Factors Chartered Institute of

Ergonomics Practitioners of the Ergonomics Society Division of

Esperanto Teachers Association

Estate Agents Corporation of

Estates and Wayleaves Officers Incorporated Society of

Estuarine and Brackish-Water Sciences Association

Eugenics Society

Eurocall ― European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning

Eurographics Association (concerned with computer graphics)

European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine

European College of Bovine Health Management (with effect from 6 April 2024)

European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology Association for (with effect from 6 April 2023)

European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, with effect from 6 April 2022

European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), with effect from 6 April 2018

European Society of Cardiology (ESC), with effect from 6 April 2019

European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology, with effect from 6 April 2022

European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), with effect from 6 April 2019

European Sponsorship Association, with effect from April 2018

European Trademark Association

Evolutionary Biology European Society for (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Evolution Society for the Study of

Executive and Personal Assistants Association (EPAA), with effect from 6 April 2019

Executive Engineers Institution of Incorporated

Executives and Administrators Corporation of

Executives and Managers in the Service Industries Institute of

Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis British Society of (J ― British Journal of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis)

Experimental Biology Society for

Experimental Medicine Scottish Society for

Experimental Psychology Society

Experimental Test Pilots Society of

Expert Witness Institute

Expert Witnesses Society of

Experts British Academy of

Exploration Geochemists Association of

Exploration Geophysicists European Association of

Exploration Geophysicists Society of

Explosives Engineers Institute of

Export and International Trade Chartered Institute of

Export Research Group

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR Association UK and Ireland), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Eye Research Association for

Eye Research International Society for (J ― Experimental Eye Research)

Eye Study Group British


Factory Management Institute of

Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI), with effect from 7 January 2020

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, with effect from 6 April 2018

Faculty of Sports & Exercise Medicine UK (FSEMUK), with effect from 6 April 2018

Family Mediators UK College of

Family Planning Doctors West Midlands Association of

Family Planning Nurses Scottish Society of

Family Therapy (London) Ltd Institute of

Family Therapy Association for

Farriers Registration Council

Feed Technologists Society of

Femmes des Carrieres Juridiques Federation Internationale des (UK Section)

Fertiliser Society

Fertility Society British

Fertility Society for the Study of

Field Club Essex

Field Society West Wales

Field Studies Officers National Association of

Film and Television Arts British Academy of (known as BAFTA)

Film Council British Universities

Film Production Accountants and Financial Administrators Guild of

Filtration Society

Finance Association American

Finance Association European (EFA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Financial Accountants Institute of

Financial Controllers and Administrators Association of

Financial Management Association International (FMA), with effect from 6 April 2020

Financial Planning Institute of

Financial Planning International Association for

Fine Arts Manchester Academy of

Fingerprint Society

Fire Engineers Institution of

Fire Investigators UK Association of (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Fire Prevention Officers Institute of

Fire Protection Association Fire Officers’ Committee

Fire Safety Engineers Society of

Fire Safety Managers Institute of

Fiscal Association International

Fiscal Documentation International Bureau of (UK branch)

Fiscal Studies Institute for

Fish Pathologists European Association of

Fisheries Management Institute of

Fisheries Society of the British Isles

Fleet Professionals Association of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Flour Milling and Baking Research Association

Fluoridation Society British

Flux: The Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Folk Life Studies Society for

Folk-Lore Society

Food and Wine Service Academy of

Food Hygiene Technology Society of

Food Science and Technology of the United Kingdom Institute of

Food Technologists Institute of

Foreign Press Association in London

Foremen Engineers and Chief Draughtsmen Middlesborough and District Association of

Foremen Engineers West of Scotland Association of

Forensic and Legal Medicine Faculty of (this body is a Faculty of the Royal College of Physicians of London), with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Forensic Medicine British Association in

Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics International Association for, with effect from 6 April 2021

Forensic Practitioners Council for the Registration of

Forensic Sciences British Academy of

Forensic Sciences Chartered Society of

Foresters of Great Britain Association of Professional

Foresters Society of Irish

Forestry Society of England and Wales Royal

Forestry Society Royal Scottish

Forging Technology International Institute of

Foster Care Association National

Foundrymen Institute of British

Fraud Examiners (UK) Association of Certified

Fraud Examiners Association of Certified (ACFE)

Freight Association Limited British International

French History Society for the Study of

French Language Studies Association for

French Studies 17th Century Society for

French Studies Society for (J ― French Studies)

Freshwater Biological Association

Friedrich Nietzsche Society

Froebel Foundation National (concerned with teaching methods)

Fundraising Institute of

Funeral Directors British Institute of

Further and Higher Education Association Scottish

Further and Higher Education for the Hearing Impaired National Study Group on

Further Education Officers in Scotland Association of

Further Education Research Network


Gallery Education National Association for (ENGAGE)

Gambling Commission (allow relief under s343(2) employees working in the Gambling Industry ― who are legally required to hold a personal licence ― have an entitlement to a deduction for a personal licence fee paid on or after 1 December 2012)

Game Angling

Games Theory Society The, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Garden History Society

Gardeners Guild The Professional

Gas Engineers Institution of

Gastroenterological Society Midland

Gastroenterology British Society of

Gastroenterology Society North of England

Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology British Society of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Gemmological Association of Great Britain

Genealogists and Researchers in Archives Association of (AGRA)

Genealogists Society of

General Practitioners Royal College of

General Dentistry College of (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Genetic Counsellor Registration Board (GCRB)

Genetic Medicine British Society for

Genetics Society

Genetics Society of America

Genito-Urinary Medicine Association for

Geochemical Society

Geographers Association of American

Geographers Canadian Association of

Geographers Institute of British

Geographic Information Association for

Geographic Society National

Geographical Association

Geographical Society American

Geographical Society Royal

Geographical Society Royal Scottish

Geographical Society South African

Geographical Society with IBG Royal

Geography Teachers Scottish Association of

Geological and Mining Society Manchester (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Geological Association Manchester

Geological Curators’ Group

Geological Society Edinburgh

Geological Society Liverpool

Geological Society of America (J)

Geological Society of Australia Incorporated

Geological Society of Glasgow

Geological Society of London

Geological Society Yorkshire

Geologists’ Association

Geologists’ Institution of

Geologists’ Institution of Professional

Geology applied to Mineral Deposits Society for

Geomorphological Research Group British

Geophysical Union American (J (1) Geophysical Monograph Series (2) Translations of Russian Journals)

Georgian Group The

Geosynthetics Society International UK Chapter

Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists Association of (AGS), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Geotechnical Society British

Geotechnical Society Midland (J)

Geriatric Care Association of Great Britain

Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology West Midlands Institute of

Geriatrics Society American

Geriatrics Society British

German History Society

German Informatics Society (GIS), with effect from 6 April 2020

German Politics Association for Study of

German Studies Library Group

Gerontology British Society of

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (concerned with chemical science)

Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute (GPTI)

Girls Schools Association

Glaciological Society International

Glass Technology Society of

Glaucoma Association Ltd International

Global China Academy (with effect from 6 April 2023)

Goat Veterinary Society

Goethe Society English

Golf Club Secretaries Association of

Golf Course Architects British Institute of

Golf Greenkeepers Association British and International

Graduate Careers Advisory Services Association of (with effect from 6 April 2021)

Graphology Association International

Grassland Society Berkshire

Grassland Society British

Grassland Society Buckinghamshire and District

Grassland Society Central Scotland

Grassland Society Devon

Grassland Society Dorset

Grassland Society East of Scotland

Grassland Society Essex

Grassland Society Hertfordshire and District

Grassland Society Leicestershire

Grassland Society North of Scotland

Grassland Society Shropshire

Grassland Society South West Scotland

Grassland Society Ulster

Grassland Society Warwickshire

Grassland Society Yorkshire

Greek Political Thought Society for the Study of (subscription paid is in respect of Society’s publication ‘Polis’)

Grocery Distribution Institute of

Grooms Association British (BGA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Grotius Society (concerned with the study of international law)

Grounds Management Association

Group Analysis Institute of

Group-Analytic Society (London)

Guardians Ad Litem and Reporting Officers National Association of

Guide Lecturers Guild of

Guild of Architectural Ironmongers

Gymnastics Association British

Gynaecological Cancer Society British

Gynaecological Endoscopy British Society for

Gynaecological Pathologists British Association of, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year


Haematology British Society for

Haematology International Society of

Haematopathology European Association for

Haemostasis and Thrombosis British Society for

Haemotology Association of Professors and Heads of Academic Departments of

Hairdressing Council The, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Hakluyt Society (concerned with geographical records)

Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association British

Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government

Harbour Masters Association of the UK Channel Islands and Isle of Man, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Hardware National Institute of

Harper Adams Poultry Research Unit

Harvard Business School Club of London

Harveian Society of London (concerned with medical science)

Head and Neck Oncologists of Great Britain Association of

Head Teachers Association London

Head Teachers Association of Scotland

Head Teachers National Association of

Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools Society of

Headmasters and Headmistresses of the Welsh Secondary Schools Association of (aka Welsh Secondary Schools Association)

Headmasters’ Conference

Headmistresses of Recognised Independent Schools Association of

Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland Association of, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Health and Beauty Therapists National Federation of

Health and Care Professions Council (allow the fee payable for the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003 ― title from August 2012 formerly the Health Professions Council)

Health Care Chaplains College of

Health Care Information and Medical Records Officers Association of

Healthcare Communications Association

Health Education Central Council for

Health Education Institute of

Health Management Institute of (Successor to the Institute of Healthcare Management), with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Health Professions Council (title from August 2012 ― Health and Care Professions Council ― allow the fee payable for the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Health Royal Society for the Promotion of (short title ― Royal Society of Health)

Health Service Unit Administrators Association of

Health Visiting Institute of, with effect with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Health Visitors’ Association Scottish

Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management Institute of

Healthcare Financial Management Association

Healthcare Science Academy for, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Hearing Aid Audiologists Society of

Hearing Aid Council (treat retention fees as allowable ― s343(2) ITEPA 2003)

Hearing and Deafness Film Association

Heart Failure British Society for (BSH), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Heart Research International Society for

Heat Transfer Society

Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers American Society of

Healthcare Infection Society (HIS)

Hebrew Teachers of Great Britain and Ireland National Union of

Helicopter Association of Great Britain

Helicopter Society American

Hellenic Studies Society for the Promotion of

Henry Sweet Society

Heraldry Society

Heritage Interpretation Association for (AHI)

Herpetological Society British

High Pressure Technology Association

Hispanists of GB and Ireland Association of

Histocompatability and Immunogenetics British Society for

Historians of Netherlandish Art, with effect from 6 April 2021

Historic Building Conservation Institute for

Historic Houses Association

Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire

Historical Association

Historical Metallurgy Society

Historical Philosophical and Philological Studies British Academy for the Promotion of

Historical Society Flintshire

Historical Society of the Church of Wales

Historical Society Royal

Historical Society Worcestershire

History of Education Society

History of Natural History Society for the

History of Pharmacy British Society for the

History of Philosophy British Society for the

History of Science British Society for the

History Society Scottish

History Teachers Association Hull and East Riding

History Teachers in Wales Association of

HIV Association British

HIV Association Children’s (CHIVA)

HIV Nurses Association National

Holistic Therapists Federation of

Home Economics Institute of

Home Help Organisers Institute of

Home Teachers of the Blind of England and Wales National Association of

Homeopathy Faculty of

Homoeopathic Chiropodists British Association of

Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons British Association of (where the subscription includes membership fees to the International Association for Veterinary Homoeopathy only the proportion relating to the British Association is allowable)

Homoeopaths Society of

Horological Institute British

Horticultural Therapy and Rural Training Society for

Horticulture Institute of

Hospice Social Workers Association of

Hospital Caterers’ Association

Hospital Engineers Institution of

Hospital Laundry Managers Society of

Hospital Physicists’ Association

Hospital Physics Technicians’ Association

Hospital Play Staff National Association of

Hospital Treasurers Association of (J ― Hospital Service Finance)

Hospitality Accountants British Association of

Hospitality Institute of

Hotel Sales Managers’ Association

Housing Chartered Institute of

Housing Studies Association

Human and Animal Mycology International Society for

Human Biology Society for the Study of

Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Organization for, with effect from 6 April 2018

Human Givens Institute

Hundred Group of Chartered Accountants

Hunterian Society

Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida Society for Research into

Hydrogeologists International Association of

Hydrographic Society

Hydrological Society British

Hydromechanics Research Association British

Hypertension Society British

Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists National Register of

Hypnotherapy Society The National, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year


Identification International Association for

IFS School of Finance

Illuminating Engineering Society

Illustrators Association of

Immediate Care British Association for

Immunology British Society for

Independent Doctors Federation Ltd (IDF), with effect from 6 April 2018

Independent Schools Association

Indexers Society of (J ― the Indexer)

Indirect Taxation Institute of

Indoor Air Quality and Climate, International Society of (ISIAQ), with effect from 6 April 2020

Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for

Industrial and Cost Accountants of Ontario Society of

Industrial Archaeology Association for

Industrial Catering Association

Industrial Dental Surgeons Association of

Industrial Engineers American Institute of

Industrial Hygiene Association American

Industrial Law Society

Industrial Marketing Association British

Industrial Marketing Research Association

Industrial Medical Association

Industrial Property Attorneys British Association of the International Federation of

Industrial Property Union of European Practitioners in ― specialists in European Patent Law

Industrial Psychology National Institute of

Industrial Security Institute of

Industrial Transport Association (Great Britain)

Industrial Tribunal Chairmen of England and Wales Council of

Industrial Truck Trainers Association of

Industrial Tutors Society of

Industrial Water Society

Infant Studies International Congress of, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Infection Association, British (BIA), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Infection British Society for the Study of

Infection Prevention Society (formerly the Infection Control Nurses Association)

Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), with effect from 6 April 2015

Information Association European

Information Security Chartered Institute of

Information Display Society for

Information Management and Technology Staff in the NHS (known as ASSIST)

Information Officers in the Pharmaceutical Industry Association of (AIOPI)

Information Scientists Institute of

Information Services for the Disabled

Information Systems Association for, with effect from 6 April 2022

Information Systems Audit and Control Association ― Winchester Chapter (ISACA), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA Northern Chapter — only the subscription for membership of the chapter is allowable for relief with effect from 6 April 2023)

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA Scottish Chapter ― only the subscription for membership of the Chapter is admissible for relief)

Information Systems Audit and Control Association London Chapter (relief is only due on the subscription for membership of the London Chapter not the subscription for membership of the international association)

Information Systems Institution for the Management of

Information Technology Managers Society of

Ingenieurs Civils de France Societe des

Inherited Metabolic Disease Group British

Innkeeping British Institute of

INSEAD Alumni Association UK, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Insolvency Practitioners Association

Inspection and Registration Officers National Association of

Institute for Systems Engineering (IfSE) (transfer of membership from INCOSE UK to IfSE expected to be completed by the end of March 2025 — allow relief for INCOSE UK membership up to 5 April 2025)

Institute of Accountants and Bookkeepers (IAB) (name changed 1 September 2022 ― previously International Association of Bookkeepers)

Institute of Health Records and Information Management (IHRIM), with effect from 6 April 2020

Institute of Highway Engineers

Institute of Medical Ethics (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Institute of Water

Institutional and Organizational Economics Society for, with effect from 6 April 2022

Institutional Management Association

Instrument Society of America

Insurance and Risk Managers Association of

Insurance Brokers Corporation of

Insurance Brokers Registration Council

Insurance Consultants Institute of

Insurance Institute of London (subscriptions are paid to the Chartered Insurance Institute)

Insurance Law Association British

Insurance Teachers Association of

Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) (IPReg is the independent regulatory body of Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys allow the practice fee payable for entry and annual renewal of registration status)

Intensive Care Medicine European Society of (ESICM), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Intensive Care Society

Intensive Care Society Scottish, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Interim Management Institute of

Interior Design British Institute of (BIID), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Internal Auditors Institute of (UK)

Internal Auditors Institute of (USA Body)

Internal Communication Institute of

Internal Medicine International Society of

International Absorption Society (IAS), with effect from 6 April 2021

International Arbitration, London Court of, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

International Association of Lighting Designers (with effect from 6 April 2023)

International Bankers Worshipful Company of

International Bladder Cancer Network (with effect from 6 April 2023)

International Business Academy of, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

International Cat Care

International City Management Association

International Cost Estimating and Analysis, Association of, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

International Cytokine and Interferon Society (with effect from 6 April 2024)

International Health Education British Society for

International Information System Security Certification Consortium Inc. (ISC) 2, with effect from 6 April 2019

International Law American Society of with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

International Law Association, ILA, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

International Law European Society of (ESIL), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society UK (with effect from 6 April 2023)

International Psycho-Oncology Society, with effect from 6 April 2022

International Society for Conversation Analysis, with effect from 6 April 2022

International Society for Experimental Hematology, with effect from 6 April 2021

International Society for Industrial Ecology, with effect from 6 April 2023

International Society for Stem Cell Research, with effect from 6 April 2024

International Studies Association British (BISA)

International Understanding British Society for

International Water Association

International Zebrafish Society, with effect from 6 April 2021

Interpersonal Psychotherapy UK (ITP UK), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Interplanetary Society British

Interventional Radiologists British Society of

Intravenous Anaesthesia UK Society for

Invertebrate Pathology Society for (J ― Journal of Invertebrate Pathology)

Investigators Institute of Professional

Investment Management and Research Association for

Investment Property Forum

Investor Relations Society

Irish Academy Royal

Irish College of General Practitioners The (ICGP), with effect from 6 April 2018

Irish Legal History Society

Irish Planning Institute

Iron and Steel Engineers Association of

Iron and Steel Institute Staffordshire

Iron and Steel Institute West of Scotland

Italian Studies Society for

Italic Handwriting Society for


Japanese Studies British Association for

Jeunes Avocats Association Internationale des

Jewish Studies Association for, with effect from 6 April 2022

Joinery Managers

Joseph Society

Journalists Institute of

Junior Chamber of Commerce Aberdeen

Junior Chamber of Commerce Amber Valley

Junior Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturers Edinburgh

Junior Chamber of Commerce and Shipping Hull

Junior Chamber of Commerce Aylesbury and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bedford

Junior Chamber of Commerce Birmingham

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bolton

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bradford

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bromley and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bromsgrove

Junior Chamber of Commerce Burton-on-Trent and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Bury St Edmunds and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Buxton and High Peak

Junior Chamber of Commerce Cardiff

Junior Chamber of Commerce Carlisle

Junior Chamber of Commerce Carrickfergus

Junior Chamber of Commerce Chester and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Chesterfield

Junior Chamber of Commerce Colchester

Junior Chamber of Commerce Coventry

Junior Chamber of Commerce Derby and Derbyshire

Junior Chamber of Commerce Doncaster

Junior Chamber of Commerce Dudley and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Dundee

Junior Chamber of Commerce East Surrey (known as Jaycees)

Junior Chamber of Commerce Exeter

Junior Chamber of Commerce Forth Valley

Junior Chamber of Commerce Gainsborough

Junior Chamber of Commerce Glasgow

Junior Chamber of Commerce Goole and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Grantham (known as BJC Grantham)

Junior Chamber of Commerce Guildford and Woking

Junior Chamber of Commerce Halifax and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Heavy Woollen District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Huddersfield

Junior Chamber of Commerce Ipswich

Junior Chamber of Commerce Kirklees

Junior Chamber of Commerce Lanarkshire

Junior Chamber of Commerce Leamington and Warwick

Junior Chamber of Commerce Leeds

Junior Chamber of Commerce Leicester and County

Junior Chamber of Commerce Lincoln

Junior Chamber of Commerce Liverpool

Junior Chamber of Commerce London

Junior Chamber of Commerce Lowestoft (known as Jaycees)

Junior Chamber of Commerce Manchester

Junior Chamber of Commerce Mansfield

Junior Chamber of Commerce Newport and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce North Devon

Junior Chamber of Commerce North West Leicestershire

Junior Chamber of Commerce Northampton and County

Junior Chamber of Commerce Norwich

Junior Chamber of Commerce Nottingham

Junior Chamber of Commerce Oldham and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Paisley and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Perthshire

Junior Chamber of Commerce Peterhead

Junior Chamber of Commerce Portsmouth

Junior Chamber of Commerce Rochdale

Junior Chamber of Commerce Rotherham and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Scarborough

Junior Chamber of Commerce Sheffield

Junior Chamber of Commerce Slough and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce South Cheshire

Junior Chamber of Commerce Southampton

Junior Chamber of Commerce Stockport

Junior Chamber of Commerce Swansea

Junior Chamber of Commerce Swindon

Junior Chamber of Commerce Taunton Deane

Junior Chamber of Commerce Teeside

Junior Chamber of Commerce Wellingborough and District

Junior Chamber of Commerce Wharfedale

Junior Chamber of Commerce Wigan

Junior Chamber of Commerce Wolverhampton

Junior Chamber of Commerce Worcester

Junior Chamber of Commerce York

Justices Clerks Society


Kinematograph Sound and Television Society British

Kinesiology Federation, with effect from 6 April 2023

Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom Installation British Institute of, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Knitting Specialists International Federation of ― UK Branch

Knowledge Organisation International Society for

Knowledge Organisation International Society for UK Chapter

Knowledge Transfer Institute of

Koninklijke Nederlands Chemische Vereniging


Laboratory Animal Science Association

Labour History Society for the Study of

Land Institute

Lands Valuation Assessors of Scotland Association of

Landscape Institute

Landscape Management Association of

Landscape Research Group

Landscape Studies Society for

Language Advisers National Association of

Language Awareness Association for

Language Development in the Curriculum National Association for (NALDIC), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Language Learning Association for

Language Teaching Scottish Association for

Large Electric Systems International Council on CIGRE UK, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Large Goods Vehicles Drivers’ Licences (formerly Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers’ Licences ― renewal fee including medical examination costs allowable ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) Society of, with effect from 6 April 2019

Latin American Studies Society for

Latin Teaching Association for the Reform of

Law Accountants in Scotland Society of

Law Agents Society Scottish

Law and Society Association (LSA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Law British Institute of International and Comparative

Law Costs Draftsmen Association of

Law Librarians British and Irish Association of

Law Libraries International Association of

Law Society Birmingham

Law Society Bristol Incorporated

Law Society Chester and North Wales Incorporated

Law Society City of Westminster and Holborn

Law Society Cornwall

Law Society Derby

Law Society Devon and Somerset

Law Society Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Incorporated

Law Society Hampshire Incorporated

Law Society Hastings and District

Law Society Herefordshire Breconshire and Radnorshire Incorporated

Law Society Hertfordshire

Law Society Hull Incorporated

Law Society Isle of Thanet

Law Society Kent

Law Society Leeds Incorporated

Law Society Leicester

Law Society Lincolnshire

Law Society Liverpool

Law Society Manchester

Law Society Newcastle Upon Tyne Incorporated

Law Society North Staffordshire

Law Society Northamptonshire

Law Society Nottinghamshire

Law Society of Liverpool Incorporated

Law Society of Northern Ireland Incorporated (allow the annual fee and the contribution to the Compensation Fund or Guarantee Fund ― payable on the issue of a solicitor’s practising certificate ― s343 (2)(5) ITEPA 2003)

Law Society of Scotland (allow the annual fee and the contribution to the Compensation Fund or Guarantee Fund ― payable on the issue of a solicitor’s practising certificate ― s343 (2)(5) ITEPA 2003)

Law Society of Upper Canada

Law Society Shropshire

Law Society The (allow the additional subscription payable for membership of any of the following sections of the Law Society ― Dispute Resolution, Law Management, Property or Probate ― Solicitors Regulation Authority is the independent regulatory body of the Law Society ― allow the annual fee payable on the issue of a practising certificate and the contribution to the Compensation Fund or Guarantee Fund ― s343 ITEPA 2003 ― where payment is made by the employer no benefit in kind is assessable on the employee provided that it is a condition of employment that a practising certificate is in existence ― s343(2)(5) ITEPA 2003)

Law Society Wakefield Incorporated

Law Society Warwickshire

Law Society West London

Law Society Worcester and Worcestershire Incorporated

Law Society Yorkshire

Law Teachers Association of

Lawyers Association Professional Negligence

Lawyers in Local Government (LLG), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

LBS Alumni

Leadership and Management Institute of

Learning and Development British Institute for

Learning and Performance Institute The

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Institute for (ILT)

Learning Technology Association for

Leather Technologists and Chemists Society of

Lecturers for Teachers’ Certificates in Business Studies Association of

Lecturers in Colleges of Education in Scotland Association of

Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes British Association of

Legacy Management Institute of

Legal Action Group (known as LAG Education and Service Trust)

Legal Cashiers and Administrators Institute of

Legal Executives Chartered Institute of

Legal Finance and Management The Institute of

Legal Scholars in the UK and Ireland Society of

Leisure Studies Association (J)

Leprosy Association International

Liberal Education Association for

Libraries and Information Services on Alcohol and Other Drugs European Association of (ELISAD)

Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts International Association of

Library and Information Professionals Chartered Institute of

Library Association

Library Association of Australia

Libyan Studies Society for, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Licenced Trade Stocktakers Institute of

Licensed Conveyancers Council for (the following payments to the Council are all admissible and are to be treated as constituting an annual subscription within the meaning of s343 (2)(4) ITEPA 2003 ― (1) Payment for an annual licence (2) A contribution towards the compensation fund set up by the council (3) payment for indemnity insurance cover)

Licensed Conveyancers Society of

Licensed Debt Practitioners Institute of

Licensing and Enforcement Officers National Association of (NALEO)

Licensing Executives Society (UK)

Licensing Institute of

Lichen Society British

Life and Pensions Society Nottingham

Life and Pensions Society South Wales

Life Insurance Association (now part of the Personal Finance Society)

Lighting Professionals Institution of

Limnologiae Societas Internationalis (concerned with the study of fresh waters)

Linguistic Society of America

Linguistic Studies Midlands Association for

Linguistics Association of Great Britain

Linguists Chartered Institute of

Links Association

Linnean Society of London (concerned with natural history)

Lipspeakers with Additional Sign Association of (ALAS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Literary and Linguistic Computing Association for

Literary and Philosophical Society Manchester

Liver British Association for the Study of the

Liver European Association for the Study of the, with effect from 6 April 2023

Local Authorities International Union of (British section)

Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers Society of (SOLACE)

Local Authority Risk Managers Association of

Local Authority Valuers and Estate Surveyors Association of

Local Council Clerks Society of

Local Government Legal Society

Local Government Officers and Educational Psychologists Scottish Association of

Local Government Personnel and Management Services Group

Local Government Programme Management Group

Local History Society Lincolnshire

Locksmiths Association Master

Locksmiths of America Associated

Locomotive Engineers Institution of

Logic Colloquium British

Logistics and Distribution Management Institute of

Logistics and Transport Chartered Institute of (CILT(UK)) formerly Institute of Logistics and Transport)

London Library

Loss Adjusters Chartered Institute of

Low Gravity Research Association European

Low Temperature Biology Society for

Lung Research British Association for

Lymphology International Society of (J ― Lymphology)

Lymphoma Pathology Group British


Machine Vision Association British (full title British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition Medical Association) (J ― British Medical Journal)

Machine Wood-working Technology Institute of

Magistrates Association

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine British Chapter of the International Society for

Magnetic Resonance Radiographers Association of (BAMRR), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Maintenance and Building Management Institute of

Malacological Society of London (concerned with the study of molluscs)

Male Nurses Society of Registered

Malone Society (concerned with English drama)

Mammal Society of the British Isles

Management Accountants Chartered Institute of

Management Accountants of Saskatchewan Society of (CMA Saskatchewan), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Management British Academy of

Management Centres International

Management Consultants Institute of

Management Development European Foundation for

Management Information Technology Society of

Management Institute Chartered

Management Services Institute of

Managers in General Practice Association of

Manpower Society

Manufacturing Engineers Society of

Marce Society

Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Marine Biological Association Scottish

Marine Catering Superintendents Association of

Marine Engineering Science and Technology Institute of

Marine Science Challenger Society for (concerned with oceanography ― no amount in excess of the minimum subscription is admissible for relief)

Marine Surveying International Institute of

Maritime Pilot’s Association United Kingdom

Market Officers Institute of

Market Research Society

Marketing Chartered Institute of (CIM)

Marketing Society

Mass Spectrometry Society, British BMSS, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Master Mariners Honourable Company of

Master Saddlers (UK) Ltd Society of, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Masters in Business Administration Limited Association of

Masters of Wine Institute of

Materials Management Institute of

Materials Minerals and Mining Institute of

Materials Science Club

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society British

Mathematical Association

Mathematical Association Aberdeen

Mathematical Association Glasgow (J ― Proceedings)

Mathematical Programming Society

Mathematical Society American

Mathematical Society Edinburgh

Mathematical Society London

Mathematical Statistics Institute of

Mathematics Advisers National Association of

Mathematics and its Applications Institute of

Mathematics British Society for the History of

Maxillofacial Technology Institute of

Measurement and Control Institute of

Measurement in Education National Council on, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Measurement of Physical Behaviour International Society for the, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Meat Inspectors Association of

Meat Institute of

Mechanical Engineers American Society of

Mechanical Engineers Birmingham Association of

Mechanical Engineers Institution of (J)

Medau Society

Media and Communication Research International Association for, with effect from 6 April 2022

Media Communication and Cultural Studies Association (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Media Education in Scotland Association for

Mediators Institute of Ireland

Medical Advisers Association of Local Authority

Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry Association of

Medical Affairs Professional Society, with effect from 6 April 2024

Medical and Biological Illustration Institute of

Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland

Medical and Dental Hypnosis British Society of

Medical Artists Association

Medical Association British (J ― British Medical Journal)

Medical Association British Supporting Group for The World

Medical Association Lourdes

Medical Association Managers British

Medical Association North West Kent Post-Graduate

Medical Centre Mid-Staffordshire Post-Graduate

Medical Centre South Staffordshire

Medical Council General (allow the fee payable for the entry or retention of a name in the general and specialist’s registers including the fee for CCT CESR or CEGPR certificates ― s343 ITEPA 2003 ― allow relief from 10 May 2013 for the trainee registration fee payable by a speciality registrar to a body which recommends speciality registrars to the Registrar of the GMC for the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training or equivalent certificate ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Medical Defence Union

Medical Directors of NHS Trusts Scottish Association of

Medical Education Association for the Study of

Medical Educators Academy of

Medical Illustrators in Scotland Institute of

Medical Illustrators Institute of

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI), with effect from 6 April 2019

Medical Informatics Society British

Medical Innovation and Technology, International Society for, with effect from 6 April 2017

Medical Institute Birmingham

Medical Institute North Staffordshire (J)

Medical Institution Liverpool

Medical Journalists Association

Medical Laboratory Sciences Institute of (see also Professions Supplementary to Medicine Council for)

Medical Laser Association British (allow relief for annual subscriptions to BMLA and ELA ― no relief for journal subscription)

Medical Managers British Association of

Medical Microbiologists Association of

Medical Officers of Schools Association

Medical Oncology European Society for (ESMO), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Medical Practitioner Obstetric Group Nottingham County and City General

Medical Protection Society

Medical Research Society

Medical Science Liaison Association, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Medical Sciences The Academy of

Medical Secretaries Practice Administrators and Receptionists Association of

Medical Society Anglo-German

Medical Society Cardiff

Medical Society Chester and North Wales

Medical Society Derby

Medical Society Devon and Exeter

Medical Society Highland

Medical Society Ilford

Medical Society Leicester

Medical Society Manchester

Medical Society Metchley Park

Medical Society Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Northern Counties

Medical Society Newham

Medical Society of London

Medical Society of Paraplegia International

Medical Society Oxford

Medical Society Ulster

Medical Technologists Association of

Medical Ultrasound Society British

Medical Womens Federation

Medicine Royal Society of (additional admissible annual subscriptions for use of library or for membership of special sections may be paid)

Medico-Chirurgical Society Aberdeen

Medico-Chirurgical Society Brighton and Sussex

Medico-Chirurgical Society Bristol

Medico-Chirurgical Society Nottingham

Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh

Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow Royal

Medico-Legal Scottish

Medico-Legal Society

Medico-Legal Society Birmingham

Medieval Academy of America

Medieval Archaeology Society for

Medieval Circle Belfast

Medieval Historical Research Conference of Scottish

Medieval Languages and Literature Society for the Study of

Medieval Society Liverpool University

Medieval Society London

Medieval Studies London Society for

Menopause Society British

Mental Handicap British Institute of

Mental Health National Association for

Mental Health Tribunal Members Association, with effect from 6 April 2022

Mental Health World Federation for

Mental Subnormality Midland Society for the Study of

Mentoring and Coaching Council European (EMCC), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Mentoring and Coaching Council UK European (EMCC UK), with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year ― 75% and with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year ― 100%

Merchant Navy Officers (relief available for renewal costs of (1) Certificate of Competency and Dangerous Cargo endorsements (2) Related medical examination costs)

Messengers-At-Arms and Sheriff Officers Society of

Metabolism Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of

Metal Finishing Institute of (J)

Metallurgical and Engineering Association Sheffield

Metallurgical Society Birmingham

Metallurgical Technicians Institute of

Metals American Society for

Metanoia Institute

Meteoritical Society

Meteorological Society Royal

Methods ― Time Measurement Association (UK Chapter)

Metropolitan Planning Officers Society

Metropolitan Treasurers Society of

Microbiology American Society for

Microbiology Society for General

Microcirculation Society British

Micropalaeontological Society British

Micros and Primary Education

Microscopical Society Royal

Middle East Institute

Middle East Studies Association of North America

Middle Eastern Studies British Society for

Midwifery Council (full title Nursing and Midwifery Council)

Midwives Association of Radical

Midwives Information and Resource Service (J ― MIDIRS Midwifery Digest)

Midwives Royal College of

Million Dollar Round Table

Mind Association

Mineralogical Association of Canada

Mineralogical Society of America

Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Minerals Engineering Society

Minerals Metals Materials Society (TMS) The, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Mining and Mechanical Engineers North of England Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining and Metallurgy South African Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to the Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining and Mineral Law Group

Mining Engineers Institution of (annual subscription paid over to institution by local federated institute to which member must belong ― where the local institute is approved it is listed, where not approved the capitation fee only is allowable)

Mining Engineers Midland Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining Engineers North Staffordshire Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining Engineers South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining Engineers Southern Counties Institute of (annual subscription includes admissible capitation fee paid to Institution of Mining Engineers)

Mining Institute of Scotland

Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers American Institute of

Ministerial Fellowship

Mission Studies International Association for

Modern and Contemporary France Association for the Study of

Modern Humanities Research Association (J ― Modern Language Review)

Modern Italy Association for the Study of

Modern Language Association of Northern Ireland

Modern Studies Association

Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society

Money Advisers Institute of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Montessori Directors and Directresses Association of

Montessori Society AMI (UK)

Monuments and Sites (UK) International Council on

Monuments and Sites International Council on

Mortgage and Finance Brokers Corporation of

Motion Picture and Television Engineers Society of

Motor Industry Institute of the

Motor Vehicle Teachers Association of

Mountain Guides Association of British

Mountain Leaders British Association of International

Mountain-Bike Instructors Award Scheme Ltd, with effect from 6 April 2022

Mountaineering Instructors Association of

Movers Institute

MS Specialist Nurses Association UK

Mucosal Immunology Society for, with effect from 6 April 2022

Municipal Engineers Institution of

Municipal Entertainment Institute of

Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

Musculoskeletal Medicine British Institute of


Museum Archaeologists Society of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Museum Ethnographers Group

Museum Federation Scottish

Museum Professionals Group

Museums and Art Galleries Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of

Museums Association (United Kingdom) International Council of

Music Advisers National Association

Music Education International Society for

Music Libraries International Association of

Music Managers Forum, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Music Masters and Mistresses Association

Music Teachers Association

Music Therapy British Association for (BAMT), with effect 6 April 2014

Musical Association Royal

Musical Instrument Technology Institute of

Musicians Incorporated Society of

Mycological Society British

Mycological Society of America

Mycopathology British Society for


NACE International (Corrosion Engineers)

NASUWT the teachers’ union — tax relief is restricted to two-thirds of the annual membership

National Association of Link Workers, with effect from 6 April 2024

National Coaches British Association of

National Education Union, NEU, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

National Health Service Supplies Officers Association of

National Landlords Association, NLA, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI), with effect from April 2018

National Union of Teachers, NUT

Natural Science Collections Association

Naturalists American Society of

Naturalists Society Cardiff

Naturalists Society Suffolk

Naturalists Union Yorkshire

Naturopathic and Osteopathic Association British

Naturopaths General Council and Register of, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Nautical Institute

Nautical Research Society for

Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Society of

Naval Architects Royal Institution of

Naval Engineers American Society of

Naval Review

Navigation Congresses Permanent International Association of

Navigation Royal Institute of

Navy Records Society

NEDonBoard with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Nematologists Society of (concerned with the study of parasitic worms)

Nematologists Society of European ― concerned with the study of parasitic worms

Neonatal Nurses Association

Neural Control of Movement Society for the, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Neurochemistry International Society for

Neuroeconomics Society for, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Neurological Association North of England

Neurological Surgeons Society of British

Neurologists Association of British

Neuromodulation Society of UK and Ireland (NSUKI), with effect from 6 April 2019

Neuro-Ophthalmoloy Club British Isles

Neuropathological Society British

Neuropsychopharmacology European College of (J ― Pharmacopsychiatry)

Neuro-Radiologists British Society of

Neuroscience Association British Formerly the Brain Research Association

Neuroscience Canadian Association for, with effect from April 2018

Neuroscience Society for (J ― Journal for Neuroscience)

NHS Occupational Physicians Association of

Non-Administrative Receivers Association

Non-Destructive Testing British Institute of

Northern Research Viking Society for (J)

Northern Studies Scottish Society for

Notaries of London Society of Public

Notaries Society

Nuclear Institute The

Nuclear Medicine European Association of

Nuclear Medicine Society British

Nuclear Medicine Society of

Nuclear Society American (J)

Nuclear Society American (J ― (1) Nuclear Science and Engineering Journal (2) Nuclear News (3) Transactions of the ANS)

Numerical Control Society British

Numismatic Society British

Numismatic Society Royal

Numismatic Society Yorkshire

Nurse Administrators Association of

Nurse Administrators Scottish Association of

Nurse Advisors Child Health Society of

Nurse Consultants Association of

Nursery Matrons National Association of

Nursery Nurses National Association of

Nurses for Contraception and Sexual Health National Association of

Nursing and Midwifery Council (relief is allowable under s343 ITEPA 2003)

Nursing for Cardiac Care British Association of

Nursing Royal College of (J ― Nursing Standard)

Nutrition Association for (AfN), with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Nutrition Society


Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia Society for (name changed 30 November 2011 ― formerly Bariatric Anaesthetists Society of)

Obesity Association for the Study of

Obsolescence Management, International Institute of, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Obstetric Anaesthetists Association

Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society Glasgow

Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society Ulster

Obstetrical Society Edinburgh

Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Royal Australian and New Zealand College of

Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Royal College of (J)

Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners Association of

Occupational Health Permanent Commission and International Association on

Occupational Hygiene Society British

Occupational Hygienists Institute of

Occupational Medicine Faculty of (within the Royal College of Physicians of London)

Occupational Medicine Society of

Occupational Safety and Health Institution of

Occupational Therapists College of, with effect from the 2007 to 2008 tax year the qualifying proportion of annual subscription will be 75%

Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland

Odontological Society Glasgow

Odontological Society Liverpool and District

Odontological Society North of England

Offices British Council for

Oil and Colour Chemists Association

Old Crows (UK Chapter) Association of with effect from 6 April 2021

Oncological Association British

Oncology Data Managers Association British

Oncology Pharmacy Association British, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation, with effect from 6 April 2021

Operating Department Assistants British Association of

Operating Department Practitioners College of

Operating Theatre Technicians Association of

Operational Research Fellowship for

Operational Research Society

Operational Risk Institute of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Operations Engineers Society of

Operations Management Institute of

Operations Research and the Management Sciences Institute for (INFORMS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Ophthalmological Congress Oxford

Ophthalmological Society Midland

Ophthalmological Society North of England

Ophthalmological Society South Western

Ophthalmological Society Southern

Ophthalmologists Irish College of

Ophthalmologists Royal College of

Ophthalmology American Academy of

Opinion and Marketing Research European Society for

Opthalmological Society South Western (SWOS)

Opthalmological Society Southern

Optical Association British

Optical Council General (allow the fee payable for the entry or retention of a name in either the register of ophthalmic opticians or in the register of dispensing opticians ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Optical Science Institute of

Optical Society of America

Opticians Scottish Association of

Optometrists Association of

Optometrists College of

Optometry American Academy of

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons British Association of

Oral Medicine British Society for

Oral Pathology British Society for

Oral Surgeons British Association of

Oral Surgeons International Association of

Organ Builders Incorporated Society of

Organ Building Institute of British

Organisation Development Network

Organisers of Music in Scotland Association of

Organists Royal College of

Oriental Ceramic Society

Ornithologists’ Union British

Ornithology British Trust for

Orthodontic Society British

Orthodontic Society European

Orthodontic Study Circle Sheffield and District

Orthodontic Technicians Association UK (OTA), with effect from 6 April 2019

Orthodontics Association of University Teachers of

Orthodontics British Society for the Study of

Orthodontists British Association of

Orthopaedic Association British

Orthopaedic Club Exeter

Orthopaedic Dento-Faciale Societe Francaise d’

Orthopaedic Medicine Society of

Orthopaedic Research Society British

Orthoptic Society British (see also Professions Supplementary to Medicine Council for)

Osteopathic Council General (allow the fee payable for the entry or the retention of a name in the register maintained by the Registrar of Osteopaths ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Osteopaths College of

Osteopathy The Institute of (title from 8 April 2014 for the British Osteopathic Association)

Osteoporosis Society National (OS)

Otolaryngological Society Scottish

Otology Midland Institute of

Otorhinolaryngological Research Society

Outdoor Education Centres Association of Heads of

Outdoor Education National Association for

Outdoor Learning Institute for

Outdoor Writers Guild


Packaging Institute of

Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology British Association for

Paediatric Association British

Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Association of

Paediatric Dentistry British Society of

Paediatric Dermatology British Society for

Paediatric Endocrinology British Society for

Paediatric Endocrinology European Society for

Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons British Association of (BAPES), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) British Society of, with effect from April 2018

Paediatric Haemotology and Immunology European Society for

Paediatric Intensive Care Society PICS, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Paediatric Neurology Association British

Paediatric Nurses British Association of (J ― Child Health)

Paediatric Oncology International Society of (Societe International D’Oncologie Pediatrique)

Paediatric Pathology Society

Paediatric Research European Society for

Paediatric Surgeons British Association of

Paediatric Visiting Club

Paediatricians in Audiology British Association of

Paediatrics and Child Health Royal College of

Paediatrics Association of Clinical Professors and Heads of Departments of

Pain Society

Paint Varnish and Lacquer Club Birmingham

Painter-Etchers and Engravers Royal Society of

Painters in Watercolours Royal Society of

Painting Craft Teachers Association of

Pakistan Society

Palaeontographical Society

Palaeontological Association

Palaeontological Society

Palaeontologists Association of Australasian

Palliative Care Research Society

Palliative Medicine Association for

Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Paper and Board Printing and Packaging Industries Research Association for

Paper Conservation Institute of (J)

Paper Industry Technical Association

Paper Institute of

Paralegals Institute of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Paramedics College of, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Paraplegia International Medical Society of

Parasitologists American Society of

Parasitology British Society for

Parenteral Society

Parking Professionals Institute of

Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society International, with effect from 6 April 2022

Parliament Group Study of

Party Wall Surveyors, Faculty of, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Past and Present Society

Pastoral Care in Education National Association for

Patent Attorneys Chartered Institute of (allow the registration fee payable by a registered patent agent ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Patent Attorneys Union of European (British Group)

Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Pathological Society Reading

Pathologists of Australia College of

Pathologists Royal College of

Pathology European Society of

Pathology International Academy of (British Division)

Payroll Management Institute of British

Payroll Professionals Chartered Institute of (new title from 10 November 2010 formerly Institute of Payroll Professionals)

Pension Funds National Association of

Pension Lawyers Association of

Pensioner Trustees Association of

Pensions Management Institute

Perfumers British Society of

Periodontology British Society of

Perioperative Practice Association for

Permanent Way Institution

Persian Studies British Institute of

Personal Finance Society

Personal Injury Lawyers Association of

Personal Secretaries National Association of

Personality Psychology European Association of

Personnel and Development Chartered Institute of

Personnel & Development Scotland (SPDS) Society of, with effect from 6 April 2019

Personnel and Guidance Association American (J)

Pest Technicians Association National

Petroleum and Explosives Acts Administration Association for

Petroleum Engineers Society of

Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain

Petroleum Geologists American Association of (J)

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences Society

Pharmaceutical Contract Management Group (PCMG), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Pharmaceutical Council General, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year (relief is due to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians under s343 ITEPA 2003 for the entry or retention of a name in the Register of Pharmacists)

Pharmaceutical Engineering International Society for (IPSE), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Pharmaceutical Federation International

Pharmaceutical Medicine Faculty of

Pharmaceutical Physicians British Association of

Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (J ― allow the fee payable for retention of the members name in the register of pharmaceutical chemists)

Pharmaceutical Society Royal (J ― full title, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of GB ― relief is due to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians under s343 ITEPA 2003 for the entry or retention of a name in the Register of Pharmacists ― the register was maintained by the Society until September 2010 when the General Pharmaceutical Council took over responsibility for it ― relief is due under s344 ITEPA 2003 for the annual membership subscription)

Pharmacists’ Defence Association (allow the annual subscription less amount attributable to Pharmacists’ Defence Union fees) with effect from 6 April 2018

Pharmacological Society British

Pharmacy Management Institute of

Pharmacy Practice College of

Pharmacy Technicians UK Association of (APTUK), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Philological Society

Philological Society Cambridge

Philosophical Society Cambridge (J ― Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society)

Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain

Philosophy of Science British Society for the

Philosophy Royal Institute of

Phonographic Society Incorporated

Photobiology Group

Photographers Association of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Photographic Education Society for

Photographic Instrumentation Engineers Society of (SPIE), with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Photographic Society of Great Britain Royal (members can join specialists groups for which additional annual subscriptions are payable ― these are admissible)

Photographic Technicians Association of

Photography British Institute of Professional

Phycological Society British

Physical Education Association for (afPE)

Physical Education Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Physical Education Association Scottish

Physical Education Scottish Association for

Physical Society American (J)

Physical Society European

Physical Society of Edinburgh Royal

Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Royal College of

Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Royal College of

Physicians Association West Midlands

Physicians Merseyside and North Wales Society of

Physicians of Edinburgh Royal College of

Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Physicians of Ireland Royal College of

Physicians of London Royal College of

Physicians of Region No.1 Association of

Physicians of the UK Faculty of Public Health Royal College of

Physicians Royal Australasian College of

Physicians Scottish Society of

Physicians Training Board Joint Royal Colleges of (JRCPTB) (allow relief from 10 May 2013 for the trainee registration fee payable by a speciality registrar ― the JRCPTB is a body which recommends speciality registrars to the Registrar of the General Medical Council for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or equivalent certificate ― see also the entry for the GMC)

Physicists Canadian Association of

Physicists in Medicine American Association of

Physics and Engineering in Medicine Institute of

Physics Institute of (J)

Physio First

Physiological Society

Physiologists London and Counties Society of

Physiotherapists Association

Physiotherapists Faculty of

Physiotherapy Chartered Society of

Phytochemical Society

Phytopathological Society American

Piano Teachers Association (UK) Limited European

Pianoforte Tuners Association

Picture Restorers Association of British

Pig Veterinary Society

Pilates Foundation

Pilots Association Independent/Pilots Federation Independent

Pipe Roll Society (concerned with the publication of historical records)

Pipeline Industries Guild

Pirandello Society British

Planners Canadian Institute of

Planning Executives Association of the RTPI (Royal Town Planning Institute)

Planning History Group

Plant Heritage

Plant Morphologists International Society of

Plant Pathologists Society of Irish

Plant Pathology British Society for

Plant Physiologists American Society of

Plant Propagators Society International

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons British Association of

Plastic Surgeons British Association of

Plastics and Rubber Institute

Plastics Engineers Society of

Play Therapists British Association of

Play Therapy UK (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Plumbing and Heating Engineering Chartered Institute of (CIPHE)

Pnemology European Society of

Pneumology European Society of

Podiatry Association

Podiatry British College of

Poetry Society

Polarographic Society

Police Authority Chief Executives Association of

Police Authority Treasurers Society

Police Federation British Transport

Police Federation Civil Nuclear

Police Federation Defence

Police Federation for Northern Ireland

Police Federation of England and Wales (with the exception of the Metropolitan and West Yorkshire Police Forces as tax relief is given to these employees through the payroll)

Police Federation Port of Tilbury

Police Federation Scottish

Police Superintendents Association of England and Wales

Police Superintendents Association of Scottish

Police Surgeons of Great Britain Association of

Political Science Association American

Political Science Association American (J)

Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom

Politics Association

Population Economics European Society for

Population Registration Institute of

Population Studies British Society for

Porcupine (concerned with marine ecology)

Post-Graduate Medical Centre Mid-Staffordshire

Post-Graduate Medical Centre Warwickshire

Postgraduate Medicine Fellowship of

Post-Medieval Archaeology Society for

Posture and Gait Research International Society for, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Potato Research European Association for

Poultry Association of Great Britain

Poultry Education Association

Poultry Science Association World’s

Practiciens des Procedures Collectives Association Europeenne des

Practising and Commercial Accountants Association of

Practitioners in Advertising Institute of

Practitioners in Radio and Electronics Incorporated

Prehistoric Society

Pre-Hospital Care Faculty of (a faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh)

Prep Schools Independent Association of, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Pre-Retirement Association

Pre-School Playgroups Association

Preservation of Dental Health Association for the

Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect International Society for the

Primary Care Learning Association

Primary Care Medical Advisers Association of

Primary Immunodeficiency Network, United Kingdom (UK PIN), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Primate Society of Great Britain

Principal Educational Psychologists Association of Scottish

Principals and Wardens of University Halls Association of

Principals of Colleges Association of

Principals of Sixth Form Colleges Association of

Printing Institute of

Printing Management Institute of

Printing Technologists Association of

Prison Governors Association of Scottish

Privacy Professionals International Association of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Private Libraries Association

Pro Silva Ireland (concerned with Pro Silva forestry practice)

Probation Institute, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Probation Officers National Association of

Procurators Fiscal Society

Procurators in Glasgow Royal Faculty of (allow (1) annual membership subscription (2) annual contribution towards maintenance of the library)

Procurement and Supply Chartered Institute of

Production Control Institute of

Production Engineers Institution of

Professional Association of Specific Learning Difference Specialists in Higher Education (PASSHE) (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Professional Economists (SPE) Society of

Professional Engineers New Zealand Inc, Institution of (IPENZ), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Professional Pension Trustees Association of (APPT), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office Institute of

Professional Services Marketing Group

Professional Yachting Association, with effect from 6 April 2019

Professionals Sales Institute of

Professors of Surgery Association of

Project Management Association for

Project Management Institute (PMI), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Project Safety Association for

Property Consultants Society

Property Institute The — Professional Members (IRPM Class)

Property Researchers Society of

Propertymark, with effect from 6 April 2021

Proposal Management Professionals Association of (APMP), with effect from 6 April 2019

Prosecuting Solicitors Society of England and Wales

Prosthetic Dentistry British Society for the Study of

Prosthetics and Orthotics International Society for (UK National Society)

Prosthetists and Orthotists British Association of

Prosthodontic Association European

Protection of Industrial Property International Association for the (British Group)

Protistologues de Langue Francaise Groupement des (J ― Protistologica)

Protozoologists Society of

Psychiatric Association World

Psychiatric Association Yorkshire Regional

Psychiatric Genetics International Society of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Psychiatric Social Workers Guild of

Psychiatric Society Welsh

Psychiatrists Australian and New Zealand College of

Psychiatrists in Training Association of

Psychiatrists Royal College of

Psychoanalysis Institute of (see also Psychoanalytical Society British)

Psychoanalytic Council British

Psychoanalytical Association International (see Psychoanalytical Society British)

Psychoanalytical Society British (annual subscription normally includes annual subscriptions to (1) Institute of

Psychoanalysis (2) International Psychoanalytical Association)

Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy in Social Work Group for the Advancement of

Psychological Association American

Psychological Society British (all of the following are admissible: (1) Annual (core) membership subscription (2) Annual subscription for membership of a division section or group (3) Annual subscription for any of the society’s publications (4) Annual fee for the entry or retention of a name in the Register of Chartered

Psychologists and the fee payable on the issue of a practising certificate ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Psychological Type British Association for

Psychologists’ Protection Society Trust, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Psychometric Society

Psychopharmacology British Association for

Psychosexual Medicine Institute of/Trust for

Psychosocial Oncology Group British

Psychotherapists British Association of

Psychotherapy and Counselling Institute of

Psychotherapy Hallam Institute of

Psychotherapy Lincoln Clinic and Centre for

Psychotherapy United Kingdom Council for

Psychotherapy West Midlands Institute of

Public Accountants Association of Authorised

Public Administration Royal Institute of

Public Analysts Association of

Public Finance and Accountancy Chartered Institute of

Public Finance International Institute of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Public Health and Hygiene Royal Institute of

Public Health Association for

Public Health Engineers Institution of

Public Health Lay Administrators Association of

Public Health Register UK (UKPHR), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Public Health Society of

Public Loss Assessors Institute of

Public Record Office Friends of the

Public Relations Association International

Public Relations Chartered Institute of

Public Relations Communications Association (PRCA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Public Relations Society of America

Public Rights of Way and Access Management Institute of (IPROW)

Public Safety Communications Officials British Association of (British APCO), with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Public Schools Bursars Association

Public Sector Vehicle Drivers licences (treat renewal fee including medical examination costs as allowable under s343(12)(a) ITEPA 2003)

Public Service Administrators Institute of

Pulp and Paper Association Canadian ― (technical section)

Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association of the

Purchasing Management Institute of

Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union of (J)


Qualified Private Secretaries Institute of

Qualitative Research Association for

Quality Assurance Institute of

Quality Control American Society for

Quality in Health Care Association for

Quality Management Consultants International Association of

Quantity Surveyors Institute of

Quantity Surveyors International (QSi), with effect from 6 April 2021

Quarrying Institute of

Quaternary Research Association


Radiation Biology European Society for

Radiation Research Association for

Radio Academy

Radio Society of Great Britain

Radiographers College of

Radiological Protection Society for

Radiological Society of North America

Radiological Society Scottish

Radiologists Royal College of

Radiology British Institute of

Radionic Association (RA) The, with effect from the 6 April 2019

Radnorshire Society

Railway Civil Engineers Association

Railway Operators Institution of

Railway Signal Engineers Institution of

Ranulf Higden Society (promotes the study and research into medieval documents)

Rating Surveyors’ Association, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Reading Association International

Real Estate Federation The International (British Chapter of the FIABCI)

Record Society Lincoln

Record Society London

Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire

Records Association British (J)

Records Management Society

Records Society Suffolk

Recreation Management Institute of

Recreation Managers Association of

Recreation Officers Northern Ireland Association of

Recruitment and Employment Confederation

Recurrent Education Association for

Reef Studies International Society for

Reflexologists Association of

Reflexologists Society

Reflexology Association British

Refractories Engineers Institute of

Refrigeration Institute of

Regent Advertising Club of London

Regional Anaesthesia UK, with effect from 6 April 2021

Regional Science Association (British Section)

Regional Studies Association

Register for Chartered Security Professionals (CSyP) (with effect from 6 April 2022)

Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP), with effect from 6 April 2019

Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG), with effect from 6 April 2019

Regulatory Affairs The Organisation for Professionals in (TOPRA)

Rehabilitation Medicine British Society of

Rehabilitation Workers Professional Network, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Reiki Federation UK

Religious Education for Teachers and Lecturers Association for

Religious Education in Scotland Association of Teachers of (J)

Religious Studies Association Independent Schools

Remedial Education Scottish Association for

Remedial Gymnasts Society of

Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Association of (ARPAS-UK), with effect from the 6 April 2016

Renaissance Society of America, with effect from 6 April 2021

Renaissance Studies Society for

Renal Association

Rencesvals Société (British Branch)

Rent Officers Institute of

Reproductive and Infant Psychology Society for

Reproductive Health Society of Consultants in

Reprographic Technology Institute of

Research and Development Society

Research Association East Malling

Research Defence Society

Research in Dairying National Institute for

Research in Income and Wealth International Association for

Research in Infant and Child Development Association for

Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education Society for

Research in Rehabilitation Society for

Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector Association for

Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Association for (J ― Investigate Ophthalmology and Visual Science)

Research into Higher Education Society for

Research Managers and Administrators Association of

Research on Ageing British Society for

Research Quality Assurance British Association of

Resolution ― first for family law

Respiratory Technicians and Physiologists Association of

Restorative Dentistry British Society for

Resuscitation Council (UK)

Reticuloendothelial Society

Retinal Screening British Association of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Revenues Rating and Valuation Institute of

Rheology British Society of

Rheumatology British Health Professionals in

Rheumatology British Society for

RIBA Professional Services Limited (RPS) (part of the Royal Institute of British Architects ― members of RIBA pay their annual subscription to RIBA through RPS)

Risk and Safety Management International Institute of

Risk Management in the Public Sector The National Forum for (Alarm)

Risk Management Institute of

Road Congresses Permanent International Association of

Road Safety Officers Institute of

Road Transport Engineers Institute of

Roman Studies Society for the Promotion of

Roofing Institute of

Rorschach Forum British (concerned with the psychological technique of personality investigation)

Rosen Institute (RI), with effect from 6 April 2018

Royal Army Medical Corps Journal of the

Royal Engineers Institution of, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Royal Institution of Great Britain (concerned with the whole field of science and scientific research)

Royal Naval Medical Services Trust Fund Journal of the

Royal Society (concerned with the whole field of science)

Royal Society of Edinburgh

Royal Society of South Africa

Rural Design and Building Association

Rural Financial Officers Society of

Rural Sociology European Society for


Safety American

Safety and Health in Care Services National Association for

Safety and Public Protection Institute of

Safety and Reliability Society

Safety in Technology and Research Institute of (ISTR), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Safety Professionals American Society of

Sales Engineers Institution of

Sales Management Institute of (ISM)

Sales Promotion Executives Association of British

Sales Promotion Institute of

Sales Technology and Management Institute of

Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders World Association of

Savings Bank Institute

Schizophrenia International Research Society, with effect from 6 April 2022

School and College Leaders Association of

School Business Leadership (ISBL) Institute of

School Library Association

School Natural Science Society

School Psychology Association International

Science and Technology European Association for the Study of (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Science and Technology, Institute of (IST)

Science Council The (allow the fee payable for registration as a chartered Scientist (CSci), Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach), Registered Scientist (RSci) and Registered Science Technician (RSciTech))

Science Education Association for

Science Policy Foundation International (J ― Science and Public Policy)

Science Teachers Association National

Science Technology and Society Association

Sciences New York Academy of (J)

Scientific and Technical Communicators Institute of

Scientific Archivists Group, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Scientific Business Institute of

Scientific Film Association

Scientific Glassblowers British Society of

Scientific Research Society of North America Sigma XI

Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena Association for, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Scientific Study of Population International Union for the

Scientific Technological and Medical Collections Group for

Scoliosis Society British

Scriveners The Worshipful Company of

Search and Technical Rescue Institute of (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Seating and Wheelchair Group Scottish

Secondary Teachers Association Scottish

Secretaries Corporation of

Secretaries Faculty of

Secretaries of YMCA’s of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Securities and Investment Chartered Institute for (formerly the Institute for Securities and Investment)

Securities Industry Management Association

Securities Institute of Australia (The)

Security Association International Professional

Security Consultants Association of

Security Industry Authority (relief is due under s343 ITEPA 2003 for the fee payable for licences that last 1 year and 3 years ― relief is due in full for the year the 3 year licence fee is paid

Security Management Institute of

Sedimentologists International Association of

Seismological Society of America

Selden Society (concerned with English legal history)

Senior Administrative Officers in Local Education Authorities Colleges of Education Association of

Senior Managers of the Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Association of

Services for Adolescents Association for Professionals in

Sessional GPs National Association of

Sex Research International Academy of

Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity Association for the Treatment of (ATSAC), with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Sexual and Relationship Therapy British Association for

Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Faculty of

Sexual Health and HIV British Association for (BASHH)

Sheep Veterinary Society

Sheet Metal Engineering Institute of

Sheriffs-Substitute Association

Shipbrokers Institute of Chartered

Shipping Executives Society of

Shire Horse Society

Shock Society European

Shoe Fitters Society of

Shopfitting Institute of

Shopping Centres British Council of

Shopping Centres Northern Ireland Region of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Sign Design Society

Sign Language Interpreters, Association of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Sign Language Interpreters Scottish Association of

Signature, with effect from 6 April 2015

Sion College

Ski Council English

Ski Council Scottish National

Slavists British Universities Association of

Sleep Society British

Snowsport Instructors British Association of

Social Anthropologists European Association of (EASA), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth Association of

Social Care Association

Social Care Council General (ceased August 2012 ― responsibility for the register of social workers has passed to the Health and Care Professions Council ― allow the fee payable in respect of the retention of a name in the register)

Social Care Council Northern Ireland (allow the fee payable in respect of the retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Social Care Wales

Social History Curators Group

Social History of Medicine Society for the

Social History Society of the United Kingdom

Social Medicine Society for

Social Policy Association

Social Research Association

Social Sciences Academy of

Social Services Council Scottish (allow the fee payable in respect of the retention of a name in the register)

Social Services Research Group

Social Value Network UK, with effect from 6 April 2021

Social Welfare Institute of

Social Work England, with effect from the 2018 to 2019 tax year

Social Work The College of, with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Social Workers British Association of

Social Workers with the Deaf National Council of

Societas Physiologiae Clinicae Respiratoriae Europensis

Societe Francaise d’Orthopedic Dento-Faciale

Society for British and International Design, with effect from 6 April 2019

Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Society for Ethnomusicology, with effect from 6 April 2021

Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of GB and Ireland (SCPS), with effect from 6 April 2020

Society of Research Software Engineering, with effect from 6 April 2020

Socio-Legal Studies Association

Sociological Association British

Soil and Water Management Association

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering International Society of (British National Society)

Soil Science British Society of

Soil Science Society of America

Soil Scientists Institute of Professional

Soils Discussion Group North of England

Soils Discussion Group Welsh

Solar Energy Society International

Solicitor Advocates Society of, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Solicitors Association Dudley and District

Solicitors European Group

Solicitors for the Elderly

Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Society of

Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA is the independent regulatory body of the Law Society of England and Wales ― allow the fee payable on the issue of a practising certificate and the contribution to the compensation fund or Guarantee Fund ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Sommeliers Guild of (Wine butlers)

Sonneck Society

Sound Communications and Visual Engineers Institute of

Sound Institute of Professional (change of name November 2011 formerly Institute of Broadcast Sound)

Sound Recording Association British

South Pacific Under Water Medicine Society

Soviet and East European Studies National Association for

Special Educational Needs National Association for

Special Libraries Association, with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Special Libraries and Information Bureaux Association of (ASLIB)

Specialist Paralegals Society of

Spectacle Makers Worshipful Company of

Speech and Language Therapists Royal College of

Speech Therapy Managers Association of

Sport and Exercise Medicine British Association of

Sport and Physical Activities Chartered Institute for the Management of, with effect from 6 April 2021

Sport and Recreation Management Institute of

Sport Parks and Leisure Institute for

Sport and Exercise Sciences British Association of

Sports History British Society of

Staff and Educational Development Association

Staff Development in Further and Higher Education National Association for

Stair Society

Standards Engineers Society (J)

Standards Society British

State Bar of Texas

State Enrolled Assistant Nurses National Association of

Statistical Association American

Statistical Society Manchester

Statistical Society of Australia

Statistical Society Royal

Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI)

Statisticians Institute of

Statistics Institute International

Statute Law Society

Steel Construction Institute

STEMPRA (with effect from 6 April 2021)

Stereology International Society for

Stipendiary Magistrates of England and Wales Society of

Stores and Materials Controllers Association of

Strain Measurement British Society for

Strategic Planning Society

Strategic Studies International Institute for

String Teachers Association European

Stroke Physicians British Association of

Structural Engineers Institution of

Student Clinicians Alumni Association of

Student Clinicians American Dental Association

Student Health Officers’ Association British

Student Money Advisers National Association of (NASMA), with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas

Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect British Association for the

Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists (SALIS)

Sugar Beet Research International Institute for

Superintendents Association of Northern Ireland

Supervision and Management Institute for

Supervisors of Midwives Association of

Surgeons American College of

Surgeons in Ireland Royal College of (additional annual subscriptions payable for membership of individual faculties also qualify for relief)

Surgeons International College of (British Section)

Surgeons in Primary Care Association of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Surgeons in Training Association of (ASiT), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Surgeons of Edinburgh Royal College of

Surgeons of England Royal College of (J ― Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons ― additional annual subscriptions payable for membership of individual faculties also qualify for relief)

Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Surgeons Royal Australasian College of

Surgery of the Hand British Society for

Surgical Club of Great Britain 1921

Surgical Club of South West England

Surgical Research Society

Surgical Society North of England

Surgical Technicians Institute of British

Surgical Training Joint Committee on (allow relief from 10 May 2013 for the trainee registration fee payable by a speciality registrar ― the JCST is a body which recommends speciality registrars to the Registrar of the General Medical Council (GMC) for the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or equivalent certificate ― see also the entry for the GMC)

Surveying Technicians Society of

Surveyors 1921 Club

Surveyors Guild

Swimming Coaches’ Association British

Swimming Teachers and Coaches Institute of

Symbolic Logic Association for

Systematics Association (concerned with the study of systematic categories and classifications in relation to biology and evolution) (J)

Systems Research Society for General


Tax Advisers Federation of

Taxation Chartered Institute of

Taxation Institute Irish

Taxation Institute of Australia

Taxation Technicians The Association of

Teachers and Lecturers, Association of (ATL)

Teacher’s Centre Leaders National Conference of

Teachers College of

Teachers European Association of

Teachers in Business Education Society of

Teachers in Commerce Faculty of

Teachers in Social Work Education Association of

Teachers of Dancing British Association of

Teachers of Dancing Imperial Society of

Teachers of Dancing National Association of

Teachers of Dancing United Kingdom Alliance of Professional

Teachers of English as a Foreign Language International Association of (IATEFL), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Teachers of English Society for

Teachers of History Scottish Association of

Teachers of Home Economics Limited National Association of

Teachers of Lip Reading to Adults Association of

Teachers of Management Association of

Teachers of Mathematics Association of

Teachers of Printing and Allied Subjects Association of

Teachers of Speech and Drama Society of

Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties, Professional Association of (PATOSS)

Teachers of the Blind College of

Teachers of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Association of

Teachers of the Deaf British Association of

Teachers of the Mentally Handicapped National Association of

Teachers Organisation in Northern Ireland Irish National (J)

Teachers Organisation in the Irish Republic Irish National (J)

Teachers Union Ulster

Teaching Council for Northern Ireland General (allow the fee payable in respect of the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Teaching Council for Scotland General (allow the fee payable in respect of the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003)

Teaching Council for Wales General (allow the fee payable in respect of the entry or retention of a name in the register ― s343 ITEPA 2003 ― the register has been taken over by the Education Workforce Council)

Teaching of English and Other Community Languages to Adults National Association for

Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Scottish Association for the

Teaching of English National Association for the

Teaching of Psychology Association for the

Teaching of Social and Vocational Skills Scottish Association for the

Teaching of Social Sciences Association for the

Technical Advisers Group Local Government TAG

Technical Analysts Society of

Technical Authors and Illustrators Institution of

Technical Communication Society for

Technical Dyers Nottingham and District Society of

Technical Education in Schools Association for

Technology Teachers Association

Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer TYAC, with effect from the 2015 to 2016 tax year

Telecommunications Managers Association

Telecommunications Professionals The Institution of

Telephonists Association of Visually Handicapped

Television Association International

Television Cameramen Guild of

Television Lighting Directors Society of

Television Society Royal

Tennis Coaches Association Professional

Tensor Club of Great Britain (concerned with the study of mathematics)

Teritiary Research Group

Testing Materials American Society for (J ― Book of ASTM Standards (10 sections one free))

TEX Users Group the (TUG), with effect from the 2011 to 2012 tax year

Text Society Scottish

Textile Designers Guild British

Textile Institute

The American Institute of Architects International Region (with effect from 6 April 2024)

The Chetham Society (with effect from 6 April 2024)

The Classical Association (with effect from 6 April 2024)

The Design Society, with effect from 6 April 2022

The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling (with effect from 6 April 2024)

The Pyramus and Thisbe Society, with effect from 6 April 2019’

The Security Institute (SI), with effect from 06 April 2019

The Society of Sports Therapists (with effect from 6 April 2024)

The Walpole Society (with effect from 6 April 2024)

Theatre Research International Federation for

Theatre Research Society for

Theatre Technicians Association of British

Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology European Society for (J)

Thermal Analysis International Confederation for

Thoracic Society British

Thoracic Society North Western

Thoracic Society Scottish

Thoracic Society Sheffield Regional

Thoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Society of

Timber Trade Federation of the UK

Tissue Culture Association British

Tissue Culture Society European

Tissue Viability Society

Topographical Society London

Touring Exhibitions Group

Tourism Society

Tourist Guiding Institute of

Tourist Officers British Association of

Town and Country Planning Association

Town Clerks Society of

Town Planning Council National Housing and

Town Planning Institute Royal

Town Planning Technicians Society of

Toxicological Pathologists British Society of

Toxicology European Society of

Toxicology Group London (LTG)

Toxicology Society British

Toxinology International Society on (J ― Toxicon)

Trade Mark Association European Communities

Trade Mark Attorneys Institute of (allow relief in respect of (1) annual membership subscription (2) annual fee paid by a Registered Trade Mark agent as required by the Register of Trade Mark Agents Rules 1990 (1990 SI 1458) individuals may pay either or both)

Trade Policy Research Centre

Traffic Accident Investigators Institute of

Trained Nurses League of

Training and Occupational Learning Institute of

Training Development Association

Training Scheme Co-ordinators for Operating Department Assistants National Association

Transactional Analysis Association International

Transactional Analysis Institute of

Transgenic Technologies, International Society for, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Translation and Interpreting Institute of

Translators Guild

Transplantation Society British

Transport Administration Institute of

Transport Co-ordinating Officers Association of

Transport Planning Society, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Transport Studies Organisation of Teachers in

Travel and Tourism Institute of

Travel Management Institute of

Travel Managers in Industry and Commerce Institute of

Travel Writers British Guild of

Travel Writers Guild of

Trenchless Technology International Society for

Trichologists Institute of

Trisomi 21 Research Society, with effect from 6 April 2022

Tropical Agriculture Association

Tropical American Nematologists Organisation of

Tropical Biology Association for

Tropical Grassland Society of Australia

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Royal Society of

Trusts and Estates Practitioners Society of

Tuberculosis International Union against

Tunnelling Society British

Turnaround Professionals Society of

Tutorial Systems International

Tutors in Adult Education Association of

Tutors’ Association The, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Twentieth Century Society

Twin Studies International Society for

Typographic Designers Society of


UK & International Health Coaching Association, with effect from 6 April 2023

UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy, with effect from 6 April 2020

UK Endocrine Pathology Society (UKEPS), with effect from 6 April 2018

UK Evaluation Society, with effect from 6 April 2024

UK Hospital at Home Society, with effect from 6 April 2021

UK Magnetics Society, with effect from April 2018

UK Sybase User Group (UKSUG)

UKUUG Ltd (the UKs Unix and Open Systems)

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology International Society of

Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (English name ― National Association of Teachers of Wales)

Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (J ― (1) Undersea Bio-medical research (2) Journal of Hyperbaric Medicine)

Undersea Bio-Medical Society European

Underwater Medicine Society South Pacific

Underwater Technology Society for

UNISON (Health Care Sector) — tax relief is due to members of Unison Health Care Sector within the sectors of nursing ambulance voluntary professional and technical A professional and technical B senior and general managers and is restricted to 70% of the annual membership

United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA)

University Administrators Association of

University and College Lecturers Association of

University and College Union (tax relief is due on 2/3 of the annual subscription only)

University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN), with effect from 6 April 2019

University Professors National Conference of

University Professors of French Association of

University Radiation Protection Officers Association of

University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland Conference of

University Teachers of Psychiatry Association of

Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Urban Design Group, with effect from 6 April 2021

Urbanism Academy of, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Urogynaecology British Society of

Urological Surgeons British Association of

Uro-Oncology Group British (BUG), with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Usability Professionals Association

Ussher Society (concerned with geology and geomorphology)

UV Spectrometry Group


Vacuum Society American

Value Management Institute of

Valuers and Auctioneers Incorporated Society of

Vantage 10 Panel of Mediators and Experts (V10PME), with effect from 6 April 2019

Vascular Surgery European Society for

Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Vascular Technology of Great Britain and Ireland Society of

VAT Practitioners Group

Vehicle Installers The Association of (with effect from 6 April 2021)

Vehicle Recovery Institute of

Venereal Diseases Medical Society for the Study of

Venereology Institute of Technicians in

Verbatim Reporters British Institute of

Verein Osterreichischer Chemiker

Vernacular Architecture Group

Veterinary Anaesthetists Association of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Veterinary Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Association of

Veterinary Association British

Veterinary Association British Small Animal (J)

Veterinary Association Laboratory Animals

Veterinary Association North of Scotland (a division of the British Veterinary Association)

Veterinary Association Royal Counties

Veterinary Association West of Scotland (a division of the British Veterinary Association)

Veterinary Cardiovascular Society

Veterinary Deer Society

Veterinary Defence Society

Veterinary Dermatology European Society for

Veterinary Dermatology Study Group British

Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine Society for

Veterinary Ethology Society for

Veterinary Internal Medicine ― Companion Animals European College of, with effect from the 2014 to 2015 tax year

Veterinary Management Group

Veterinary North of Ireland (a division of the British Veterinary Association)

Veterinary Nursing Association British

Veterinary Officers Association of State

Veterinary Ophthalmologists European College of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Veterinary Orthopaedic Association British, (BVOA) with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Veterinary Pathology British Society of, with effect from the 2012 to 2013 tax year

Veterinary Poultry Association British

Veterinary Public Health Association

Veterinary Radiological Association British

Veterinary Research Club

Veterinary Society Central

Veterinary Society Eastern Counties

Veterinary Society Southern Counties

Veterinary Surgeons Association of Racecourse

Veterinary Surgeons European College of, with effect from the 2013 to 2014 tax year

Veterinary Surgeons Royal College of (allow the annual fee payable by a registered veterinary surgeon or by a person registered in the Supplementary Veterinary Register ― section 343(2) ITEPA 2003)

Veterinary Surgeons Society of Practising

Veterinary Teachers and Research Workers Association of

Veterinary Zoological Society British

Vice-Principals of Colleges Association of

Victoria Institute (concerned with theology)

Victorian Popular Fiction Association (VPFA), with effect from 6 April 2019

Victorian Society (concerned with the study of Victorian and Edwardian arts architecture crafts design and social history)

Video Interaction Guidance UK Association for, with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Videography Institute of

VIEW ― The Association for the Education and Welfare of the Visually Impaired, with effect from the 2010 to 2011 tax year

Viking Society for Northern Research (J)

Violin Making Association British

Visible Record and Minicomputer Society

Vision Mixers Guild of

Vision Sciences Society (VSS), with effect from the 2016 to 2017 tax year

Vitreous Enamellers Institute of

Vocational Rehabilitation Association, with effect from 6 April 2009

VOICE ― The Union for Educational Professionals

Voluntary Help Organisers National Association of

Voluntary Hostels National Association of

Voluntary Organisations Association of Chief Executives of

Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN), with effect from 6 April 2020


Wastes Management Chartered Institution of

Water and Environmental Management Chartered Institution of

Water Management Society

Water Quality International Association on

Water Treatment and Examination Society for

Weed Research Society European

Weight Engineers Society of

Welding Institute

Welfare Institute of

Well Log Analysts Society of Professional

Well Log Analysts Society of Professional (London Chapter)

Wild Animal Keepers Association of British

Will Writers & Estate Planning Practitioners The Society of

Willwriters Institute of Professional (IPW)

Wind Energy Association British

Women Judges United Kingdom Association of

Women’s Studies Network Association

Wood Science Institute of

Work and Organizational Psychology European Association of, with effect from 6 April 2022

Workers for Maladjusted Children Association of

Workplace and Facilities Management Institute of

Works and Highways Management Institution of

Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet Society of


Xenobiotics International Society for the Study of

X-Ray Technology Society of


Y Geg (English name ― North Wales Dental Post Graduate Society)

Y Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol (English name ― Welsh Dental Society)

Y Gymdeithas Feddygol English name ― The Medical association

Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol (English name ― National Scientific Association)

Yacht Brokers Designers and Surveyors Association

Yachting Association Royal (RYA), with effect from the 2017 to 2018 tax year

Yoga British Wheel of Fellowship of Northern Ireland

Yoga Teachers Association BKS Iyengar

Young Presidents Organisation London, with effect from 6 April 2016

Youth and Community Education Officers National Association of

Youth Service Workers in Scotland Association of


Zoological Society of London (J ― Proceedings)

Zoological Society of Scotland Royal