
Property Value Protection scheme: An introduction to the scheme

Published 30 August 2024

1. Introduction 

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) specialises in the management and disposal of radioactive waste produced by nuclear technologies in the UK. Forming part of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group, it is tasked with managing the delivery of the UK’s Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), an underground facility designed to dispose of radioactive waste safely and securely in highly engineered vaults and tunnels hundreds of metres underground. This involves working with communities to find a suitable site and community willing to host a GDF.

Investing in a GDF offers a permanent solution for the disposal of radioactive waste, removing the need for ongoing human intervention for future generations. Geological Disposal Facilities use engineered barriers to work alongside the natural barrier of deep, stable rock between 200 and 1000 metres below the surface. This multi-barrier approach isolates and contains waste to prevent radiation from ever reaching the surface environment at levels that could do harm. Once the waste is placed inside, the facility will eventually be closed allowing the radioactivity to naturally reduce without needing any further human interaction.

The NWS Property Value Protection (PVP) scheme is a support scheme and is only available to those who are able to demonstrate a compelling need to sell their property, yet have been unable to do so, other than at a substantially reduced price, due to the search for a suitable site to host a GDF in their community.

It is based upon previous public sector property assistance schemes such as those operated by Crossrail, High Speed 2 and National Highways.

This is a discretionary scheme, not one required by law. It recognises the importance of helping those eligible applicants who are most severely affected by the announcement of locations being considered to host a GDF.

This PVP scheme will remain in place until the Secretary of State approves communities to proceed to the site characterisation phase of development; or until a Community Partnership is dissolved following a decision, by either NWS or the relevant principal local authority(/ies), to stop consideration of a GDF in that community.

This document addresses some of the questions you may have as you consider whether you could potentially benefit from the PVP scheme.

2. Do I qualify for the scheme? 

To qualify for this PVP scheme, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Criteria 1: Qualifying Interest in the property
  • Criteria 2: Location of the property
  • Criteria 3: Effort to sell and the effect of the search for a suitable site to host a GDF
  • Criteria 4: No prior knowledge
  • Criteria 5: Compelling need to sell

You will need to provide evidence that you meet each of these criteria to support your application. The PVP Application Form, which is a separate document, includes a full list of information and documents you can use as evidence.

Further information on each of these criteria is set out in the PVP scheme Guidance.

3. Making an application 

3.1 Who can I speak to before sending in my application? 

  • Call our Helpdesk on 0300 369 0000
  • Email NWS

3.2 Where can I find an application form for the PVP scheme? 

3.3 Who manages the applications?

NWS. You will be given contact details for your PVP Case Officer who will be progressing your application and keeping in contact with you throughout.

3.4 How long will it take to consider my application?

As long as you have submitted all the information and documents correctly, we will aim to make a decision about your application within two months of receipt.

3.5 How long will the PVP scheme run for?

This PVP scheme will operate in each community where there is a Community Partnership until:

  • the Secretary of State approves NWS’s decision for that community to proceed to the site characterisation phase of development; or
  • until the siting process ends in that community following a decision by either NWS or the relevant principal local authority

Where a community moves forward into the site characterisation phase, we anticipate that new arrangements will be put in place to support affected property owners. For the avoidance of doubt, the site characterisation phase begins in a community when the Secretary of State approves NWS’s decision for that community to proceed to deep borehole characterisation.

If a community exits the siting process before the site characterisation phase begins in that community, any applications which have been received and acknowledged by the PVP Team will continue to be processed. Any applications which have been received and acknowledged but are awaiting additional evidence before the PVP Panel’s decision, that additional evidence must be provided within three months of the date of the community’s exit from the siting process, or the application will be deemed to have been withdrawn.

3.6 Can I submit a PVP application for a business or agricultural unit or premises?

Owner-occupiers or leaseholders with at least three years left on the lease of agricultural units, or business premises with an annual rateable value of not more than £36,000, can apply to the PVP scheme.

Any offer NWS make under the scheme would only be in relation to the unaffected open market value of the business premises. The scheme does not allow NWS to buy the actual business itself or to pay the costs of winding up or relocating a business.

3.7 I live in a mobile home (or park home or caravan). Can I apply to the PVP scheme?

Generally, someone living in a mobile home, park home or caravan would not be able to apply for the PVP scheme because they would not have a ‘qualifying interest’ in the land their home is on. You can speak to the PVP Team if you think you may have a qualifying interest. However, residential owner-occupiers, owner-occupiers of small businesses and owner-occupiers of agricultural units would qualify.

3.8 Does the property that I want to sell need to be either within, or a set distance from, the Search Area to qualify for the PVP scheme?

There is no set distance from the proposed Search Area to satisfy these criteria. However, the property would need to be close enough to the Search Area that it would likely be substantially adversely affected by either the construction or the operation of a GDF. It is likely therefore that eligible properties will be either within the Search Area or in very close proximity to it.

3.9 How does the PVP Panel reach a recommendation?

PVP Panel meetings will be scheduled as required to ensure timely decision making. Each Panel member will separately review all applications scheduled to be considered at that meeting.

The five Panel members will collectively then review the evidence the applicant has provided and record a recommendation. That recommendation will then be provided to the decision-maker.

Each PVP Panel member must declare, at the start of the meeting, that they have no conflict of interest. In the event that a PVP Panel member does identify a conflict consideration, that application would be deferred until the next PVP Panel meeting, where alternative Panel members will be used.

3.10 Can I discuss my case with the PVP Panel members or the decision-maker?

No. To make sure the application process is impartial and consistent, correspondence will be with the PVP Team only.

3.11 Is it usual to make more than one application to the PVP scheme?

Some applicants may be successful on their first application, while others may be unsuccessful at first but succeed after providing more information or following a change in their circumstances.

It is extremely unlikely that resubmitting an unsuccessful application on the same grounds, and with the same supporting evidence, would be successful.

If you are considering whether to reapply, NWS would encourage you to carefully review the reasons given by the decision-maker as to why your previous application was unsuccessful.

3.12 Can I appeal a decision if I am unsuccessful?

No, there is no appeal process.

3.13 Can I submit an application to the PVP scheme if I have received monies under another property hardship scheme for the same property?

You are allowed to make an application to the NWS PVP scheme even if you have received money under another property hardship scheme (statutory or voluntary) offered by another developer or the government for the same property but you are required to provide details of the monies or benefits that you received in the application form.