Transparency data

Proportion of bus services running on time

Bus services running on time annual figures.


Non-frequent bus services running on time by local authority: England

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Average excess waiting time for frequent services, by local authority: England

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Measurement template


DfT Business plan input indicator

Geographical coverage: England

Information broken down by: Local authority

Latest data

In the year ending March 2015, an estimated 83.4% of non-frequent bus services in England ran on time.

Most recent data
Year % on time
year ending March 2014 83.1
year ending March 2015 82.9
Percentage point change -0.2

In the year ending March 2015, an estimated 82.9% of non-frequent bus services in England ran on time (defined as between 1 minute early and 5 minutes 59 seconds late), an increase from 79.4% in 2007 to 2008. However, trends over time should be interpreted with caution as they can be affected by changes in methods used or reflect random variability arising from the nature of the data collection.

Frequent services do not operate in all areas. The proportion of non-frequent buses on time varies by local authority. In the year ending March 2015, the proportion ranged from 63% to 96%

Background information

Improved performance will see the on-time figures for ‘non-frequent’ bus services increase, and the excess waiting time for ‘frequent’ services decrease.

The data are supplied by local authorities and published by the Department for Transport - local authorities are given guidance to ensure consistency across the country, however as with all data collections there are likely to be some inconsistencies.

National figures are calculated by weighting the local authority data we receive; this weighting is based on the number of services in a particular local authority from the National Public Transport Data Repository (NPTDR) - further information is available in the measurement template.

Publishing schedule: annually
Last updated: 29 September 2015
Next update: Autumn 2016

Related bus statistics
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Further information

Business plan
Input and impact indicators

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Published 24 September 2013
Last updated 23 September 2014 show all updates
  1. Indicator updated to the latest data for year ending March 2014.

  2. First published.

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