Transparency data

Proportion of urban trips under 5 miles taken by (i) walking or cycling (ii) public transport

Impact indicator, disaggregated by region, published annually from May 2011.


Measurement template


Type of indicator: Impact indicator

Geographical coverage: England (data available for Great Britain up to 2012)

Information broken down by: Region

Latest data

In 2014, 37% of urban trips under 5 miles in England were taken by walking or cycling and 9% were taken by public transport.

Proportion of urban trips under 5 miles taken by (i) walking or cycling; (ii) public transport: England, 2011 to 2014

Year Walking or cycling Public transport All modes
2011 38% 9% 100%
2012 38% 8% 100%
2013 36% 10% 100%
2014 37% 9% 100%

For urban trips under 5 miles in England:

  • 37% were taken by walking or cycling in 2014, up from 36% in 2013
  • 9% were taken by public transport in 2014, down from 10% in 2013
  • the highest proportion of walking or cycling trips was in London (44%). The lowest proportions were in the North West and West Midlands (33%)
  • the highest proportion of public transport trips was in London (20%) and lowest in the East of England (4%)

Background information

The proportions of walking or cycling and public transport trips are calculated using the number of trips under 5 miles as reported in the National Travel Survey by residents living in urban areas. Based on the Rural-Urban Classification, urban areas are connected built-up areas that have resident populations above 10,000 people based on the 2011 Census.

  • publishing schedule: annual
  • last updated: 2 September 2015
  • next update: September 2016

The National Travel Survey (NTS) collects data on personal travel in Great Britain. The reports on trends in personal travel including key questions on how, why and when people travel for all age groups. Further information and statistics from the National Travel Survey is available.

Further information

Updates to this page

Published 13 December 2012
Last updated 30 July 2013 show all updates
  1. Updated the Business Plan Indicator page to include the National Travel Survey 2012 data.

  2. First published.

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