Playing fields and school land: selling or change of use
Guidance on protecting school playing fields and schools' powers to protect land.
Applies to England
This is for:
- local authorities
- academy trusts
- diocesan authorities
- governing bodies
- School Playing Field Advisory Panel
- sporting bodies
It applies to:
- local-authority-maintained schools
- special schools
- academies and free schools
It explains what to do before you can sell school playing field land, or change the way it is used.
Updates to this page
Published 11 March 2014Last updated 29 May 2015 + show all updates
Revised document to clarify the criteria on applying for permission to sell land or change the way it is used.
Revised document to clarify the criteria on applying for consent for the disposal of land or a change to its use.
Small amends to document.
Updated contact details in advice document.
Updated guidance
First published.