Yorkshire private finance project updates
Updated 20 October 2014
1. Selected bidder announced 17 October 2014
Education Funding Agency (EFA) has appointed Laing O’Rourke as the selected bidder with an estimated capital value of c£100 million to £150 million contract (as published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)) for the fourth private finance batch procured under the Priority School Building Programme (subject to the usual standstill period).
The batch consists of 7 secondary schools located across Bradford, Kirklees and North Yorkshire.
More than 8,100 pupils will benefit from the construction programme, as pupils at each school will be taught in new, purpose-built buildings. Laing O’Rourke will be responsible for the design and construction of the schools as well as the provision of maintenance and lifecycle services over a 25-year period.
The secondary schools included in this batch are:
- The Samuel Lister Academy, Bradford
- Oakbank, Bradford
- Carlton Bolling, Bradford
- Belle Vue Boys School, Bradford
- Whitcliffe Mount, Kirklees
- All Saints Catholic College, Kirklees
- Harrogate High School, North Yorkshire
The next stage for EFA, Laing O’Rourke and the schools is to engage in a 6-month detailed design selected bidder stage through to financial close. The target financial close date is early June 2015.
Construction is due to start from June 2015 through to July 2016 with 3 planned completions due in August 2016 and 4 in August 2017.
2. Shortlisting bidders
Following the release of the Yorkshire private finance batch of schools under the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP), EFA shortlisted 3 bidders to proceed to the next stage of the procurement process.
The PSBP Yorkshire private finance project is a batch of 7 secondary schools, and is the fourth of 5 privately-financed projects to be delivered through PSBP.
The 3 bidders invited to continue to the next stage were:
- BAM Construction Ltd
- Morgan Sindall
- Laing O’Rourke
3. Contact details
Queries regarding the batch of Schools should be addressed in the first instance to Yorks-PF.PSBP@education.gsi.gov.uk.