Public Bodies 2013
Details of the broad range of public bodies, sometimes known as quangos, sponsored by the UK government.
The 2013 release of Public Bodies aims to provide a single transparent statement on a broad range of bodies sponsored by the UK government. All data is as at 31 March 2013 unless otherwise indicated.
The data contained in this report represents management information that is provided in the interests of improving transparency in the public bodies sector. They are not official statistics. Unless stated otherwise a common reporting date of 31 March 2013 is used. More recently updated information may be available, eg data is published by sponsoring departments and the Office for National Statistics. In addition, related information on public appointments is published by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
You can also read Progress on public bodies reform: December 2013 for more detail about progress against specific targets.
Data updates
We have published updates to the original Public Bodies 2013 dataset, showing the position as at 31 March 2014 and 31 December 2013. The updates exclude financial and full-time equivalent (FTE) figures, as this data isn’t audited during the year. For ease of reference, changes are shown with a yellow highlight, and bodies that ceased to exist are shown in red.
Updates to this page
Added Public Bodies 2013 data directory update as at 31 March 2014.
Public Bodies data directory correct as at 31 December 2013 has been added.
Added charts showing number of NDPBs for each department as well as expenditure and staffing.
Changes to all attachments to correct a previous error in the expenditure of the Olympic Delivery Authority.
First published.