
Public health commissioning in the NHS 2013 to 2014

This agreement sets out outcomes to be achieved and funding provided for NHS England to commission public health services.

Applies to England


Neonatal BCG Immunisation Programme

Hib/MenC Immunisation Programme

Pneumococcal Immunisation Programme

NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

Breast Screening Programme

Cervical Screening

Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

Sexual Assault Services

Rotavirus Immunisation Programme

Shingles Immunisation Programme


The agreement sets out how NHS England is accountable for the delivery of certain public health services and gives details of arrangements for expert support from Public Health England. The service specifications provide details of the public health evidence and advice needed to support effective commissioning.

These documents are a collaborative variation to the agreement made in November 2012.

Updates to this page

Published 15 November 2012
Last updated 1 May 2013 show all updates
  1. 'Public Health Functions to be Exercised by NHS England: Variation to the 2013 to 2014 Agreement' added to set out changes to 'Public Health Functions to be Exercised by NHS Commissioning Board'. New service specifications and replacement service specifications added, details on page 13 of 'Public Health Functions to be Exercised by NHS England: Variation to the 2013 to 2014 Agreement.'

  2. First published.

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